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Trump calls Fauci remarks on risks to reopening schools, economy unacceptable


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9 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Of course it's lives versus dollars, as always. If it weren't, cars would be banned because of the tens of thousands of people killed on US roads each year.

Ah. Same old. Same old is it. Should have expected that. 

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47 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Of course it's lives versus dollars, as always. If it weren't, cars would be banned because of the tens of thousands of people killed on US roads each year.

But cars have limits as do drivers. Oh say it isnt so.

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18 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

wow...you dont know the difference between physical science and social science (and dont try to deny it because you just outed yourself)....unbelievable... a physical scientist (in this case a physician and immunologist) isnt trying to dictate economics....he is making scientific recommendations to social scientists (economists) and they make choices that effect economics which is an entirely different thing...just because the word "SCIENCE" is used doesnt mean it is all the same thing...and as far as "using" emotions....he is presenting facts and those facts are being processed by others emotionally (like you) that do not know what they are talking about (like you). Your arguments, by the way, are also social science (erisology) and you sir are the leaches and bloodletting of that particular science.

Dr. Fauci is not an expert on economics. True or false?

We should listen to experts in their various fields on important matters. True or false?

Specifically, what have I posted that leads you to make the accusaiton that I don't know the difference between social and physical science?

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6 minutes ago, lagavulin1 said:

Thats the whole point idiot. True & valid what the hell does that mean? ? Luddite supreme. We have the chance to change but you would recommend destroying the planet? 

Specifically, what have I posted that leads you to believe I "would recommend destroying the planet"?

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4 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Specifically, what have I posted that leads you to believe I "would recommend destroying the planet"?

Simple. You propose restoring "the economy" Based on growth growth. Translation : the system designed to put ever more value into the coffers of the rich. Sounds like you may have interests

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1 minute ago, lagavulin1 said:

Simple. You propose restoring "the economy" Based on growth growth. Translation : the system designed to put ever more value into the coffers of the rich. Sounds like you may have interests

Yes, like virtually all Americans, I have interests. A strong economy is in the interest of everyone.


Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of your comment about the rich. Well, I will say this. It appears your hatred of the rich may be so intense, you're willing to let everyone's lives go to <deleted> over it. I don't agree with that approach. The rich get richer because they continue to do that which makes them rich. The poor get poorer because they continue to do that which makes them poor.


I've been very poor in my life. Once I decided my life was my responsibility (i.e. not blaming or hating rich people for what they have) and concentrated on improving my life, my life improved dramatically. I challenge you to show me anyone who improved their life by focusing on the rich or other people they hate instead of concentrating on achieving their own goals, successes and improvements to their life.



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This death rate is getting tiring. Only old and sick are dying. OK.... So is anyone here young and 100% healthy? Doesn't have ANY hidden illness at all? Nothing that would be found during some checkup 10 years later? Nearly everyone has some trouble. If you don't believe, splash out on a fully comprehensive health check and let us know if doctor doesn't find absolutely anything wrong.


As for who survives - well, you might get infected and walk away with it. But it might be like surviving a plane crash - alive but not well. Virus can severely damage lungs, in 1/3 of cases (that was just in ticker on Channel News Asia) it damages kidneys, we've heard of damage to nervous system that was long term or permanent (loss of smell and/or taste), damage to other internal organs in case of drop of oxygen in blood as a result of infection moving to the lungs. That are not small problems.


And if you think you have it once and you're immune - according to Chinese and US researchers, published by South China Morning Post, most of those who had mild illness, have either none or way too low antibodies count to prevent reinfection. Even those who had a very serious condition, in many cases have too low immunity to prevent the next infection.


I've had pneumonia. It at most affects 5% of one side of the lungs. I've had it twice. The second time I've barely survived. This thing affects 30% of BOTH sides. Imagine you get it again a few months later. Lungs don't just fix themselves up.


So yes, only old and those with pre-existing conditions are dying. But those that survive, are likely to have pre-existing conditions the next time they get infected 6 months later. Ever considered that part?

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4 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Yes, like virtually all Americans, I have interests. A strong economy is in the interest of everyone.


Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of your comment about the rich. Well, I will say this. It appears your hatred of the rich may be so intense, you're willing to let everyone's lives go to <deleted> over it. I don't agree with that approach. The rich get richer because they continue to do that which makes them rich. The poor get poorer because they continue to do that which makes them poor.


I've been very poor in my life. Once I decided my life was my responsibility (i.e. not blaming or hating rich people for what they have) and concentrated on improving my life, my life improved dramatically. I challenge you to show me anyone who improved their life by focusing on the rich or other people they hate instead of concentrating on achieving their own goals, successes and improvements to their life.



You are really off the plot. You, you you. I understand that. 

Seven billion people are living and using resources against a calculated 3 billion sustainable. Profits are going to you & me? World is going down. I'm sorry you were poor & fighting to retain that. I was also but new times are ahead. My phone is empty. If you have further comments I'll pick them tomorrow. 


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29 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

Yes, like virtually all Americans, I have interests. A strong economy is in the interest of everyone.


Frankly, I'm not sure what to make of your comment about the rich. Well, I will say this. It appears your hatred of the rich may be so intense, you're willing to let everyone's lives go to <deleted> over it. I don't agree with that approach. The rich get richer because they continue to do that which makes them rich. The poor get poorer because they continue to do that which makes them poor.


I've been very poor in my life. Once I decided my life was my responsibility (i.e. not blaming or hating rich people for what they have) and concentrated on improving my life, my life improved dramatically. I challenge you to show me anyone who improved their life by focusing on the rich or other people they hate instead of concentrating on achieving their own goals, successes and improvements to their life.



Again very good to see you dont agree with how trump has handled the issue.

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Concerns about economic imperatives to health imperatives. Given the rampage of Covid 19 thru the US which has not reached its peak, why is this the the issue? In countries with minimal death rates, it may be an option. But not in the US. It is a tragedy unfolding!

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16 hours ago, UbonThani said:

what science?

the virus kills old and sick


The child gets infected at school. It may be so mild as to be unnoticed, but in may infecct Grandpa and Granny who are more vulnerable.

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Just now, candide said:

Exactly. That's Fauci's job to make health recommendations and economist's job is to make economic recommendations Then politicians must balance both aspects, make decisions and be accountable for it.


But not with Trump. He does not want to be accountable. He wants Fauci to downplay risks so that he (Trump) cannot be hold accountable for pushing openings, in case it goes wrong.

Please back up your claim of knowing what Trump wants Fauci to do.

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