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Exactly WHO has ripped you off,who has tried to borrow money?

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Actually, I might have been scammed once in the old airport.  I was in line to immigrate (or leave actually) and a young european woman was in front of me and they wanted some money for overstay.  it was like 400 baht or something.  Well, she had already changed all her money back to euro and they were unsympathetic and were about to send her away.  She was frantic as her flight would leave without her.  I paid it.  Might have been a chump.


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I was at the tables after midnight near Miami Hotel back in 2004, really enjoying myself, and was approached by a Canadian, fairly clean cut, but seemed shady, claiming a girl had swiped his wallet and he had a flight out the next day..the Thai girl I was with handed him a 20, and I said no dice.

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I think most learn from their experience. When I was in US I loaned  friend money he said he’d pay it back in such a time and didn’t. 

He eventually paid it ($5,000) back but the experience stuck with me. 


Was asked once here by a guy I’d met which was a friend of my friend. I asked when will you pay me back ... I don’t know 3-4 months.... I told him sorry but I’m not going to lend any money.

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:14 PM, Oldie said:

I was asked sometimes but only in the range below 10000 Baht. Wenn I asked them to give me their passport until I will get the money back they refused to give it to me. And so I didn't give them any money. Two of them left their hotel and flew back without paying their hotel bill I was told afterwards.


My ex girlfriend never asked me for money in more than 20 years. I give her something for her birthday and for Christmas (she is Christian). She is my ex and I never wanted an other girlfriend again (I am old in the meantime and prefer to be alone) but she is still one of my best friends. She never worked in the "business". 

What business ?

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I was staying in a hotel in Pattaya once, had a nice conversation with a German guy, if a person is 100% sober, I am very easy to talk to, so after we said our goodbyes he knocked on my door, he must have followed me to my room, he said "I am short of money", he didn't get any further, I slammed the door in his face.

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On 5/11/2020 at 3:21 PM, georgegeorgia said:




and I believe it hasn't happened nearly as much to anyone

I once had a guy tell me in a bar in soi bukhao to be careful of cockneys ...other farangs are ok he says...but cockneys are con men..on asking him why he thens mentions Arfur Daley from the TV Show Minder but never had a personal experience himself !!!

well...if Arfur Daleys a conman all cockneys must be then.

You’re having a Giraffe. What a load of Eartha. 

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