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Thailand Billionaire Keen to Restart Tourism


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This guy and his business backs the military and elites in government and he wants to corner all the markets with his crappy food products. Very very little respect for him, and now looking at his name plaque having what looks like Chinese writing on it, even less now.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"If we can make rich people feel confident that staying in Thailand is safer than their own countries then they will come."

The beaches in Koh Tao are especially safe, right prayut? If you're old and ugly, that garden hoe will surely stay in the tool shed.

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6 hours ago, Sharp said:

With all due respect its heading towards Flu % numbers worldwide so its time to 'try' to get back to work!! 

No its not fella. It is killing far more the flu and still spreading. In my country it killed nearly twice as many people in 2 months then flu kills in a year.

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Its not just his business interests in Thailand but right across China that would have been hit very hard. Clever to position this as an attraction for the "wealthy" but of course opening the doors to the limited wealthy (who are too smart and would likely not take a risk until there is no evidence of a second wave) really means opening the doors to his core market  ..... the millions of beer swilling, 7-Eleven convenience cheap Charlies that his company so desperately want back into general pandemic circulation. 

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8 hours ago, cornishcarlos said:

So it's hitting the big boys pockets... Time for action !!




The countries that implemented partial lock downs, and it was and is partial and closed their borders to incoming foreigners have by and large been more successful at containing this virus than those who didn't.


My relatives in the UK, some staunch Conservative supporters, are highly critical of the Johnson government for not closing the borders, having no checks at the borders and initially being reluctant to enforce proposed lock downs with widespread ignoring of the rules.


Here, there was border closure, monitoring of returning citizens, attempts to trace contacts of those infected, partial lock down with less ignoring it, etc. 


Given the respective numbers of cases and deaths, the UK seems vastly worse in its approach.


So the cautious approach now being taken by the Thai government seems prudent and sensible.



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Thailand went into lockdown on March 26, NOT March 9. Where are they getting these "facts" from? From what I can recall, one province, Buri Ram, decided to lock down first, which happened around mid-March. In the days that followed, foreigners were finding it harder to enter the Kingdom, until they were banned altogether after March 31. In the last 10 days of the month, strict insurance and testing requirements were in place, but these were essentially a polite way of saying: "you can't come" since almost no one could meet the requirements.


The lockdown was initially eased on May 3.

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Nice try Mr CP Now will General fuzzy nuts go for it or will Dr wee-wee have to agree....gotta sell that frozen <deleted> to the Rich elite tourists standing in line for their Spa treatments ..boring

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