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Traditional Thai Wedding Gifts


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My brother is about to marry his Thai girlfriend. They met whilst he was on holiday last month and he has decided to fly back, marry her and live there. :o

I am of the opinion that as an adult he can weigh the pros and cons himself and make his own decisions and if this is the path he chooses good luck to him. :D

I want to send a wedding present for my new sister in law. Can anyone tell me what i should be sending and to whom? I do not want to offend the bride or her family. :D

My parents will not be sending any gifts or similar so the only acknowledgement from the family in the UK will come from me. :D

Many thanks in anticipation....

Oh I am a younger sister if it makes a difference?

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Best of luck to the groom and bride, and kudos to you for letting him make his own decisions. Sorry to hear the the only recognition is coming from you, but after only a month perhaps that is to be understood.

Money is always a welcome gift, as are flowers and perhaps a subscription to this forum if he is not already a member.

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I can see the guy definitely needing to a subscription to this forum because there's 99% chance he's gonna end up divorced and with a largely reduced wallet. :o

One month and marriage, here come's another one! :D

For her perhaps some girly gift from your home country would be nice, perfume, make up etc. Money's always a traditional wedding gift but you don't want to be sending that over really.

edit: yep I did mean girly gift Wai wai.

Edited by bkkmadness
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For her perhaps some girly


Think he meant "girly gift/thing/item".

Agree, plus cash. I'd not hand over a huge sum. It's certainly a hasty union. However, I'd probably do as you are, just as I'd also support him if the marriage does not last.

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Thanks slackula, my brother lent me a copy of a book he bought whilst in Thailand called "Good medicine for Thailand Fever. A Road Map for Thia-Western Relationships". After reading it I understood a little more about what was extected of him... at least he is going into it with his eyes open! ... but not of what is expected of in-laws. I just wanted to be sure I wasn't expected to send a specific type of gift. I will see about florists and send some money but both seem very impersonal.

The parent thing isn't a result of his hasty wedding.

I will point my brother in the direction of this forum though in general I try not to give advice as it sounds like implied critisism and I kind of think he will soon be needing all the non judgemental support he can get! He may already post here, who knows?

ronw, Not the most welcoming post for a new forum member. Why is it so surprising that someone would try not to offend thier sister in law before even meeting her? Try not to be so cynical, you may find the world a happier place!

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In western culture it is acceptable to give a wedding gift up to a year after the wedding. Why don't you wait and see what they need in a year, or what your brother needs at that point.

Re Thai culture worries, she is marrying a Farang and it is important for her to respect his culture also, and since you are not in Thailand, and not Thai, I think it would be okay to follow your own culture.

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Thanks to all who have replied.

MTW you have a good point about the fact she is also marrying into a different culture and I hope that she makes and effort to understand the differences too. However I would still like to send something personal that would be appreciated.

Sunshine, I hope your girlfriend likes swimming as it sounds like you are presenting he with a gift for yourself. Please try to remember she is a person and not an object!

bkkmadness Thanks for the suggestions. I was thinking of making a small hamper of such items but was worried about as i had read that Thai ladies tend to associate such items with ladies of ill repute and didn't want her to think I was casting aspersions on her character!

Are there any Thai forum users who could advice on a suitable and appropriate gift? I will be sending an envelope with money for the newly weds to choose a present for their new home but wanted to send a little something for my brothers wife to let her know she is accepted and welcomed.....

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May be take your nose out of your pocket!

This looks like a normal question to me!

The perfect wedding gift for a Thai is money. It supplies face value towards the other wedding guests.

Good luck.

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My brother is about to marry his Thai girlfriend. They met whilst he was on holiday last month and he has decided to fly back, marry her and live there. :o

I am of the opinion that as an adult he can weigh the pros and cons himself and make his own decisions and if this is the path he chooses good luck to him. :D

I want to send a wedding present for my new sister in law. Can anyone tell me what i should be sending and to whom? I do not want to offend the bride or her family. :D

My parents will not be sending any gifts or similar so the only acknowledgement from the family in the UK will come from me. :D

Many thanks in anticipation....

Oh I am a younger sister if it makes a difference?

An envelope with bath would not offend anyone, and will make her gain face with her family and friends.

(unless you can talk your brother out of it, that is :D )

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An envelope with bath would not offend anyone

Errrm ... not so sure about that :o:D ...

but really, a card with a photo of yourself and a message is probably best going to convey your sentiments.

Ask your brother what her hobbies are, and select a small gift accordingly.

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