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Pompeo says 'significant' evidence new coronavirus emerged from Chinese lab

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3 hours ago, candide said:

Well, it was not difficult to guess what he witnessed. Now the guy can expect a wave of rabid attacks from Trump and his supporters.

I suppose it depends on your perspective. Some may see your intervening on behalf of the Chinese as distracting from their role in the spread of the virus.

29 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

I suppose it depends on your perspective. Some may see your intervening on behalf of the Chinese as distracting from their role in the spread of the virus.

How do I intervene on behalf of the Chinese?  Because I doubt that Trump or Pompeo tell the truth? So Fauci,  intelligence organisations and scientists who think it's unlikely the virus has been made in a lab are acting on behalf of China?

That's the kind of remark which is tupical of totalitarian, i.e. communist regimes.

On 5/4/2020 at 10:45 PM, rkidlad said:

University of Southampton said had they been more honest and proactive from beginning, 95% of cases could have been avoided. 

You keep believing and giving the benefit of the doubt to an authoritarian regime who heavily censors information and locks up critics. And I’ll continue to judge them accordingly based off their actions. 





BS ! A declaration of hypothetical  outcome based  on supposition  in denial of reality?

It is  like  saying that  if we could control the weather life would  be  blissful !

No less so  than that if humanity had  more  genuine  concern wholistically  then problems  faced  would  be genuinely  democratically confronted.

Instead we  remain tribal animals on pretentious  nationalized level . Period !


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1 minute ago, candide said:

How do I intervene on behalf of the Chinese?  Because I doubt that Trump or Pompeo tell the truth? So Fauci,  intelligence organisations and scientists who think it's unlikely the virus has been made in a lab are acting on behalf of China?

That's the kind of remark which is tupical of totalitarian, i.e. communist regimes.

OK. So when you say Trump is distracting, you're being a patriot. When I see you're distracting, I'm being typical of a totalitarian regime. Sorry, I don't agree.

2 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

BS ! A declaration of hypothetical  outcome based  on supposition  in denial of reality?

It is  like  saying that  if we could control the weather life would  be  blissful !

No less so  than that if humanity had  more  genuine  concern wholistically  then problems  faced  would  be genuinely  democratically confronted.

Instead we  remain tribal animals on pretentious  nationalized level . Period !


it's a study from an accredited university. You know how studies work, right?


Try to type less angrily. It might help with making your posts somewhat even barely understandable. 


I wish it was possible to launch investigations into official statements.

Officials making false statements in bad faith should be punished.

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37 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

OK. So when you say Trump is distracting, you're being a patriot. When I see you're distracting, I'm being typical of a totalitarian regime. Sorry, I don't agree.

Your remark was more precise than that (acting on behalf of China), that's what I was referring to.

Anyway, I am clear about what I think Trump is distracting attention from (part of it expressed by the whistleblower in the linked article, I guess he's also acting on behalf of China).

According to you, what am I distracting attention from, exacly?


51 minutes ago, rkidlad said:

it's a study from an accredited university. You know how studies work, right?


Try to type less angrily. It might help with making your posts somewhat even barely understandable. 

As I said earlier, for this to come true a swift reaction would be required.


Considering the lack of response now for about 6 weeks, why would 1 more week have lead to a 95% improvement? Unless you really think that one week earlier would have resulted in a quick and decisive action.

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57 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

OK. So when you say Trump is distracting, you're being a patriot. When I see you're distracting, I'm being typical of a totalitarian regime. Sorry, I don't agree.

there is a slight difference between an anonymous poster on a generally unknown innertubes forum voicing their opinion, and the leader of the free world with his finger on the nukular trigger making unsubstantiated public accusations against another nukular power.


candide's post is just another opinion on the interwebs, easily dismissed as ccp trolling by the maga-faithful if it contradicts the us government narrative.


the stable genius with millions of twooter followers just cut funding to the united nations organization that's supposed to be leading the worldwide effort to combat the virus.  his statement of high certainty that the virus escaped from a lab means we can now stop searching for the earliest patients, we no longer need to definitively link the outbreak to the wet market, and we should not be wasting resources searching for cases predating wuhan.


that sciency stuff is not important.  the boy who cried confeve said so.


we don't need to learn how the virus mutated, jumped between species, and infected humans.  now we know.  that (alleged) significant evidence shows all those other investigations to be........distractions.

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11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

As I said earlier, for this to come true a swift reaction would be required.


Considering the lack of response now for about 6 weeks, why would 1 more week have lead to a 95% improvement? Unless you really think that one week earlier would have resulted in a quick and decisive action.

"The research also found that if interventions in the country could have been conducted one week, two weeks, or three weeks earlier, cases could have been reduced by 66 percent, 86 percent and 95 percent respectively"




Please read these studies properly before you profess to understand them. You are misrepresenting information (intentionally or through unconscious bias) which can be detrimental to others' understanding of it. This is a study from an accredited university. One that you're welcome to question without fear of any consequences. 


Even if they informed earlier i doubt it would have made a difference because trump wouldnt listen even when told. Even now he thinks its no big deal and wants the US open, regardlesss of death rates.

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, Sujo said:

Even now he thinks its no big deal and wants the US open, regardlesss of death rates.

And he may be 100% right, depending on perspective.



52 minutes ago, Logosone said:
14 hours ago, Sujo said:

Even now he thinks its no big deal and wants the US open, regardless of death rates.

And he may be 100% right, depending on perspective.

Look any family member who lost a loved one to Covid-19 straight in the eye and tell them that.

17 hours ago, rkidlad said:

it's a study from an accredited university. You know how studies work, right?


Try to type less angrily. It might help with making your posts somewhat even barely understandable. 

Would that be an American University ?

"somewhat even barely understandable" ? Never mind. You obviously derived the gist .

1 minute ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Would that be an American University ?

"somewhat even barely understandable" ? Never mind. You obviously derived the gist .

No, it's a British university. And I 'derived' from your post that you're very angry. That's about it.


Oh, you're welcome to go onto the university website and question any of their data. They welcome it, as freedom of expression helps us better understand things and learn. No police officers will come to your home and force you sign a statement stating that you're stubborn and you will stop speaking about the virus. 

On 5/4/2020 at 10:45 PM, rkidlad said:

University of Southampton said had they been more honest and proactive from beginning, 95% of cases could have been avoided. 


Just read the study itself, the result was: if the Chinese government would have been able to implement the non farmeceutical restrictions they implemented now 3 weeks earlier, 95% of infections in China could have been prevented.

So your interpretation is coloured at best. The link that should have been given earlier, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20029843v3 .

4 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Just read the study itself, the result was: if the Chinese government would have been able to implement the non farmeceutical restrictions they implemented now 3 weeks earlier, 95% of infections in China could have been prevented.

So your interpretation is coloured at best. The link that should have been given earlier, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.03.03.20029843v3 .

It's good you read the study. It really helps when you reference something you actually know what you're talking about. 


What was my interpretation? I told people to read the study. You're the one who misunderstood (and misrepresented) it. 

1 hour ago, rkidlad said:

It's good you read the study. It really helps when you reference something you actually know what you're talking about. 


What was my interpretation? I told people to read the study. You're the one who misunderstood (and misrepresented) it. 

You're really off the rails now.


If you want people to read it, provide a link to it. I have completely understood it and not misrepresented it, but you have with your claim "University of Southampton said had they been more honest and proactive from beginning, 95% of cases could have been avoided. ". I'll be an optimist and presume you simply don't understand the difference between your claim and the research.

3 hours ago, J Town said:

Look any family member who lost a loved one to Covid-19 straight in the eye and tell them that.

That's why I said "depending on perspective". 


Obviously if you have one relative who got it it's the most serious thing in the world due to direct impact.


If you're one of the 328,126,000 who didn't get infected it would not be.

1 minute ago, stevenl said:

You're really off the rails now.


If you want people to read it, provide a link to it. I have completely understood it and not misrepresented it, but you have with your claim "University of Southampton said had they been more honest and proactive from beginning, 95% of cases could have been avoided. ". I'll be an optimist and presume you simply don't understand the difference between your claim and the research.

I did provide a link. The link was provided directly to you in reply to your misrepresentation of the University of Southampton’s study. Post #222


Please tell me what my quote was? I copied and pasted the quote directly from the study which was from the university’s official website. 

This is a quote you made in post #220:

“Considering the lack of response now for about 6 weeks, why would 1 more week have lead to a 95% improvement? Unless you really think that one week earlier would have resulted in a quick and decisive action”

Nobody ever said this. You did. 


  • Confused 1
4 hours ago, rkidlad said:

No, it's a British university. And I 'derived' from your post that you're very angry. That's about it.


Oh, you're welcome to go onto the university website and question any of their data. They welcome it, as freedom of expression helps us better understand things and learn. No police officers will come to your home and force you sign a statement stating that you're stubborn and you will stop speaking about the virus. 

You are correct on one aspect but only  one. Yes, I am angry.

Not at you but at the stupidity of the unquestioned  compliance to dictates that remain unquestioned not only  by total populations  but  by  regimes that apply such dictates  without  question not as to purpose  but  questions as to why such dictates are deemed vitally necessary.

It is the orchestration of the current event that in terms of instantaneous  global effect has reduced entire societies to comply either by persuasion or enforcement to accept such compliance without choice.

Retrospective opinions  by an established academic authority as to the " what  what  might  have been, "what could  have  been" is pointless in reality other than to the authors of such opinion.

What has occurred and ongoing is unprecedented.

Not in terms of  contagion and community mortality so such.

The  combined  annual global deaths attributable to starvation alone should put  us to shame in a world where  the wealthy global minority take 60% to themselves and then  send  40 % of it  to waste.

There s  no  genuine global food shortage. There is a deliberate food distribution cartel !

No different in terms of meaningful efforts to eliminate disease and disasterous  contamination of vast  environmental areas and communities in the pursuit of indifferent corporate profitability!

The callous genocide of nationalities in pursuit of a "superior" political ideology ! You  might think  "Hitler" in that reference. Be aware that the USA  carpet  bombed Laos and destroyed the lives of  2 million people as part of a "war" against Vietnam and  to this day has left it proliferated with UXB's  that regularly continue to kill innocent people. Justifiable???? Explain to me  how ? Vietnam people post  generationally suffer the curse of genetically acquired issues from "Agent Orange" as do the  families  of  US soldiers  who poisonously showered  in a  failed  programme of deforestation , napalm and ideological insignificance.

China? Yes ! A country that by virtue of the greed of US based corporates has/had  taken advantage to  bound up the ladder of economic success. An honest  Government? Demonstrably  not  but  in relative terms  no different  to  significant others in aspiration. Also amazed at how easily it was "offered".

Political ideology ? What difference ? A  bogus elite instituted  or  "elected" by default of  a system.

Chinese people? In a different social sense as ignorant as any other but willing to accept the new  affluence and relative "freedom" that  affluence provided as  opposed to the  presumption of the occupants of specific  countries such as the USA that national pride prevailed over community economic  stagnation. Great sell ! You now  own a lemon ! Not specifically   the USA   but  the  world !

So what is  the  source  of  my  "anger" ?

It is  not that  you  or any other admonish me for that. It is  my  frustration at the  fact that  regardless  of  the how, the  why of  Covid-19 is  that in general people continue to ignore that post pandemic drama they flock to the  flame  beacon  of  "blame" .

Personally I am undecided as to the definition of the true origins  of this pandemic.

In real terms it  is  less  important than what and how global societies eventually surface from it.

Social  media has become a form of poison. Is  my  opinion a part of that poison? In the  minds  of  those  that  oppose my thoughts  it  can/could be. That is  how fragile society has  become.

Amusingly  you  suggest ( or advise?) I should not fear a visitation from  Police.

Almost  daily I  converse  with  several who are as  confused  about  the   situation  as any  other and are  relieved to understand that I have no better opinion than they but are  happy enough to express it.

















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22 hours ago, candide said:

Your remark was more precise than that (acting on behalf of China), that's what I was referring to.

Anyway, I am clear about what I think Trump is distracting attention from (part of it expressed by the whistleblower in the linked article, I guess he's also acting on behalf of China).

According to you, what am I distracting attention from, exacly?


A president has many issues to deal with. Just because someone is obsessed with the latest "GET TRUMP!" obsession doesn't mean he has to focus solely on the latest bright, shiny object. In the aggregate, your posts on the topic tend to dismiss anything that may point to anyone other than Trump being responsible for the virus. The very fact you in this thread trying to derail the topic and making it about Trump distracting says it all. I'm sure even you know this.

1 hour ago, Crazy Alex said:

A president has many issues to deal with. Just because someone is obsessed with the latest "GET TRUMP!" obsession doesn't mean he has to focus solely on the latest bright, shiny object. In the aggregate, your posts on the topic tend to dismiss anything that may point to anyone other than Trump being responsible for the virus. The very fact you in this thread trying to derail the topic and making it about Trump distracting says it all. I'm sure even you know this.

BTW, I was commenting on a link about the new WB posted by someone else. The topic is about the VP, following Trump, making an unproven assertion which is considered as unlikely by several scientific studies, Fauci and several intelligence organizations (among others). As Trump, he doesn't show the exclusive evidence he may have. I don't think it is derailing the topic to question why he and Trump would make this assertion. Taking into account that (1) Trump's position has become uncomfortable because of the coronavirus, and (2) China has been identified as a major topic for Trumps campaign (I.e. China Biden ad, etc...), no need to be a genius to guess what he may have in mind.


In brief my position is that: 

(1) Chinese authorities, at different levels, messed up (I just confirmed it today in another thread). They should have acted quickly and communicate better and faster. I have little doubt about it.

(2) confronted with exactly the same information, some countries reacted in a right way (ex. SK, Germany),  other failed (ex. US, UK, France). Let's just take the case of Germany and the US: both have a member of their national health administration seating at the WHO executive board, so they have access to exactly the same information.

Contrary to the US (H1N1), Germany had little prior experience  of large epidemics. Germany anticipated the epidemic, planned and organized its response. When the virus outburst occurred on Feb. 24, they had the right infrastruture, the right organization, and a sufficient stock of testing kits to fight the pandemic.

Compare with the situation in the USA when the outburst occurred early March.


China is responsible for initially messing up, but national leaders are responsible for their responses. 

On 5/4/2020 at 3:12 AM, Rookiescot said:

Would the United States allow China into the USA to conduct any investigation?

No, and why would/should they. They only know how to cheat, steal, copy, fake, etc.

But if the worlds leading epidemiologists and scientists from around the globe want to get to the bottom of the corona virus to find a cure and vaccine only a corrupt and nefarious nation would not allow it, like Cn.


China Asked The WHO To Help Cover Up Coronavirus, German Intelligence Concludes.



32 minutes ago, i84teen said:

No, and why would/should they. They only know how to cheat, steal, copy, fake, etc.

But if the worlds leading epidemiologists and scientists from around the globe want to get to the bottom of the corona virus to find a cure and vaccine only a corrupt and nefarious nation would not allow it, like Cn.


China Asked The WHO To Help Cover Up Coronavirus, German Intelligence Concludes.



You do need a dose of facts and truths. China has officially allowed an investigation of the corona virus. And the link you posted is noted for favoring the right and use of emotionally loaded sensationalized headlines. 


  • Like 2
5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

You do need a dose of facts and truths. China has officially allowed an investigation of the corona virus. And the link you posted is noted for favoring the right and use of emotionally loaded sensationalized headlines. 


so you say. They cooperate with no one, only lie and subvert. Anyone who says otherwise needs a dose of facts, especially the know-it-alls on here.



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1 minute ago, i84teen said:

so you say. They cooperate with no one, only lie and subvert. Anyone who says otherwise needs a dose of facts, especially the know-it-alls on here.

Just keep your head buried in the sand and provide links that has no credence for truth and facts. 

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