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Black listed, need to return for urgent medial reasons

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On 5/14/2020 at 4:57 PM, genericptr said:

I don't understand this either. He has a lawyer. They make it sound like the only way back in is  to bribe some official but due to the political situation they haven't been able to bribe anyone. I know, that sounds ridiculous to me also but that's what they've been telling me.


I'll see if someone can contact the lawyer again. What do you contact immigration? Just a phone call and that's it? 

Mate Follow Ubon Joe  Advise & stay clear of Lawyers  otherwise will cost you Mage $$$$$$$

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22 hours ago, genericptr said:

I don't know if he even went to court. Talking to my brother now he said there is a plea process and if it's denied this further compounds the ban and could be another 5 years. The lawyer for this reason suggests to get a high ranking character witness but we've not able to do this thus far. That's all we know and it's too late anyways so unless there is some special exemption we're going to have to give up on Thailand.


We'll try to contact the American embassy in Cambodia tomorrow and see if they have any special contacts or anything. In theory he could go to Singapore of Malaysia if the travel restrictions were lifted.

I think someone is just trying to milk you for some money regarding the high ranked.....  

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Is the issue really his former black listing or the fact that there is a travel ban in place?


If it is the black listing then you might look into sending him to Viet Nam instead. There are some good hospitals there.  Though the hsopital he is now (I assume Royal) may nto have the same contacts.




Also "Cho Rai" hospital ion Ho Chi Minh and they have an affiliate in Phnom Penh which can arrange the transport. Whihc as it is HCM can be by road ambulance


HOWEVER  there is a COVID-related ban on entry by foreigners (as there is in Thailand too).


I would suggest you contact the hospital I listed above and ask them what the story is in terms of whether an entry for medical emergency can be arranged. The country is not issuing tourist visas nor visas on arrival and neither is Thailand.



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3 hours ago, erinsf said:

Seems to me, you should also be looking at Taiwan or another country for treatment.  Nobody can enter Thailand unless they are Thai.  And, I imagine a banishment will not be overlooked. Drugs are taken very seriously here.  There is no legal 'right' to enter a country where you are not a citizen.  Do look at other countries.  Maybe Singapore too?  Malaysia has okay health care.  I would look at Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.  


The problem is that all have COVID travel bans in effect. So does Viet Nam which has a couple of very good hospitals as well. I haven o idea if any of these would allow entry for reason of medical emergency as an exception but if they would, private international hospitals would be the ones who would know.

OP should contact the relevant Embassy in Cambodia (for his nationality) and ask their advice as to what countries his father might be able to enter for medical treatment.


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3 hours ago, erinsf said:

Seems to me, you should also be looking at Taiwan or another country for treatment.  Nobody can enter Thailand unless they are Thai.  And, I imagine a banishment will not be overlooked. Drugs are taken very seriously here.  There is no legal 'right' to enter a country where you are not a citizen.  Do look at other countries.  Maybe Singapore too?  Malaysia has okay health care.  I would look at Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.  

Taiwan still closed to non residents but may change June 1. Great NHS there so health care will be cheaper there even if not in the system.

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9 hours ago, 007 RED said:

Dealing with the second problem of getting your father into Thailand at the moment is far more difficult to resolve.  As you are no doubt aware the current Emergency Decree has effectively closed all boarders/points of entry and has prohibited non-Thais from entering the Kingdom. 


There are a few exceptions, and 3.(4) of the of the Civil Aviation Authority Thailand (CAAT) Temporary Order, dated 3 April 2020 (which has been extended until the end of May 2020), indicates that the ban does not apply to: “Humanitarian aid, medical and relief flights.”


The question is, does your father’s case/situation fall under the category of medical and relief flight?  My personal opinion is that it probably does not as I suspect this exemption is to deal with a flight carrying medical aid/personnel to a disaster zone e.g. earthquake.


32 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

OP should contact the relevant Embassy in Cambodia (for his nationality) and ask their advice as to what countries his father might be able to enter for medical treatment.


If the situation is as dire as the OP says I'd recommend they follow the suggestions to work with various US Embassies and willing Hospitals and ask them to use any/all possible government connections to work on authorization and transport logistics.

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On 5/14/2020 at 4:46 PM, genericptr said:

The hospital said they can fly with him back to Thailand on a medical exemption for the border closures but that doesn't guarantee anything with his visa history and black listing.


These are extraordinary circumstances at an unprecedented point in history but is there any option for entry into Thailand for a person is his situation?

Have a lawyer request immigration to update their DB (costs up to 50k) and then he will be able to come over subject to approvals for medical reasons, one thing to consider is, the costs will be astronomical for the medical, anywhere up to 200k USD

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On 5/14/2020 at 4:57 PM, genericptr said:

I don't understand this either. He has a lawyer. They make it sound like the only way back in is  to bribe some official but due to the political situation they haven't been able to bribe anyone. I know, that sounds ridiculous to me also but that's what they've been telling me.


I'll see if someone can contact the lawyer again. What do you contact immigration? Just a phone call and that's it? 

No bribes or lawyers are needed. Don't believe everything you read or hear.

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Are you saying they've basically shut down operations at Royal Hospital Phnom Penh, which is a Bangkok Hospital affiliate?


I feel bad for your father, but I find it difficult to believe there isn't at least one semi-decent functioning hospital in Phnom Penh. I've been there many times and the health care situation has improved considerably in recent years.

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Also, Thailand isn't the only country with decent medical facilities in the region. Why not try Vietnam? Yes, they're still closed to foreigners but a few things: Vietnam is currently almost back to normal domestically, and several hospitals are operating again for non-urgent cases (as well as urgent non-corona related cases). This includes FV hospital in Saigon, which is one of the best private hospitals in the country. I received an email saying they were back to normal since May 7.


Vietnam (Saigon) is also quite close to Phnom Penh, being just 240km or a 5-hour drive away (currently a medical waiver of some sort would need to be approved such that Vietnam allows entry) and of course, a change of vehicles at the border would be necessary since no private vehicles are allowed to cross any land borders at the moment with rare exceptions.


Other possibilities include Singapore (already mentioned) and Kuala Lumpur. Again, same restrictions apply, but I don't see any greater difficulty entering these countries compared to Thailand. In fact, with the travel ban imposed on the OP's father in Thailand, it's actually MORE likely he'll be permitted to get a medical waiver for transfer to any other country. The more developed ones (such as Singapore) stand a greater chance but I'd try all the countries I've mentioned.

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Ban on incoming flights just extended until July 1. Still only Thai nationals will be allowed in. "Exceptions include, state or military aircraft, emergency landing, humanitarian aid, medical & relief flights, repatriation & cargo aircraft. " Don't know if it could be made to fit your dad. I think other options may be his best bet. I wish you good luck whatever you chose and hope for the best for your father and family.

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'If the mountain will not come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain' 


Long shot I know but could you use the Cambodian facilities and bring a heart surgeon to him there. Good luck anyway mate.

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On 5/14/2020 at 10:46 AM, genericptr said:

The hospital said they can fly with him back to Thailand on a medical exemption for the border closures but that doesn't guarantee anything with his visa history and black listing.

Tempting to risk that, but probably better off going with Sheryl's suggestion and looking to go by ambulance to Saigon...

Hope it works out.

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I had a 1 year blacklist, first of all with airplanes you usually get some boarding issue or notice. So the airline have to allow you in that case too. 
For me it was a flight from Germany to Phuket, I told the airline I was sure to be let in and would pay for a return ticket myself. 

Upon arrival you will get noticed by a system once again and escorted in the local office. In my case I explained why I overstayed etc, what I wanted to do now, then he cleared something and I was still stamped in as usual. No issues afterwards as well. No bribes were paid neither was that hinted. 

So my best guess is that every border will have a person assigned to deal with that and able to do clear it. I personally think you are safer on Vietnam, at least you can get there. Would be worse to end up on the border and then having to still re-route to Vietnam, then the trip itself might kill him.

Or hope you can buy enough time there, as those doctors might be returning in June.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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