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Thai government gets high marks for its handling of coronavirus pandemic


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5 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:


What date was the first confirmed case in Thailand ?

What date were international arrivals, even from a few high risk countries, banned ?

Do you really think he did a good job ? Or do you think he is a joke leader and just love a good wind up of other TVF members ????

Steven winds you all up about getting p!ssed, so he is probably winding you about how good the PM has been for the coronavirus. :burp: ????

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22 minutes ago, Shocked farang said:

Does anyone know what will be the requirements for foreigners once the international flights restart in June? Will there be any quarantine or need for Covid19 insurance and medical certificate? Thank you in advance.

Who said international flights were resuming in June??


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2 minutes ago, lensta said:

Who said international flights were resuming in June??


Yes, they will. That doesn't mean that all the flights previously scheduled will happen as there are very few passengers willing to travel. Just check with the site of the airline.

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6 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Proves how single minded it gets, there's no comment of the knock on consequences, companies closing, people losing jobs, food queues, people dying not going to hospital

As you already know its the 'Thai' way....



Edited by NightSky
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31 minutes ago, Shocked farang said:

Yes, they will. That doesn't mean that all the flights previously scheduled will happen as there are very few passengers willing to travel. Just check with the site of the airline.

I'm hoping to still take up work in Aug/Sept.....I can see and book flights out with a number of airlines for mid Aug and at a reasonable cost.  Cathay for eg....though the weird thing is whilst the flight travels from Ireland to BKK via HK their website says no transit through HK allowed!  Why show the route as bookable if you cannot fly it?


In other news If I don't make it out there I'm unemployed for a year ????

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50 minutes ago, unamazedloso said:

Ok... it started off so so... BUT i do commend prayut for visa amnesty and lockdown and such. A lot of mistakes were made with allowing chinese planes to continue to land here and such but i feel they realised their mistakes and for the first time i admire prayuts stance. Let me just say i find it hard to be honest and nice with this guy but do a good deed and it shouldn't go unnoticed!!

They waited far too long before they started the Visa Amnesty many tourists lives were unnecessarily being put at risk waiting in crowded immgration cues but they made a packet collecting Visa Extension Fees and overstay fines. But hey yea they got around to eventually well done.

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4 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

I'm back in the UK now and I don't know anyone who has been confirmed with it, my 87 year mother also doesn't know anyone has tested positive either and no one on my Facebook has mentioned it.


The figures in Thailand are dubious to say the least, when I was there 6 weeks ago I didn't know anyone who had it and didn't seem a problem either. The lockdown in Thailand has caused millions of people to lose their jobs with very little government support and when the furlough scheme ends in the UK then millions of people will be unemployed.

Come on, were at 28,446 Covid  deaths in UK - Sunday's figures. Its been a catastrophe for UK at 2nd worse deaths on earth. PM Johnson is responsible for this. Too slow to lock down in March , too little PPE, shocking deaths in elderly care homes which were left for too long, unprotected medics in early weeks. Compared to higher spending, better health care systems in Germany, the UK figures are truly shocking. Ethnic minorities, the inner city poor , over 70s/80s, over weight , high blood pressure etc like USA were most vulnerable. 


Now why Thailand got off so lightly will be a mystery for ever especially Bangkok compared with say London, Paris , Milan, New York, Madrid. Of course Europe tested more. Were some untested deaths in some Asian countries being recorded as viral Pneumonia? Certainly Italy, Spain and UK have many more elderly in Urban areas compared to Asia? The lock down saved 100,000s of lives in thses countries. This is a nasty, viscous virus,  that has high 'infectivity' and having coming from Bats whose anti-virus systems are strong it found humans an easy target. It has infected by today in the world 3,476,021 ( nearly 3.5 Million) and killed nearly 250,000 humans by today. (FT). Be aware - the young generally OK but the over 55s etc take care. 

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20 minutes ago, peter48 said:

Come on, were at 28,446 Covid  deaths in UK - Sunday's figures. Its been a catastrophe for UK at 2nd worse deaths on earth. PM Johnson is responsible for this. Too slow to lock down in March , too little PPE, shocking deaths in elderly care homes which were left for too long, unprotected medics in early weeks. Compared to higher spending, better health care systems in Germany, the UK figures are truly shocking. Ethnic minorities, the inner city poor , over 70s/80s, over weight , high blood pressure etc like USA were most vulnerable. 


Now why Thailand got off so lightly will be a mystery for ever especially Bangkok compared with say London, Paris , Milan, New York, Madrid. Of course Europe tested more. Were some untested deaths in some Asian countries being recorded as viral Pneumonia? Certainly Italy, Spain and UK have many more elderly in Urban areas compared to Asia? The lock down saved 100,000s of lives in thses countries. This is a nasty, viscous virus,  that has high 'infectivity' and having coming from Bats whose anti-virus systems are strong it found humans an easy target. It has infected by today in the world 3,476,021 ( nearly 3.5 Million) and killed nearly 250,000 humans by today. (FT). Be aware - the young generally OK but the over 55s etc take care. 


Bats in China, it's worth adding.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Nah, it's only to do with indoor/outdoor living.

Those countries where people congregate inside (air-con and/or central heating) have high infection rates.

Those countries where people mainly live in the open air don't.


Recirculating air is a bad idea.

And few in Thailand use air-conditioning?  And when I see the throngs who escape the heat and visit the air-conditioned malls on a weekend to wander around is an . . . illusion then!

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There will not and cannot be any true numbers,use your good sense and if not comfortable just stay home ...It doesn't matter the next infrux of repats has started and another round of semi random testing (based on tracing) will restart this week. 

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9 hours ago, SkyFax said:

The Covid-19 Riddle: Why Does the Virus Wallop Some Places and Spare Others?

Experts are trying to figure out why the coronavirus is so capricious. The answers could determine how to best protect ourselves and how long we have to.   May 3, 2020 Updated 11:28 a.m. ET

The coronavirus has touched almost every country on earth, but its impact has seemed capricious. Global metropolises like New York, Paris and London have been devastated, while teeming cities like Bangkok, Baghdad, New Delhi and Lagos have, so far, largely been spared. ...


Cultural factors, like the social distancing that is built into certain societies, may give some countries more protection, epidemiologists said.

In Thailand and India, where virus numbers are relatively low, people greet each other at a distance, with palms joined together as in prayer. In Japan and South Korea, people bow, and long before the coronavirus arrived, they tended to wear face masks when feeling unwell.



Thank you for posting this article. It's very interesting and I have forwarded it to my friends and family !

Best Regards.

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Thailand made a strategic plan of attack based on health over wealth. The strict enforcement of the public servants here and compliance of the people is  unmatched by any nation other than China. The western nations    were too confident about their “superior health care” and failed.

Edited by Winky Wilson
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I thought they failed to lockdown the country that was the source of the virus? Also didn't the PM promise 5k to the people that needed it?


Anyway, this is all about giving themselves a self pat on the back for the sake of image and face. completely irrelevant. I hope the Thai people who really need to urgently get back to work can all do so soon, their kids need feeding!

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57 minutes ago, Winky Wilson said:

Thailand made a strategic plan of attack based on health over wealth. The strict enforcement of the public servants here and compliance of the people is  unmatched by any nation other than China. The western nations    were too confident about their “superior health care” and failed.

You really are totally clueless. I absolutely believe that claim the climate of Thailand and all other sub tropical and tropical climates are experiencing far less issues with the virus because of their climates and in the case of Thailand have very little, if anything to do with expert handling. If you are there you are very fortunate for that reason only.


As for health, after living in Thailand and experiencing the healthcare system I would rather be in the UK any day of the week. The superior health care system here was not confidently relied on to deal with the huge increase in very sick patients, extra hospital beds were created at huge expense very very quickly. Thankfully they have not really been needed as yet because the superior healthcare system has coped with the increase.


If Thailand had the outbreak that Europe had you would be in very serious trouble. I can just imagine the hospitals with a bucket at reception asking for your initial 20k to walk in to get help. A similar thing happened to my friend who suffered renal failure after an infection in Thailand, it was cash first, treatment later. He could have died for goodness sake, he went home as soon as he could to get some decent healthcare.



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1 hour ago, Winky Wilson said:

Thailand made a strategic plan of attack based on health over wealth. The strict enforcement of the public servants here and compliance of the people is  unmatched by any nation other than China. The western nations    were too confident about their “superior health care” and failed.

Lao, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam did better doing virtually nothing, was it that..?

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3 hours ago, peter48 said:

Come on, were at 28,446 Covid  deaths in UK - Sunday's figures. Its been a catastrophe for UK at 2nd worse deaths on earth. PM Johnson is responsible for this. Too slow to lock down in March , too little PPE, shocking deaths in elderly care homes which were left for too long, unprotected medics in early weeks. Compared to higher spending, better health care systems in Germany, the UK figures are truly shocking. Ethnic minorities, the inner city poor , over 70s/80s, over weight , high blood pressure etc like USA were most vulnerable. 


Now why Thailand got off so lightly will be a mystery for ever especially Bangkok compared with say London, Paris , Milan, New York, Madrid. Of course Europe tested more. Were some untested deaths in some Asian countries being recorded as viral Pneumonia? Certainly Italy, Spain and UK have many more elderly in Urban areas compared to Asia? The lock down saved 100,000s of lives in thses countries. This is a nasty, viscous virus,  that has high 'infectivity' and having coming from Bats whose anti-virus systems are strong it found humans an easy target. It has infected by today in the world 3,476,021 ( nearly 3.5 Million) and killed nearly 250,000 humans by today. (FT). Be aware - the young generally OK but the over 55s etc take care. 

You a Labour Party member.......?


Doesn't any PM act on what he is being told by his experts in the field.....?


Are you a Doctor....?

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

You really are totally clueless. I absolutely believe that claim the climate of Thailand and all other sub tropical and tropical climates are experiencing far less issues with the virus because of their climates and in the case of Thailand have very little, if anything to do with expert handling. If you are there you are very fortunate for that reason only.


As for health, after living in Thailand and experiencing the healthcare system I would rather be in the UK any day of the week. The superior health care system here was not confidently relied on to deal with the huge increase in very sick patients, extra hospital beds were created at huge expense very very quickly. Thankfully they have not really been needed as yet because the superior healthcare system has coped with the increase.


If Thailand had the outbreak that Europe had you would be in very serious trouble. I can just imagine the hospitals with a bucket at reception asking for your initial 20k to walk in to get help. A similar thing happened to my friend who suffered renal failure after an infection in Thailand, it was cash first, treatment later. He could have died for goodness sake, he went home as soon as he could to get some decent healthcare.



Thai numbers are fake. China is much worse. CCP rest my case.

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12 hours ago, jaiyen said:

What pathetic rubbish !  A poll asks 1800 Thai people what they think about the handling of the pandemic and the figures say they are satisfied !  The rest of the world thinks completely the opposite. Have a look at South and Western Australia if you want to see good results. Didn't need to do a fixed poll to see good figures. The people made it happen


LOL and what is the population density in WA and SA???? Australia's infection rate is not all that impressive - only massive fines made people do the right thing there. 

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