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Details on a Covid-19 vaccine soon, Anutin promises


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48 minutes ago, Mattd said:

Exactly, Coronaviruses are very difficult to vaccinate against, medical science has truly achieved wonders over the years, organ transplants etc. etc. however, it has never managed to develop a vaccination that has successfully killed off a Coronavirus and more than likely never will.

A lot of the time this talk is to placate the masses.

Even if they ever do develop a successful vaccine, it will take a very long time to produce enough to vaccinate 7.5 Billion people!

There you go, I agree 100%

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12 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Read a report that a Yank  company named Gilead Science is already in the third stage of testing.

They are trialing the effectiveness of an existing aids drug for treatment. Not a vaccine. But many other institutions are just about beginning human trials of promising vaccines. Plenty of articles on those that I won’t bother to link as I’m sure everyone has seen them.

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13 hours ago, Thailand said:

They are going to try to develop it, not in progress and they are going to beat the rest of the world.

They are going to have to move fast.  Latest data is almost 80 vaccines in some phase of pre-clinical or clinical testing.



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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“The virus will be disabled once its vaccine is developed...."

Unfortunately, many anti-vaxxers, and others will refuse to take a vaccine.  Some estimates as high as 30% of humans will refuse 

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12 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Read a report that a Yank  company named Gilead Science is already in the third stage of testing.

They are researching a treatment drug "remdesivir" which is showing encouraging results so far.


Can't find anything on them developing a vaccine ?

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1 minute ago, Skallywag said:

Unfortunately, many anti-vaxxers, and others will refuse to take a vaccine.  Some estimates as high as 30% of humans will refuse 

I have never understood this but I have also heard many won't take vaccines, in fact I know one who who is adamant he does want any "chemical put in his body". In this case I would think and hope they make it the exception. i will be first in the line to have it pumped into me...


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There isn't a vaccine made yet that we know of, but we should all be wary of the one that is chosen to be used. Many pharma companies big and small are working on them, but the worry is that the one approved either comes from China or from the Gates foundation. Both had prior knowledge (and patents) of the Covid19 virus before it was unleashed on the world, which in theory has given them a head start on the competition. Not wanting to start another conspiracy theory discussion but there is something completely fishy about this whole sorry episode. 

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good luck. hope all goes well. more than 1 vaccine is ok in this world. but there is a warning...there is huge fake news mixed with the truth, lies, wrong info, etc. this will make taking the vaccine very questionable. this issue of trust must be addressed by thailand and the WHO. we cannot trust USA because they have a for-profit health care system. they also do not support WHO. so....my question is what does it take for the general public to jump on board and take a new vaccine. my baby born 10 years ago had a vaccine card. they list 48 vaccines she needed. hummm.  

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13 hours ago, Andy from Kent said:


Read a report that a Yank  company named Gilead Science is already in the third stage of testing.

I think you're confusing a vaccine with a therapy.  Gilead Science is currently well down the road in testing Remdesivir for the treatment of covid19.

In the meantime, two very different vaccines start human trials today in the UK.  As both vaccines are so different, the failure of one will not bring down the other.  They have said that if trials go well, then a vaccine will be available for manufacture by September.  That shows a lot of optimism.  Even if it's developed to their timescale, it will still take some time for manufacture and be available to the public. Fingers crossed.

Edited by HHTel
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49 minutes ago, khaowong1 said:

I've been told by some pretty good health professionals, that there is no vaccine for this, that hell, they still don't have a vaccine for polio.  That vaccines for the common flu don't even work.  Their suggestions, be aware of your surroundings, wash your hands, eat healthy, take your vitamin C's, get plenty of rest.  And try not to get coughed on.  

Polio vaccine was developed by Salk in the fifties and has been given to children in the US since 2000.


Do some reading on the efficacy of Vitamin C.  The biggest con job ever.

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Not sure where Khaowong1 got the idea that there's no vaccine for polio.  The first one was developed in 1950.  There were others developed after that. Jonas Salk developed his vaccine in 1955 and the oral vaccine came into play in 1961.

There are two vaccines that have all but eliminated polio globally.


Both vaccines are on the WHO's list of essential vaccines. 

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1 hour ago, ChrisY1 said:

"The virus will be disabled once its vaccine is developed."......spoken by one with the intelligence of a split pea!

Seems to me the overall medications needed are, and very happy to be corrected by our medical experts:


- A vaccine so that those vaccinated won't get infected or their immune systems will reject the virus taking hold.


- A shorter-term preventative medicine, to be taken when a person enters a known virus area and having taken the preventative medicine their system will reject the virus.


- A medication to treat folks who are unlucky enough to catch the virus (test proves positive) and to hopefully kill the infection quickly and hopefully stop complications and death. 



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2 hours ago, scorecard said:

And the first meeting will be abandoned because one (or more) of the committee members didn't show up. And when contacted he said 'but my maid didn't turn up to make my coffee and my wife refuses to do domestic tasks, which I respect'.  

Just wondering whether the PM's younger brother (and his hi-so wife) are on yet another committee?

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15 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:
15 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


They've got a blueprint... Next they need ? A committee, that's what they need next...

And a General........ 

General Knowledge and a soldier - Private Parts, to test it on.

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