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U.S. coronavirus crisis takes a sharp political turn

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25 minutes ago, WalkingOrders said:

Twitter links do not play unless you have a twitter account.

Not necessary, the picture says enough. 

And I don't have a Twitter account but it does play.

1 hour ago, WalkingOrders said:

Twitter links do not play unless you have a twitter account.

I also can see and read it fine. I wouldn't touch twitter with a sanitised barge pole. 

9 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

I agree. Like people who run away from the draft, they're cowards. Don't you agree?

Joe Biden got five draft deferments. By your standard, he's a coward, yes?

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8 hours ago, Phoenix Rising said:

A sanitized NYC will be desanitized as soon as the virus carriers return. Anyway, how many New Yorkers can afford a vacation in the countryside these days?

My guess is not too many.

And even less will be able to afford to do anything the longer everyone is locked up.

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4 hours ago, Crazy Alex said:

You're operating on less information than needed to make an honest and proper judgment. So here's reality: Biden got his deferments to go to college. It well after the five student deferments that he was ruled unfit to serve due to childhood asthma. Thus, your argument is completely obliterated.


"Biden received his Juris Doctor in 1968, graduating 76th of 85 in his class. He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969. Biden received student draft deferments during this period. After completing his studies, the Selective Service System classified him as unavailable for service due to a history of asthma."




Now I recall it was YOU who brought up people dodging the draft being cowards. Surely you won't step away from your principles now that you've been shown the facts.


Is Joe Biden a coward?

Well, at least, unlike Trump, he did not publicly lie about it.

"Trump failed to mention his medical deferment when he told ABC News on July 19, 2015, that he was never drafted because the draft lottery went into effect and his birthday came with a high number.

"If I would have gotten a low number, I would have been drafted. I would have proudly served," he said. "But I got a number, I think it was 356. That’s right at the very end. And they didn't get -- I don’t believe -- past even 300, so I was -- I was not chosen because of the fact that I had a very high lottery number."


"I would have proudly served,"



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10 hours ago, riclag said:

They MSM, and the dems use to treat Mr. Trump in a different way back in the day! Instead of joining to combat the virus and support the resurgence of a new economy,

they attack and ridicule  him and the forgotten people,no matter what he does!

These two forces will continue to divide America they seize on every god damm moment it seems,la resistance!

I have never ever seen what seems like a scorched earth policy perpetrated on a Administration and people by the dems and their propaganda machine!


Trump is the one dividing. He sets up a task force and appoints every repub senate member except one.


Mit romney, the guy that voted for one of the counts of impeachment.

  • Haha 1
42 minutes ago, candide said:

Well, at least, unlike Trump, he did not publicly lie about it.

"Trump failed to mention his medical deferment when he told ABC News on July 19, 2015, that he was never drafted because the draft lottery went into effect and his birthday came with a high number.

"If I would have gotten a low number, I would have been drafted. I would have proudly served," he said. "But I got a number, I think it was 356. That’s right at the very end. And they didn't get -- I don’t believe -- past even 300, so I was -- I was not chosen because of the fact that I had a very high lottery number."


"I would have proudly served,"



Your dodge is hereby rejected. Let's try this again:


You're operating on less information than needed to make an honest and proper judgment. So here's reality: Biden got his deferments to go to college. It well after the five student deferments that he was ruled unfit to serve due to childhood asthma. Thus, your argument is completely obliterated.


"Biden received his Juris Doctor in 1968, graduating 76th of 85 in his class. He was admitted to the Delaware bar in 1969. Biden received student draft deferments during this period. After completing his studies, the Selective Service System classified him as unavailable for service due to a history of asthma."




Now I recall it was YOU who brought up people dodging the draft being cowards. Surely you won't step away from your principles now that you've been shown the facts.


The poster I responded to says Trump is a coward for getting draft deferments. Let's test your moral principles. Based on the poster's standard, is Joe Biden a coward? Was he a draft dodger? Yes or no?

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Let's see how this expose of trump administration denials plays out...



The Washington Post reported Sunday that over a dozen Americans working at the World Health Organization provided “real-time” information about the emerging coronavirus to the White House, seeming to undercut President Trump’s accusations that the WHO failed to communicate the extent of the disease’s threat. 



They'll ignore.

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2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

They'll ignore.

Or go down the usual route - hoax, traitors, scum and so on

On 4/18/2020 at 4:54 AM, bkk6060 said:

Are you angry?

4 more years.

I guarantee it.

Hope so .Trump is far better than anything else available .I am not a fan though and know he is a slave to Israel.

9 hours ago, candide said:

On top of it, each of the 34 WHO's executive board members has been nominated by his country. So delegates of the US, Germany, Japan, Australia, etc... participated in all the talks and voted every decision. They are well positioned to be able to inform their country' administration about any information available to the WHO and about any debate or controversy.

The US board member is currently Deputy Director, Multilateral Relations, Office of Global Affairs at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

What is your point? all of these I gotcha articles from this source  and that source ,even  a  2018 group of experts, is just another  ,in the grand scheme of all  Covid, I gotcha negative articles levied against the POTUS,don't mean nothing! Why! Well, the should of ,could of, never happen.  It was downplayed by the head of infectious disease,or what ever his #1 status in the world is. And that head of the WHO also was recommending to not restrict travel and trade ,when advising member countries.

 Fauci: "On Jan. 21, he emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person: “Is it a continual spread? Is it sustained? We're not quite sure yet.” A University of Minnesota expert offered that “this is one of those inflection moments in outbreak history where we have enough information to be very concerned, but not enough information to say this is going to be an international crisis.”


 So the haters can go back to when christ was born and play monday morning quarterback! Everything covid rest with Fauci, past,present and now


15 minutes ago, riclag said:

What is your point? all of these I gotcha articles from this source  and that source ,even  a  2018 group of experts, is just another  ,in the grand scheme of all  Covid, I gotcha negative articles levied against the POTUS,don't mean nothing! Why! Well, the should of ,could of, never happen.  It was downplayed by the head of infectious disease,or what ever his #1 status in the world is.

 Fauci: "On Jan. 21, he emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person: “Is it a continual spread? Is it sustained? We're not quite sure yet.” A University of Minnesota expert offered that “this is one of those inflection moments in outbreak history where we have enough information to be very concerned, but not enough information to say this is going to be an international crisis.”


 So the haters can go back to when christ was born and play monday morning quarterback! Everything covid rest with Fauci, past,present and now


For once you are absolutely correct.  It doesn't mean nothing.

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30 minutes ago, Sujo said:

No it lies with trump. You know, the guy who knows so much about it even the experts are amazed at his knowledge.


The same trump who said he has incredible power and authority to do what he likes.


The same trump that contradicts fauci at every so called briefing that turns out to be a ralky instead.


The same trump who held 4 rallies after being told it would be a pandemic. That same trump who knew before anyone that it was a pandemic but still held those 4 rallies.


But its ok, its the fake news and dems and chinas fault that the whitehouse response to the virus is a complete disgrace. Its always someone elses fault even though he is the all powerful one.

Sources for 4 rallies after the pandemic was announced by the sketchy WHO on March 11,.

Sources that said every briefing he contradicts fauci


The context of that statement of his power, comes from the office , His number one duty is the responsibility  to safe guard Americans.

I get that you hate my countries President,You also must hate his experts who advise him too! If you do hate his advisers then your entitled to your opinion I guess

50 minutes ago, riclag said:

What is your point? all of these I gotcha articles from this source  and that source ,even  a  2018 group of experts, is just another  ,in the grand scheme of all  Covid, I gotcha negative articles levied against the POTUS,don't mean nothing! Why! Well, the should of ,could of, never happen.  It was downplayed by the head of infectious disease,or what ever his #1 status in the world is. And that head of the WHO also was recommending to not restrict travel and trade ,when advising member countries.

 Fauci: "On Jan. 21, he emphasized that it was unclear whether the virus could spread from person to person: “Is it a continual spread? Is it sustained? We're not quite sure yet.” A University of Minnesota expert offered that “this is one of those inflection moments in outbreak history where we have enough information to be very concerned, but not enough information to say this is going to be an international crisis.”


 So the haters can go back to when christ was born and play monday morning quarterback! Everything covid rest with Fauci, past,present and now




The difference between Fauci and Trump is that Fauci's position evolved according to the information available, while the stable genius went on downplaying the epidemic for weeks.

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12 minutes ago, riclag said:

Sources for 4 rallies after the pandemic was announced by the sketchy WHO on March 11,.

Sources that said every briefing he contradicts fauci


The context of that statement of his power, comes from the office , His number one duty is the responsibility  to safe guard Americans.

I get that you hate my countries President,You also must hate his experts who advise him too! If you do hate his advisers then your entitled to your opinion I guess

So why does he blame the governors when he has the power.


He believes he has that.power even though he doesnt.


His advisors like ivanka and jared are not exactly qualified. Pence is good for praying.


He certainly hasnt done anything to safeguard anyone. Hows his golf going?

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5 hours ago, riclag said:

And that head of the WHO also was recommending to not restrict travel and trade ,when advising member countries.

A common misinformation spin by trump and his supporters. What the WHO actually stated was...


No need to “unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade.”  “We call on all countries to implement decisions that are evidence-based and consistent.”





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I trust Mods will permit in this topic as it should assist in comprehension with the debate. it not can the Mods move to a suitable forum?


A trump supporter member posted at the end of a post that he is a Paleo Conservative Isolationist which triggered my curiosity so did a bit of research. it would seem trump is aligned to Paleoconservatism ideology, which shed some light, for me, on trump's political stance and actions. Personally I refute the ideology, but it does assist to understand what motivates trump (unless he is utilising the ideology for purely cynical political purposes) and some trump supporters in their commentary e.g. in TV trump related topics such as this one. For those interested...







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