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Tears and heartbreak as flight ban keeps farang-Thai families apart

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8 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Tough but understandable move by the government. The Thais knew what they were dealing with and responded appropriately.

Yes, some foreigners would have respected the  self isolation requirements and yes some have legitimate reasons to return,  Unfortunately, there are alsoforeigners up to no good without  the financial means or health insurance to  take care of themselves. Some would not have respected the self isolation. Thailand did not have the means or resources to manage that exposure. Because of a few duds, everyone will suffer.  And please, no lectures on how  this is unfair when  we see in the forums the stories of how some farangs  play the system  and cheat. Sorry to the many people who  are suffering, but this is the  cost of tolerating scum who are often excused away as poor hard done folk. All it takes is a few selfish gits landing from  Italy, Russia, USA. UK to spread death and disease.

So what about the THOUSANDS of selfish "Easterners" spreading death and disease - are you forgetting where this disease originated?

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4 minutes ago, Davo369 said:

Self employed and earn good money.  

I did marry a English broad... But she was a old cxxt 

Thai wife is 100 times better in every way

Yes, especially if you only see her for half the year. Only kidding ????

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6 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

Just post guards at the points of egress.  Done.  Everyone outside the facility is now "safe."

They were "found to be infected" because they were Actually Tested.  This bug spreads like crazy, which is why every large-scale testing has shown much greater community spread than initially thought.  Thank goodness it is only harmful to a tiny percentage of the population. 


Can you imagine if it was H5N1 - having a 60% mortality-rate - with those virus-spikes (ACE2 receptor-adapted) on it - as was demonstrated in a published study? 

Guards you having a laugh and its not just about people outside the facilty , You have no concern for the people inside the facility such as staff and other guests that are staying there as part of quarantine

There have been people that have tested negative or arrival at the airport but a few days later have been tested postive

I have no issue with foreigners returning but there should be a pecking order

1) All Thai nationals 

2) Once all Thai nationals that want to return then existing long term visa holders that wish to reunite with their families

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4 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

Guards you having a laugh and its not just about people outside the facilty , You have no concern for the people inside the facility such as staff and other guests that are staying there as part of quarantine

There have been people that have tested negative or arrival at the airport but a few days later have been tested postive

I have no issue with foreigners returning but there should be a pecking order

1) All Thai nationals 

2) Once all Thai nationals that want to return then existing long term visa holders that wish to reunite with their families

What "other guests"?   The tourist-industry is Shut Down. 
Staff putting sterilized boxes of food outside people's doors isn't dangerous. 
Agree, Thais and Thai-family should come first - as in "all let in starting tomorrow."  They have an army, and no war.

Edited by JackThompson
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8 hours ago, ezzra said:

Same issue with Australia letting out 28 million prisoners to tend to urgent matters and going back to countries where they have set up homes and families, one can understand the restrictions put on holiday makers but many of us just wanna go back home...

I only realised yesterday that Australians have to apply for permission to leave Australia now. 

I thought it was the level 4 advisory, but you have to apply for a exemption to leave. And it must be shown at airport departure. 

My defacto wife of 7 years is stuck in the village after her mother died mid March. 

I had been in Australia when the fires were on and was heading back to Thailand and my partner when Thai airways cancelled the flights. 

March 25th.

I'm stuck here. 

She is in her village alone. 

Hopefully Thai airways will be operating still as I have a credit for the flight on hold. 

Hopefully the Thailand government will see sense in flights between low risk countries first. 

And hopefully from Australia the permission to leave Australia will be granted. 

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4 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Is there any restrictions in place saying Thai nationals aren't allowed to fly out to be with their spouses in the spouses country?

Currently, there are no flights out for anyone but there is flights in for Thai citizens only.


So Thailand should at least allow flights out at least until the Pandemic improves which will be a long time for certain countries.


My predictions are:

April, May, June - no flights in for all foreigners

July, Aug.  - flights in for low risk countries (at the moment is China and South Korea)


If your country is on the high risk list, you will have to wait a long time.


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4 hours ago, Don Mega said:

If they fly out can they enter the country their spouse is ?


It really depend on which country their spouse is, different country have different list of countries that are allowed in. Most countries would allow Thai citizens in due to the very low rate of infection.

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4 minutes ago, JackThompson said:

What "other guests"?   The tourist-industry is Shut Down. 
Staff putting sterilized boxes of food outside people's doors isn't dangerous. 
Agree, Thais and Thai-family should come first - as in "all let in starting tomorrow."  They have an army, and no war.

Other guests that staying in the facility as part  of quarantine and hotels only that have working cameras on all floors and entry/exits points with an auditable card key room access system in place and approved by the relevant Goverment dept.

As I have already pointed out all let in starting tomorrow is not possible due to approved quarantined facilites can only cater for a certain number

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Separation at borders happened/happens in Germany too. After restrictions have been tightened, I was allowed to enter the country with German passport, my non-German wife sitting next to me was stopped. So we both had to drive around looking for another border crossing which we found at midnight after trying at 5 different places. I can ask why my wife poses an intolerable risk while I pose a tolerable risk, we both live together and are both sick or healthy.... I had the right to cross the border because German  nationals have a strong right to enter but so do also spouses, they too  have a strong right because the protection and unification of families is a human right and is protected by basic law.


So what can you expect from a Thailand, a 3rd world country with military government without a working judicial system and with no respect for human rights or the people's basic needs when even true and solid democracies fail to do it well enough...

Edited by P100
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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

For how long? 


Thai's can return (when there are flights) but foreigners with families in Thailand can't. Why is that ok for you?

Why would a Thai present any less risk than a foreigner?


So.. is it only foreigners you want to prevent from entering Thailand, or everyone?


Think about that and work out if you are being a little sanctimonious or just cold, or both.





Interesting, where did you get October from? - Thats another 5 months with no incoming flights? or just no incomming tourists? or no incoming Western tourists?


You could be right, but why October and not November, or September? what thought process?





The majority of the major airlines are set to resume flights from June and others from early July. 

Qatar, Lufthansa, Emirates, Qantas, even Thailand National carrier Thai airways has flights scheduled for July on some sites.

Maybe wishful thinking?

But These airlines know something that maybe we don't yet....

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8 hours ago, Mama Noodle said:


How does allowing non-Thai people married to a local with a family to return and quarantine just like the Thais are (and pay for it themselves) increasing the risk of spreading anything? 


They would be in quarantine. 

anyone who calls it the wuflu is a bigot and a moron, do not waste your time arguing with him,

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8 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

All it takes is a few selfish gits landing from  Italy, Russia, USA. UK to spread death and disease.

Correct me if im wrong, but wasn't it a few selfish gits who returned from Italy and kicked off the Thailand covid19 at a muay Thai fight contest, and off it went.


No nationalities named...

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37 minutes ago, sambum said:

Thailand is now "home" for many of these "foreigners". They are not 3 week tourists or casual visitors. Their wives and children are here, and in many cases probably paid for and built their homes here, so I think there should be a "special circumstances" committee set up to consider their cases - they seem to be able to set up a committee for just about everything here!

Home many of those hold PR ?


I suspect most jump through the yearly immigrant hoops be they retirement or spouse based extensions or there of.


unless you hold PR you entry/existence here is only temporary.

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What do you expect from an incompetent military givernment? To have people's needs at heart?? With badmouth Anoutin taking every chance to bash foreigners in his endless hate?? They hate us so much that they even let their own Thai people suffer just to keep us, (according Anoutin) not showering dirty farangs away. They don't care about ripped apart families, they don't care about mamas and children struggeling to survive without their dads. But I know, soon they will open the borders. Unfortunately only for Chinese. To flood in and buy Thailand. Farangs will still have to wait until they can prove that they take showers regularly...

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unless someone you are separated from has died of wuwu then please. i spent a year away from my family during the process of immigrating with them back home. come talk to me after a year. 

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27 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Currently, there are no flights out for anyone but there is flights in for Thai citizens only.

There are daily flights out of Thailand.

LH flies 3 times a week,  others too.

Tickets are not expensive. 


I don't know whether the Thai government allows Thais to leave Thailand

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47 minutes ago, sambum said:

Thailand is now "home" for many of these "foreigners". They are not 3 week tourists or casual visitors. Their wives and children are here, and in many cases probably paid for and built their homes here, so I think there should be a "special circumstances" committee set up to consider their cases - they seem to be able to set up a committee for just about everything here!

many of these "foreigners" that call Thailand home are offshore oil and gas workers and their shifts are structured to allow them to exploit the visa exempt entry that Thailand immigration allows.


On paper they are nothing more than short term tourists.

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2 hours ago, Rod the Sod said:

You are such a t@sser.


My wife was due to fly to join me in BKK having returned to Jakarta for family reasons, and the day before her flight it was cancelled. She is trapped in Jakarta and me in BKK. Just circumstance. no elephants here!


Why does everything have to be so black and white to you people?

when did you wife leave for jakarta ? 

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2 hours ago, Don Mega said:
2 hours ago, Paiman said:

May be off topic, you blow yourself some kisses in the morning seeing yourself in the mirror?



I give me wanga a shake and go PHWOAR !

They call me the Don Dada Pop a collar, drop a dollar if you hear me you can holla

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