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'It's not about you': Democrats bet Trump coronavirus response a 2020 winner for Biden

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16 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

If only I could dream . . . 


Come November we'll revisit this post, O.K.?

I always have pity on the fallen. He will probably lead his flock to his greatest deliverance. 

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1 minute ago, Eric Loh said:

I always have pity on the fallen. He will probably lead his flock to his greatest deliverance. 

Seriously, come November we'll revisit your post.  No joke.  Fair enough?

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A post using a trolling comment in reference to President Trump has been removed.  If you do not want you posts to be removed, please learn to spell people's names correctly. 

3 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Seriously, come November we'll revisit your post.  No joke.  Fair enough?

I surely will be here to meet you election eve. Will you admit ANYTHING if he loses is my only question?


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14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.


A troll post trolling about golfing has been removed. 

23 hours ago, simple1 said:


On 4/28/2020 at 4:52 PM, Tippaporn said:


On 4/28/2020 at 3:58 PM, simple1 said:


On 4/28/2020 at 3:23 PM, Tippaporn said:

For one, even if we go along with your assumption that Trump misjudged Xi that's certainly not a crime nor does it even suggest incompetence.  No one makes perfect calls 100% of the time.  You know that but choose to paint your perception as an unforgivable error which lead to disastrous consequences.  There were no such consequences resulting from Trump's praise.  It's a complete non-issue.


You then paint Trump's early assessment of COVID as denial, a term you deliberately chose to suggest that the seriousness of COVID was already so well known that only a fool would deny the gravity of the situation and not respond properly.  At that time the intelligence agencies were reporting on COVID's potential.  No one knew where it was headed but now you want to play armchair quarterback.  Also, where is your mention of every other major political figure who was downplaying COVID at the same time?  What about Nancy Pelosi?  What about de Blasio?  What about all of the MSM outlets who guested M.D.'s downplaying it?  Why do you ignore them and focus only on Trump?  (I know why.)


Remember, too, ABC's bombshell story that said a report was issued in November by the National Center for Medical Intelligence that supposedly warned of a pandemic.  The Pentagon responded that no such report existed.  Hence fake news.  Some might think the media was already setting the narrative to try and make it look like Trump ignored 'dire' warnings from his intelligence agencies.


All in all I think yours is a simpleton analysis as it utterly fails to take so much more into consideration.


LoL - not what trump says when the shoe is on the other foot. 


Sure, respond ineptly only to what little you feel you can respond to, fail to address the rest, and feel victorious.  LOL


Last response so we don't waste anymore time with each other. Excuses for trump & supporter propaganda hold no water for me. Bottom line for me is trump's current count for misinformation, lies and so on at over 18,000, having people like stephen miller as a senior adviser, appointing people whose only qualification is blindly following trump, continuous efforts to undermine Rule of Law etc etc etc Some people wish to support trump, it's incomprehensible to me, but so be it. For me trump is totally unacceptable as a representative of the Western world, the sooner trump and pence are gone the better. No it is not 'hate', it's my considered POV.

Well, sorry to hear you're bowing out on this debate.  I would have especially liked to have gotten your explanation in regards to my point that you severely condemn Trump for his 'denial' of the seriousness of COVID to the degree that you feel it a strong indicator of his inability to serve in his capacity.  So why no criticism of the misjudgments of Pelosi, de Blasio, and every other politician and MSM pundit along with their 'expert' medical guests who were downplaying the seriousness at the time as well?  Why do you reserve your criticism only for Trump?  Is the point valid or not?  Does it deserve an honest answer?


I have my issues with Trump as well but chose not to express them here as I refuse to feed the over-the-top abundance of voracious hate already present.  I defend Trump as I would defend anyone who is unjustly maligned.  To do so is then considered making 'excuses'?  LOL  Countering false MSM narratives and stories with facts from other sources is considered 'supporter propaganda'?  LOL.  In other words, anyone who defends Trump for any reason is automatically placed in a position which is an untenable lose/lose situation.  I strenuously reject your ground rules.



If it seems incomprehensible to as to why anyone would defend or support Trump then you need to dig much deeper and try to discover the root causes for the disparity of viewpoints.  Otherwise, it just goes round and round eternally with no hope or chance of bringing people together.  And no, I don't believe that you do not hate Trump.  Hate itself is a POV.  Ultimately you have to question your own beliefs which are responsible for and produce your POV.  There is no other way.


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