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Sweden - is the rest of the world dumb, blind or worse ?

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Just because no virology text ever written includes lock downs as a response is a reason to avoid them. Just because pandemic responses do not include locking down the uninfected doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it. All the doctors and scientists that wrote all those older texts are idiots, the new ones who have never written pandemic response texts are much smarter. And I know because i saw it on the TV.


As an aside I've been following along with a course in pharmacology, what has been covered to date dealing with agonist and antagonist drugs in reference to modifying nerve function is the greatest load of quackery I've ever read. Can't wait to get to virology...

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13 hours ago, Stygge said:

Testing is the key.


Testing is the key to create false positives and false negatives, give the wrong drugs to the wrong people and put respirators to already old and sick people and help them die quicker, with cause of death stated: COVID.
Thank God we did not all get tested for HIV, otherwise half of us might be taking antiviral drugs now.

Edited by DeadBite
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An by the way, the guy who invented this genetic procedure that is now used as a test for CORONA (PRC testing), wrote a forward to a book that dealt with how HIV does not cause AIDS.

Think about that!

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23 hours ago, farang51 said:

By the way, herd immunity takes time too. The experts I have read on the subject figure it will take 2-3 years to achieve herd immunity.

Herd immunity is achieved as soon as enough are infected, and recovered, and thus immune, in addition to the ones having natural immunity. As discussed in some other threads the required percentage seems to be much lower than originally expected, and close to be reached in many areas.



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32 minutes ago, yuyiinthesky said:

Herd immunity is achieved as soon as enough are infected, and recovered, and thus immune, in addition to the ones having natural immunity. As discussed in some other threads the required percentage seems to be much lower than originally expected, and close to be reached in many areas.




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18 hours ago, Rancid said:

Just because no virology text ever written includes lock downs as a response is a reason to avoid them. Just because pandemic responses do not include locking down the uninfected doesn't mean that we shouldn't do it. All the doctors and scientists that wrote all those older texts are idiots, the new ones who have never written pandemic response texts are much smarter. And I know because i saw it on the TV.


As an aside I've been following along with a course in pharmacology, what has been covered to date dealing with agonist and antagonist drugs in reference to modifying nerve function is the greatest load of quackery I've ever read. Can't wait to get to virology...

I had to read that three times to realise you are taking the michael.

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11 hours ago, nauseus said:

It's all extreme. I think the question "when do you draw the line" is as relevant as whereso. We don't know yet how many waves there will be or when there will be a vaccine. That's part of the problem, too many variables and unknowns. The only thing we do know is that this virus can kill a lot of people.

Compared to past pandemics it doesn't kill a lot proportionately. If the world was not overpopulated the death toll would be far, far less.

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23 hours ago, paddypower said:

Nursing homes seem to have been badly managed- and that's in hindsight,

I speak only for those in my country as I have no personal knowledge of other countries aged care industry.

I know people that work in aged care industry as cleaning staff and nursing staff. I refer to them as an industry as that is what they are, an industry exploiting the aged to make money for profit.

The cleaning staff are too few and underpaid, the nursing staff too few to do their job properly.

I have no doubt that had Corona struck widely it would have been a catastrophe as there just are not enough medically trained staff to carry out correct procedures safely. As it happened, the virus was contained in very few aged care places, and lockdown stopped the spread to others.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

There has been evidence that HIV does not necessarily cause HIV available and I tend to believe that.

Cause hiv dosen,t cause aids, aids= a***h*** injected death sentance,so just use your back passage as a one way street and you,'ll be ok.

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11 minutes ago, kingdong said:

Cause hiv dosen,t cause aids, aids= a***h*** injected death sentance,so just use your back passage as a one way street and you,'ll be ok.

Wow, the epitome of parading one's ignorance. ????

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19 hours ago, Rancid said:

what has been covered to date dealing with agonist and antagonist drugs in reference to modifying nerve function is the greatest load of quackery I've ever read.

Your post is quackery; completely incorrect.



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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Compared to past pandemics it doesn't kill a lot proportionately. If the world was not overpopulated the death toll would be far, far less.


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1 hour ago, pineapple01 said:

Its a sad P.C World . No one dare mention the benefits from covits culling the weak in overpopulated areas. Its done parts of India a favour imo. Medicine has kept too many alive that would be better off dead these days.

You should stop taking the tablets then!

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4 hours ago, GalaxyMan said:

"Scientists from the Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention studied 285 Covid-19 survivors who had tested positive for the coronavirus after their illness had apparently resolved, as indicated by a previous negative test result. The so-called re-positive patients weren’t found to have spread any lingering infection, and virus samples collected from them couldn’t be grown in culture, indicating the patients were shedding non-infectious or dead virus particles."

Viruses cannot be grown in culture, only bacteria and fungi can.
And this is one of the main reasons that science has never been able to isolate the "virus"

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