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Entrepreneurs required to register on ThaiChana as part of Covid-19 prevention

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44 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Charlie have a smart phone? 

If yes the “government” know where you already 

I can find the video but years ago Jeremy Clarkson drove around while a policeman or mobile phone guy  with a radio told him exactly where he was and which direction he was going. Just by phone signal triangulation.

Oh and forget all that stay on the line stuff for caller ID tracking. Takes about 7 seconds.

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May 15, 2020 10:30 am
Taweesin said the Thai Chana app would serve 70 to 80 percent of the people who use mobile phones.

The application will facilitate the government’s attempts to quickly track people infected with COVID-19 and those in close contact with them.



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51 minutes ago, Fab5BKK said:

Few comments:
* I work in IT and more specifically in BI and Data Analytics,
* Data Analytics can achieve a lot nowadays...Even more worrying when IT partnerships and contractors involved come from a country where Democracy and Human Rights aren't a priority (understatement),
* Interestingly, the PDPA (Thailand Personal Data Protection Act) has been, recently, postponed (cf. articles on main news sources),
* About Thai posters on Thai Visa Forum: not their faults, being born and raised in Thailand exposed them to local customs and education system. Their "ways of thinking" have been formatted (adhere to the system, don't question or challenge the authority(ies)).

That's bad, really bad

totally agree


people like Yin don't realise they would have more freedoms and rights in the UK (for example) as a foreigner than they have in their own country, in fact they would be treated as equals, yes some things they couldn't do like vote in elections and stuff but that also disappears once nationalised.


freedoms we have experienced all our lives 

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This is straight out of Nanjing playbook. Rules there are draconian but seems to have been effective. A Japanese film maker that lives there has made a video on what it's like to live there and what precautions they took. Including how quarantine of his colleagues looked like, what steps they took in office, how zones were sealed off... When you see news reports from other parts of the World, it is clear many are copying what Nanjing did. But just bits of it, not the whole thing, as most outside China would not have accepted that kind of a lockdown.

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Well regardless of where KhaoSod picked up the dispatch it seems from their report Taweesin recognizes that  20-30% of Thais do not own (smart) mobile phones. What happens remains to be seen if you try to enter a registered commercial site without a smart phone.

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6 minutes ago, SkyFax said:

Well regardless of where KhaoSod picked up the dispatch it seems from their report Taweesin recognizes that  20-30% of Thais do not own (smart) mobile phones. What happens remains to be seen if you try to enter a registered commercial site without a smart phone.

I can answer that since a friend of mine just entered Terminal 21 in Pattaya.


Not having the app, he was asked to write his name and phone number in a big blank book.


I would rather go with this option since it is much less invasive than the app.


Edited by Brunolem
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1 hour ago, smedly said:

freedoms we have experienced all our lives 

Yet here you are in Thailand having merrily relinquished all those freedoms except the one to get on a pedestal and lecture.


Relax, it's an app that tracks only which shop you are in. And the rest of the time? Do you carry a smartphone? Then the government knows your coordinates to within meters every second of the day. And can send a black helicopter to pick you up in minutes depending on who you called and what you said (which they know as well).


But like somebody above said nobody gives a rats about us so take it easy.

Edited by Why Me
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53 minutes ago, cmsally said:
1 hour ago, SkyFax said:



May 15, 2020 10:30 am
Taweesin said the Thai Chana app would serve 70 to 80 percent of the people who use mobile phones.

The application will facilitate the government’s attempts to quickly track people infected with COVID-19 and those in close contact with them.



Ironically that piece of news is issued by Xinhua !

Yes, Khaosod English which is quite critical of the present government has recently been publishing some Xinhua articles.

I know Xinhua offer their 'articles' free as part of China's attempt to influence the media, but it's still odd. I've noticed that it seems ironic too.

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45 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

An easier alternative would be to have the QR codes tattooed on everyone's forehead. 


After all, these QR codes have a nice futuristic design, very fashionable if you ask me, and such a policy would provide work for the many tattoo parlors that grace the cities. 

I always wondered about those barcodes tattooed on the back of some peoples necks...



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3 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

Yes, Khaosod English which is quite critical of the present government has recently been publishing some Xinhua articles.

I know Xinhua offer their 'articles' free as part of China's attempt to influence the media, but it's still odd. I've noticed that it seems ironic too.

Actually not that surprising :


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I understand the fear of giving too much away although let’s think about this..


this tracking system isn’t an app on your phone, it’s only recording places where your phone checks in.


Im sure there are apps on your phone tracking your every move and conversation already to send to Facebook, google, microsoft, apple and amazon.

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4 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I can see this being more of a Thai Failure, once people see their every move is being traced by the authorities, and refuse to take part.

I see it along the lines of the other apps the government has created that have failed, or do not work properly for many people, or do not work at all, or are only in Thai, so no one but a Thai can use it......who the heck knows. I will not be doing it either....

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3 minutes ago, cmsally said:


The blurb about the partnership above includes the sort of thing you'd expect:

“Most Thai media have been relying on external sources to tell stories about China,” said Teeranai, who’s also a regular contributor to Khaosod’s “China Watch” section. “Now Matichon Group can let the Chinese people themselves tell their own stories with their own voices.”


What seem odd is Khoasod English are using Xinhua for Thai news articles.

There was another Thai news article they published from Xinhua a week or so back - I can't remember what it was offhand.

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