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SURVEY: Time to open up or not?


SURVEY: Time to open up or not?  

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Got to connect the dots. This C-19 stuff has been hyped by the authorities to initiate fear, One of the most potent of human emotions. Fear makes humans seek lifelines. The dark side has the answers for us all.


This is just the start. In a few years time, children will not be able to go to school unless they have been vaccinated and as for flying; forget it (unless you comply Chinese style).

Edited by owl sees all
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9 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

Says any microbiologist with a minumum statistical ability. I am one. Not all will die of course. 

You are bloody lucky. Thai seems to have got away with it. 

so made up then? 

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11 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

Says any microbiologist with a minumum statistical ability. I am one. Not all will die of course. 

You are bloody lucky. Thai seems to have got away with it. 

Thailand has 'got away with it' for a number of reasons. Nothing to do with luck; or religion!

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11 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

so made up then? 

Your not being flexible enough with the statistics, don't worry about making them "fit for purpose", no one else is in the least bit worried about accuracy! 

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23 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

I am one. Not all will die of course. 

You are bloody lucky. Thai seems to have got away with it. 

You make a statement about your level of expertise when your conclusion is "bloody lucky" Do all that ply your trade work to such exacting standards?

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45 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

 An asymptomatic carrier can infect 60000 people indirectly. How many deaths do you want on your hands. 

And somebody gave it to the one asymptomatic carrier, see how that works. The only hands these deaths are on, are the hands of a bat, a lab worker, or someone in China.


Governments have had their play time to slow down the virus, now it's time for everyone to be exposed and hope for the best.


We're all going to get this. Do others not know that?

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Oh and for you smokers, like me, out there, there is positive news:


The rate of current daily smokers was significantly lower in COVID-19 outpatients and inpatients (80.3% and 75.4%, respectively), as compared to that in the French general population with standardized incidence ratios according to sex and age of 0.197 [0.094 - 0.41] and 0.246 [0.148 - 0.408].


Conclusions and relevance: Our cross sectional study in both COVID-19 out- and inpatients strongly suggests that daily smokers have a very much lower probability of developing symptomatic or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection as compared to the general population.



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38 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

I am amazed by the empathy.

It really is sad, "humanity" collective beings feeling love and empathy for each other ????

No better than the "governments" who lied to get people to agree to the shutdown, their justification was to "flatten" the curve, the curve is flat! now they have resorted to "keep everyone safe"! Moved the goalposts, policy now appears to be to cause economic and social chaos, driving "Kill Bills: agenda, or something more sinister, the selfish backed up by the Orwellian Police force will do all they can to help drive the new policy, as long as they believe they will benefit, even if it is at the expense of their fellow humans! ????

Those that continue to watch and believe the MSM are like a totally different species now, with only their fear driven physic defences to rely on!

United we stand ????

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3 minutes ago, CGW said:

It really is sad, "humanity" collective beings feeling love and empathy for each other ????

No better than the "governments" who lied to get people to agree to the shutdown, their justification was to "flatten" the curve, the curve is flat! now they have resorted to "keep everyone safe"! Moved the goalposts, policy now appears to be to cause economic and social chaos, driving "Kill Bills: agenda, or something more sinister, the selfish backed up by the Orwellian Police force will do all they can to help drive the new policy, as long as they believe they will benefit, even if it is at the expense of their fellow humans! ????

Those that continue to watch and believe the MSM are like a totally different species now, with only their fear driven physic defences to rely on!

United we stand ????

Creepy indeed, i was aware of the totalitarianism coming soon or later, but i never thought it would have been so easy to screw the whole population with so little effort.

At the moment we are all prisoners, but someone seems not to be aware of it yet.

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If it should never have closed and just let people deal with it my suggestion is to ban anyone with covid from going to hospital. Let them deal with it themselves as its not fair to inundate hospitals with idiots.

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More than 20,000 People die in road traffic accidents in Thailand every year - No one seams to worry and no one seams to care enough to implement the necessary regulations and enforcement to prevent this carnage.


51 people (as of 26 April 2020) die from COVID-19 in Thailand - and everyone looses their mind.


That is not even a 1 in a million chance of death from COVID-19 in a country of 65 million people.


Why are people in Thailand worrying so much about this virus, when there are so many other things that can kill you today?







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24 minutes ago, mauGR1 said:

At the moment we are all prisoners, but someone seems not to be aware of it yet.

Exactly! now they have the power and control they will never willingly give it up. I have said for the last couple of years that all the hoops Thai immigration were putting in place were for a more sinister reason - driven by someone other than them! 

Now not a great time to be young unless you are into bondage and slavery! :shock1:

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7 minutes ago, SteveB2 said:

That is not even a 1 in a million chance of death from COVID-19 in a country of 65 million people.

You need a good dose of the MSM, death is imminent if you don't obey! Sad times!


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25 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Let them deal with it themselves as its not fair to inundate hospitals with idiots.

The old school approach, throw them outside to die alone, silly me thought hospitals were for sick people - that's how they make there money?

Another one not big on compassion and empathy ????

Hope you get to try out your rules ???? sure you wouldn't want to be bothering anyone ????

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There are plausible arguments on some news channels and political discussion shows that the death rate from COVID-19 has been highly overestimated.  It appears that the low number of people tested made it appear that the death rate would be 3% rather then the 0.3% that is now indicated.  For the sake of the economy in various countries it seems to be a good idea to have a gradual reopening with social distancing.  Let's see what happens with the infection and death rates in some of the American states that are opening up.  As a 77-year-old man with pre-existing conditions, I will continue to be careful.  There are many details about the virus that we still don't know.

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2 hours ago, oznomad said:

Keep everything closed.

Reopening is like saying "I only have a bit of syphilis left, so I am ready for some boom boom" 

Yes but apparently syphilis is easy too cure in its early stages unlike this beauti ????

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18 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

For the sake of the economy in various countries it seems to be a good idea to have a gradual reopening with social distancing.  Let's see what happens with the infection and death rates in some of the American states that are opening up.  As a 77-year-old man with pre-existing conditions, I will continue to be careful.  There are many details about the virus that we still don't know.

I am not young too anymore and I think we at our age are not very important. If we die they don't have to support us anymore and younger people will inherit our money and spend it and move into our homes with their families.

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2 minutes ago, Oldie said:

I am not young too anymore and I think we at our age are not very important. If we die they don't have to support us anymore and younger people will inherit our money and spend it and move into our homes with their families.

I'll bet you're a barrel of laughs at a party, Oldie.  ????

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12 hours ago, Cali farong said:

Leave it to the people not the government.  Stay home if you feel it’s not safe.

Won't work like that.  The goal is to 'flatten the curve' -- not so much as targeted safety of some...  The lockdown with mandatory social distancing only works if you have pretty much everyone except for essential workers locked down (as in the way China did it).   If you leave it up to the individual and some hid and some did not - the rate of infection would go back to a more normal exponential growth and overwhelmed health care system.  It is basically an all or nothing proposition (within designated borders). 


If the numbers are honest and correct - most provinces should only require a track and trace only with the exception of maybe Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket and southern provinces though.  It is also not a solution that is to be implemented that reduces it to zero, just reduce it to a lower containable number and give time for widespread testing and tracing to be implemented.  Once the testing and tracing is implemented properly the large lockdowns should be able to be removed and more granular lockdowns of blocks and regions reinstated as there is an uptick in those testing positive.  The social distancing should continue and bars should remain close (with maybe outdoor ones that only have a couple patrons typically).  What is happening right now is many countries are only really doing half-ossed lockdowns without the required testing and tracing...


Borders to hotspots (US, UK, EU) should remain shut until they get their act together.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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4 hours ago, CGW said:

You make a statement about your level of expertise when your conclusion is "bloody lucky" Do all that ply your trade work to such exacting standards?

There often is a great deal of randomness in disease.  When you look at a bell curve, don't forget that there are a few cases that fall in the very small head and tail sections.  They definitely do exist.  It's perfectly normal.


In my current career (consisting of many millions of random trials), I've seen both end sections of the bell curve.  I like one much better than the other.

Edited by gamb00ler
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14 hours ago, Ventenio said:

I think kids under 30 don't care, feel immune, and they usually don't have kids or think too deeply about mortality.


if older than 60, depends.  if single, keep it closed.  if they have kids who are financially suffering due to covid, open it up.  depends again


if government worker, close it forever


if business worker, open it forever


if student, whatever...pass the weed


if mother, probably keep it closed and do everything for longer


so it depends i think


i say open it up AFTER China pays us each 1 TRILLION.....if you pay me, i'll be a sheep.  


Then close it forever because no way China will pay.


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7 hours ago, CGW said:

Exactly! now they have the power and control they will never willingly give it up. I have said for the last couple of years that all the hoops Thai immigration were putting in place were for a more sinister reason - driven by someone other than them! 

Now not a great time to be young unless you are into bondage and slavery! :shock1:

I don't think it will go crazy like your suggesting but one never can tell for sure.  For the current situation allowing some regulations to be withdrawn will allow a small crack to open which will relieve some of the pressure being felt.  In the long run there could be some more hurdles for the foreigners to jump.

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10 hours ago, ParkerN said:


That's probably a statement from someone who has not been infected.  Whilst everybody's entitled to an opinion, and in general, having an opinion is better than not having an opinion, I think I'd be inclined to take it more seriously if it had been prefixed by the words "I am a recovered COVID-19 patient".



I think I had it in December but can't be sure without the antibody test. Two + weeks of dry hard cough. Either way I think we should have all rolled the dice. Otherwise you'd never cross a street.

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