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Trump says he will suspend all immigration into U.S. over coronavirus

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3 minutes ago, stevenl said:

"you seem to be able to differentiate it anymore"

Thanks, as you say, I can differentiate. Missing something in your text?


I posted a post with a typo congratulations for catching it. We all need small victories in life. You are the winner will you bestow upon me a participation award?

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Trump says he will suspend all immigration into U.S. over coronavirus

,on the same day that oil prices tanked...

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1 hour ago, AussieBob18 said:

You misunderstand the quote and who wrote it.  ????


You are taking the 'liberal view' that Trump is bad and is racist and is a nazi - and I know you will not change that view.


But I take the view that Trump is a rude arrogant New York billionaire who's heart is in the right place, and who is trying to do the right thing for most Americans.  I take the view that what he has been saying for decades, and what he said to get elected, and what he is doing as POTUS, is what is the right thing to do for most Americans.  I take the view that he is definitely 'clumsy' and not an experienced smooth-talking deceitful two-faced politician. And I take the view that is why he was elected and will be re-elected. I take the view that Trump is fighting against the grain and going against decades of liberal left-wing doctrine that has infested western societies - and they hate him for that.  I take the view that he is doing his best and that a weaker man would have succumbed to all the hatred and abuse by now. But I also take the view that he has done that, because he is a rude arrogant New York billionaire (water off a duck's back) - and I take the view that he is 'immune' to liberal hate.

Quite brilliant, if I may say so.

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Just now, Cryingdick said:


Don't worry the Saudis have a day of reckoning coming soon. Trump will prop up the oil workers. In the meantime we don't need foreign workers coming in.

Yeah, right...

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A flame has been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

3 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Over 22M American citizens out of work, due to the shutdown.  Foreign-workers were destroying citizen's lives before this virus - now the pressure to STOP this has reached a boiling-point, due to the virus.

Trump was elected - with the support of many 2x Obama voters (not 'racists') - on the promise of allowing tens of millions of Americans return to their formerly middle-class paying careers (skilled-tradesmen, food-packing, etc), which had been driven down to bare-subsistence wages, due to being put in direct-competition with millions (over a million per-year "legally" plus the illegal contingent) coming in from poor countries, who were willing to work for minimum-wage (or less, in the case of the illegal aliens).


Trump's failure to keep this core policy promise as president led to losing the Republican majority in the House in 2018, and risks losing the presidential-race in 2020.  If getting their good careers back is not an option after all - because Trump reversed his policy upon taking-office - then govt-handouts are "better than nothing" while being dirt-poor.  This is how Obama won twice - the opposing party blamed the citizen-poor for the govt's decision to allow foreign workers to destroy their formerly good-paying careers.

The policy does not relate to foreign workers, so your post is irrelevant.

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

Care to explain why this decision was made now and not one month ago?

Happening now, because of huge pressure from many of the most popular voices for his base, who have drawn attention to the fact that Trump was continuing the "National Chamber of Commerce" / "bring in workers" policy (is bi-partisan - they lobby for cheap labor), even after 22M+ Americans lost their jobs. 

1 minute ago, JackThompson said:

Happening now, because of huge pressure from many of the most popular voices for his base, who have drawn attention to the fact that Trump was continuing the "National Chamber of Commerce" / "bring in workers" policy (is bi-partisan - they lobby for cheap labor), even after 22M+ Americans lost their jobs. 


It's happening now because there is no longer a choice.

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2 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


How recently? Let's see if there is clarification you know when pandemics hit... things change. With the recent unemployment the thesis for needing lots of foreign workers is no longer valid. Maybe we can let the people of NYC move to Yuma Arizona and pick lemons when they are evacuated and have no job.

Plenty of poor Americans in Arizona who will do it.  Just need to offer a decent-wage.  Lemons might go up in price by 2-cents/pound, if the workers got a $15/hr raise to ~$23/hr.  Watch video of a lemon-picker working - do the math on how many pounds/hr they pick. 


That change would take those Citizens off the welfare rolls, lead to increased consumer-spending, and bring in lots of tax-revenue, as well. 

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2 hours ago, Cryingdick said:


I guess I am just happy that all of the previous talk of open borders has now been completely rejected hopefully forever. 

So, you hope that your borders will be closed forever??? Does that mean that you also would like Thailand to close their borders forever, for US citizens, or is it only your mislead patriotism to protect your country of all evil but still have the possibility to come and go in all other countries that is talking?

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10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

Well at least you will be okay over there in paradise right?

I am ok, thanks for asking. No idea what that has to do with my post though. 

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3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I am ok, thanks for asking. No idea what that has to do with my post though. 

 It suggests you may not be aware of what is happening here. I don't think you know how desperate conditions are going to become in the next 6 months here.

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2 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

No, that is what the fees on remittance payments was going to pay for.  Trump could have done this via a treasury regulation, as stated in his 2016-campaign immigraiton-policy document.


Mexico's 2nd largest source of revenue after oil (will be 1st, this year) is money sent to Mexico from their citizens in the USA.  For many nations in Central America, it is their top single-source of income. 


These remittances, like trade-deficits, drain capital out of the USA economy - making All Americans Poorer.  Carlos Slim has enough money, already - Americans do not need to subsidize him further.  Those paychecks need to return to middle-class levels, and be earned and spent by American citizens.

You think the trump administration / republicans would take any meaningful action for increasing the wage for unskilled labour - haven't they been fighting such changes for years?

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8 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

 It suggests you may not be aware of what is happening here. I don't think you know how desperate conditions are going to become in the next 6 months here.

 I’m fully aware that worldwide covid-19 has devastated economies and that people worldwide are suffering. 

However, my point was that I do not believe trump’s temporary 60 day ban, that only affects those seeking permanent residence in the USA, being vaguely announced on the day oil prices tanked is a coincidence. 

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Just now, simple1 said:

You think the trump administration / republicans would take any meaningful action for increasing the wage for unskilled labour - haven't they been fighting such changes for years?


Until very recently wages were increasing. If you actually look today wages have also increased for the very few working by $2-$3 an hour. That's Amazon and Walmart jobs. You want to know why wages stagnated so long? This won't be popular but for a very long time women entered the work force and often took less. 


It used to be you had one person earning and covered the whole household. As millions more workers entered the work force getting paid much less until recently wages didn't budge.


It was a supply glut of workers and we are going to experience a glut of job seekers again very soon. We may have to stop buying an iPad for every kid we have and go back to living in single income households.

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1 hour ago, AussieBob18 said:

You misunderstand the quote and who wrote it.  ????


You are taking the 'liberal view' that Trump is bad and is racist and is a nazi - and I know you will not change that view.


But I take the view that Trump is a rude arrogant New York billionaire who's heart is in the right place, and who is trying to do the right thing for most Americans.  I take the view that what he has been saying for decades, and what he said to get elected, and what he is doing as POTUS, is what is the right thing to do for most Americans.  I take the view that he is definitely 'clumsy' and not an experienced smooth-talking deceitful two-faced politician. And I take the view that is why he was elected and will be re-elected. I take the view that Trump is fighting against the grain and going against decades of liberal left-wing doctrine that has infested western societies - and they hate him for that.  I take the view that he is doing his best and that a weaker man would have succumbed to all the hatred and abuse by now. But I also take the view that he has done that, because he is a rude arrogant New York billionaire (water off a duck's back) - and I take the view that he is 'immune' to liberal hate.

I take the view that Trump saw a rhetorical-path to the presidency - Americans FED UP with being replaced and their livlihoods destroyed by cheap foreign workers - and used it.


Upon taking office, he betrayed his base by not keeping his promises on immigration.  He hired the same people any R-POTUS would have hired (wall st + "council on foreign-relations" hacks / swampers), and carried out the policies that any typical R would have taken.  The only difference was the tweets - which are not policy-action.  He continued Obama's policy of only going after Illegal Aliens who committed "additional crimes," and the "bi-partisan" supported work-visa programs, which are destroying both blue and white collar careers.


At this point, it is back to voting for the 'lesser of evils', again.  But with Biden on the other side, and Biden's party supporting More of the Worst Policies (more immigration and "friendlier" to China), Trump definitely wins that meager test.

  • Confused 2
2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Believe all you want,! I believe this temporary suspension is just a ploy designed to deflect away from bad news. “Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”


There is always something behind it. This is no different with Trump. It is an obvious message to the oil producers of the USA as well as avoiding a health threat. Here is a tip buy oil, the commodity not a stock. It is pretty well spelled out. It's a two way play.

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