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Boris says wear a mask.


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2 minutes ago, Yinn said:


Thai very successful control coronavirus. Europe not. 

Boris bring the new rule now. 

I will help. Sure. 

Thailand is very successful in testing less than most other countries.


If you don't test for Covid19 how can you know if a Thai died of Covid19? You can't.


Europe is more honest. Asia lying and pretending.

Edited by Logosone
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7 minutes ago, Yinn said:


Thai very successful control coronavirus. Europe not. 

Boris bring the new rule now. 

I will help. Sure. 

Your neighbours Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam have done better, how is that....?.....

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6 hours ago, Logosone said:

As we've seen Boris is getting very bad scientific advice.


A study of over 30 countries has shown clearly that wearing masks had no impact and the death rate actually went up after wearing masks was introduced


Still claiming this nonsense is true?

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30 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Thailand is very successful in testing less than most other countries.


If you don't test for Covid19 how can you know if a Thai died of Covid19? You can't.


Europe is more honest. Asia lying and pretending.

Asia lying and pretending? Can you be more specific or are you really accusing the whole of Asia of lying because that is certainly the insinuation, I can give a few very good examples of Asian countries doing well and even far better than Europe. If your going to make such accusations then you really need to be more country focused otherwise you could come across as being racist which I'm sure you're really not. While you're at it perhaps you can provide evidence of the lies, you know, just so you can back up your claim.

Edited by Bkk Brian
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18 minutes ago, transam said:

Your neighbours Laos, Cambodia, Burma and Vietnam have done better, how is that....?.....

Of course Nigeria is doing even better than Thailand. 


Also wearing facemasks? No, but also very little testing. 


What could it be...it's a real mystery....



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3 minutes ago, Logosone said:

What could it be...it's a real mystery....

This is very true and possibly will be the key to controlling the virus once (if) that mystery is unraveled.

One thing is for certain, the extent of the infection rates seen in Asia is generally lower than Europe or North America, this has nothing to do with the handling of the disease, social distancing, masks etc. as previously stated, these measures slow the infection rate down only.

The UK for instance is finding that different ethnic groups are more prone than others, Indian race being one of them, yet India itself is not suffering that badly.

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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

As they always give you antibiotics after surgery, it probably wouldn't matter.

I'd be OK with it, assuming I'd be OK with a Thai doctor cutting me open ..... which I'm not.

Remember, every Thai medical student that had the money to pay the course fees ....... passed. 

there is reputation also, i would take sheryls word for it,

i take for granted she has data to back up her recommendations

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5 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Asia lying and pretending? Can you be more specific or are you really accusing the whole of Asia of lying because that is certainly the insinuation, I can give a few very good examples of Asian countries doing well and even far better than Europe. If your going to make such accusations then you really need to be more country focused otherwise you could come across as being racist which I'm sure your really not. While your at it perhaps you can provide evidence of the lies, you know, just so you can back up your claim.

Even Asian newspapers are commenting on the figures the rest of the worlds laughs about.


Take Japan for example, a country again blessed with, on the face of it, marvellous figures for cases and deaths, given the size of its population. But once you look beneath the pretty facade you quickly see the reason for this. And here's a hint, it's not face masks:


"What it shows is Japan is only testing people who are already quite sick. In fact, the official guidelines for doctors say they should only recommend a test if the patient has pneumonia."




Japan has quite consciously pursued a policy of minimal testing, only in the most dire circumstances, when a patient already has pneumonia are they supposed to be tested. So hardly any wonder, if little testing is carried out that the numbers look so great.




Chinese study published in the Lancet says China's figures were probably four times at large as the figures provided:



Indonesia, again ludicrous figures given the size of the population:


According to media reports, a study by the Centre for Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases estimates that as few as two percent of Indonesia’s COVID-19 cases have been reported. This means that the true number could be as high as over 30,000 infections. However, many speculate that the numbers could be at more than half a million in a country of 273 million.


Myanmar and Laos:


For ASEAN member states Myanmar and Lao PDR, where the first COVID-19 cases there were reported just last week, the low numbers of reported cases have invited scepticism by observers from around the world




And then there's Thailand:




Thai test 4.png

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10 minutes ago, Eindhoven said:

Apart from that, this is not a study of people who actually wore face masks, but only of places that actually suggested the wearing of face masks.

You obviously can't read.


If you get a basic thing like that wrong it's not worth looking at your posts.


Since you're not aware that some countries in the study had mandatory face mask requirements it's not worth us corresponding on this study, since it appears you can not read properly. Let alone interpret an important study like this.

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1 hour ago, Yinn said:

You misunderstand because you selfish.

wear the mask to stop YOU spread. Considerate for other person. 


When you coff, sneeze the virus come out YOUR mouth. It not come out YOUR eyes. 

What are you talking about.

You obviously don't understand

Everybody should be made to wear eye wear if they are made to wear masks.


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1 minute ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Its 100% true. Masks should be worn to prevent you from infecting others not to prevent others infecting you.

No they shouldn't, because the data shows that wearing a face mask went along with increased case numbers and increased death figures.


So masks confer no benefit, either way.



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1 minute ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Neither does the WHO. Their performance has been abysmal throughout.

Yet people still listen to them and they are advising "governments" what actions to take!

You have to wonder? ????

"Kill Bill" Gates is their biggest sponsor now ????

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12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

I questioned why you claimed that "Asia is lying and pretending" You do realize there are over 48 countries in Asia.


Bar China which nobody believes, you come back with the lack of testing in Myanmar, Laos, Japan and Thailand which I agree leaves a lot to be desired but does not back up your claim they are lying. 


South Korea, Singapore for example you said Asia, you mean they are lying to? 


Again you're making claims with no evidence, a pattern from you.

Also, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia. All have responded well and masks are part of the equation. Singapore did so later in the game.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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Just now, CGW said:

Yet people still listen to them and they are advising "governments" what actions to take!

You have to wonder? ????

"Kill Bill" Gates is their biggest sponsor now ????

Trump spoke the truth when he condemned them]. However they're all we've got to coordinate the fight against Covid. The enquiry should be done after this pandemic is concluded not during it, Counter productive. Most of their sins have been committed by one person, Tedros Adhanom. Trump would have better served the the World by demanding his immediate removal to guarantee continued funding.

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1 hour ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Most of their sins have been committed by one person, Tedros Adhanom.

I believe the "corruption runs much deeper than one person, corruption is endemic! in the all the "World" bodies, the UN is no better, the list is endless..... IMO 

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