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Necessary to have flu/pneumonia vaccine?


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5 hours ago, how241 said:

Please,  you you or anyone recommend where in Pattaya/Jomtien that I could get these vaccines.  If necessary,  I can drive myself to the location.  Thanks for your help.

At this time of the year, any hospital will probably have the flu vaccine on stock. 


For pneumococal vaccine,  I would talk to Dr Ong-Art at BPH about the 2 different vaccines and follow his advice. Few hospitals will have both vaccines. 

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Even if i would be in risk group, there is no way i m taking Flu Vaccine. 130.000 people over 65 years old were vaccinated in Lombardy and look what happened, disaster, yes Thailand have small cases because pneumonia outbreaks yet to come out and after when people start dying from pneumonia the Covid-19 cases will skyrocket. 

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17 minutes ago, Why Me said:

Hmm, last I checked the CDC was a US federal government agency.

I will ignore your personal attacks, very low person that you have shown yourself to be noted!

maybe you should check who sponsors the CDC, would you be surprised if Kill Bill Gates was a sponsor etc etc, probably not - Bye

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Polio yes, given when I was too young to have a choice.

TB no, age 14, I said no.

Typhoid no, I've never lived anywhere they had contaminated water.

Hepatitis no, I've never felt at risk from it.

Tetanus, yes when I was too young to have a choice.


MMR, I would have said no, but I'm old and when I was young we all caught mumps and measles ..... and it didn't harm us.

It was considered normal.

You don't think you have contaminated water in Thailand? Wow.

You are at risk of hepatitis with unprotected sex. Say no more.

The South Australian government is currently running a clinical study with 500 frontline health workers, based on the statistical correlation between low impact COVID-19 cases and TB vaccination. It is speculated it is one of the reasons Thailand has a low rate of coronavirus infection, due to mass BCG  inoculation.

I've never felt I have been harmed by vaccinations as a child or adult. I probably would not be alive but for my last BCG treatment.



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11 minutes ago, CGW said:

Seriously, because - I don't have a bloody clue, I'm old, had a hard life.............

Be charitable ????

It was one of our Prime Ministers, Malcolm Fraser, who said life wasn't meant to be easy. Cheer up, you can always enjoy being aggravating on TV with nonsense.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

I've never felt I have been harmed by vaccinations as a child or adult. I probably would not be alive but for my last BCG treatment.

My granny felt she had never been hit by lighting because she ran round the house covering mirrors and hiding the forks whenever she heard thunder.


Just saying.

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1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

My granny felt she had never been hit by lighting because she ran round the house covering mirrors and hiding the forks whenever she heard thunder.


Just saying.

I suspect you are opposed to vaccinations out of pure cussedness. Just saying.

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Just now, Lacessit said:

I suspect you are opposed to vaccinations out of pure cussedness. Just saying.

I'm not particularly opposed to vaccination.

But I am opposed to what I consider as unnecessary vaccinations.

I'm also opposed to treating cancer, as the victims always seem to die anyway.


We should all be allowed to select our own risks.

Unless you want to hand all personal freedom over to governments.

Something I'm not entirely against, and my first choice for compulsory health care would be restricting the food intake of fat people, and the sugar intake of the potential diabetics ....... for their own good you understand.

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15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'm not particularly opposed to vaccination.

But I am opposed to what I consider as unnecessary vaccinations.

I'm also opposed to treating cancer, as the victims always seem to die anyway.



What vaccinations would you nominate as necessary?

My first bout of bladder cancer was in 2006. Any other f##kwit comments you want to make?

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7 hours ago, Lacessit said:

What vaccinations would you nominate as necessary?

My first bout of bladder cancer was in 2006. Any other f##kwit comments you want to make?

You would probably have recovered without treatment.

If you even had it in the first place.


Edited by BritManToo
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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I love personal attacks, it just proves the person running with them has run out of any other options.

To repeat - have you had vaccinations for polio, TB, typhoid, hepatitis, and tetanus? It's a binary question - yes or no.

If you choose not to answer, it demonstrates how spurious, pathetic and empty your anti-vaxxer stance is.

No...  Had a tetanus jab many years ago, they had to cut my shirt off as upper body swollen like a balloon, never had the 2nd shot and told never to have another shot..... Likewise with Penicillin have algae to that.. I do carry a medical card  stating this, but one wonders if Not my Hospital medical staff would check ? or if had a accident just get pump with the stuff.,, or would they look in my wallet to find my Hospital card. if I was in a condition unable to speak

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22 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

In the US, the flu shots and now the new pneumonia vaccine are given without charge if you are at risk due to age, if on Medicare and most private insurance waive the co pay since it is in their best interest for you to not get sick and make a medical claim 


Prices without insurance vary, here is  sample: 



What is the relevance of posting the cost of vaccines in the US when this topic is about obtaining vaccines in Thailand ?

Now I am aged 70 I think that all vaccines for me in Australia are free doesn’t help me here though.


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13 hours ago, Why Me said:

It can. Here's the reason why. Vaccination isn't 100% foolproof:

About 3 percent of people who receive two doses of the measles vaccine will get measles if they come in contact with someone who has the virus, according to the CDC.



In other words a vaccinated person still has a small chance of getting it from a sick person. And obviously this increases the more unvaccinated and possibly sick persons they come into contact with.


So yes your disease can harm me. And it's a simple act of collective health responsibility to get vaccinated with there being zero credible evidence of adverse effects. And these are acts we do all the time from sneezing into tissue to washing our hands before handling food. Ain't nobody's freedom taken away.


So next time you see a crackpot mouthing anti-vaxx mumbo jumbo swat them on the head with a frying pan.

putting drugs into body isnt the same as sneezing

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4 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

What is the relevance of posting the cost of vaccines in the US when this topic is about obtaining vaccines in Thailand ?

Now I am aged 70 I think that all vaccines for me in Australia are free doesn’t help me here though.


Because this is a forum where members share information. How much the vaccine costs in another country and the variations of the vaccine are important so someone can make an informed decision on whether or not Thailand is charging you the "farang" tax and /or if you are getting the correct vaccine in Thailand


And if the information was so useless then why did you go to all the trouble to post it again ? 

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10 hours ago, Lacessit said:

It was one of our Prime Ministers, Malcolm Fraser, who said life wasn't meant to be easy. Cheer up, you can always enjoy being aggravating on TV with nonsense.

I remember that but from all accounts it was a quote taken from someone else.

I bet poor old Gough felt that way after what Malcom did to him !!!

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14 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

The same one you would have received in Oz.  There are only two versions yearly and normally two or three of the four versions targeted are the same.  But in any case Thailand flu season is the same as Oz and at that time of the year (May) it is the same version here as in Oz.

Interesting that you say that, I mean the flu shot would be free for me back in Oz, so the only reason I can imagine he didn't want to give it to me, is that perhaps he is misinformed or didn't know when the flu season was here in Thailand, or if I got it here in May I would get it for a year whereas if I got it in Oz in October, I would only get 6 months out of it ?


What does concern me is that he said that there are different strains in Oz and in Thailand as the flu changes every 6 months, when you say it is the same vaccine ?

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2 minutes ago, Langsuan Man said:

Because this is a forum where members share information. How much the vaccine costs in another country and the variations of the vaccine are important so someone can make an informed decision on whether or not Thailand is charging you the "farang" tax and /or if you are getting the correct vaccine in Thailand


And if the information was so useless then why did you go to all the trouble to post it again ? 

To ask you the question as to relevancy or don’t you understand ?

Whether it is cheaper or more expensive in another country or free as it is in many countries is irrelevant it’s the cost here that is relevant.

As to the correct vaccine required I will consult the persons qualified to provide such information, not those who think they are so qualified.

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26 minutes ago, ignis said:

No...  Had a tetanus jab many years ago, they had to cut my shirt off as upper body swollen like a balloon, never had the 2nd shot and told never to have another shot..... Likewise with Penicillin have algae to that.. I do carry a medical card  stating this, but one wonders if Not my Hospital medical staff would check ? or if had a accident just get pump with the stuff.,, or would they look in my wallet to find my Hospital card. if I was in a condition unable to speak

You could always wear one of those medical medallions around your neck on a chain, I am sure that would be spotted while your gold chain was being admired.

Re the “algae” you contracted after the Penicillin shot, did your arm turn green?

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

What does concern me is that he said that there are different strains in Oz and in Thailand as the flu changes every 6 months, when you say it is the same vaccine ?

Current Southern


an A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
an A/South Australia/34/2019 (H3N2)-like virus;
a B/Washington/02/2019-like (B/Victoria lineage) virus; and
a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (B/Yamagata lineage) virus.

Next Northern


an A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
an A/South Australia/34/2019 (H3N2)-like virus;
a B/Washington/02/2019-like (B/Victoria lineage) virus; and
a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like (B/Yamagata lineage) virus.

Last Northern


an A/Brisbane/02/2018 (H1N1)pdm09-like virus;
an A/Kansas/14/2017 (H3N2)-like virus; *
a B/Colorado/06/2017-like virus (B/Victoria/2/87 lineage); and
a B/Phuket/3073/2013-like virus (B/Yamagata/16/88 lineage).


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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You would probably have recovered without treatment.

If you even had it in the first place.


Your response demonstrates a total ignorance of the subject matter. Painless hematuria does not lie, ultrasounds don't lie, pathology of debrided cells after surgery does not lie.  Once the cancer gets into the muscle wall of the bladder, it's goodnight nurse. You could ask David Ogden Stiers, only he is dead.

I actually have a second form of cancer, chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Again with medical management, I have survived for about ten years, and will continue to do so unless I get hit by a bus.

I found your first post most offensive, as most cancer survivors probably would. While you have a reputation for being brutally blunt, perhaps you are incapable of recognizing when you have crossed over a line. Maybe people are only pieces of meat to you now.

Consider removing your foot from your mouth, the human bite causes septicemia.

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13 hours ago, NB1986 said:

Even if i would be in risk group, there is no way i m taking Flu Vaccine. 130.000 people over 65 years old were vaccinated in Lombardy and look what happened,


Utterly unrelated.  The flu vaccine does nto protect against COVIID


Nor does it make one susceptible to COVID

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