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Survey: Asians Report So-so Sex Lives


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Survey: Asians Report So-So Sex Lives

April 17, 2007 8:55 a.m. EST

Josephine Roque - All Headline News Staff Writer

Sydney, Australia (AHN) - In the Global Sexual Wellbeing Survey conducted by condom-maker Durex and announced during World Congress on Sexual Health, Asian lovers ranked themselves less favorably compared to the rest of the world. They reported spending less time for intercourse and having less chances to achieve orgasm.

The global survey covered 26,000 people in 26 countries. The survey pegged the average number of times people had sex in a year at 106.

The Japanese held the distinction of being the most infrequent at 48 while the Greeks broke records at 164 times.

The numbers could explain why only 10 percent of Japanese respondents ranked their sex lives as exciting.

Rounding the bottom for the top ten for exciting sex lives were: Hong Kong (32 percent), Australia (40), Singapore (41), Thailand (42) and New Zealand (43).

Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Australia also reported having intercourse below the global average time.

India's took the top spot for being the quickest at 13.2 minutes per session. The global average is 18.3 minutes, with Nigeria taking top spot at 24 minutes. Ranking at seventh place were China's lovers at 20 minutes.



Maybe it's too 'hot' in Thailand ? :o

There's a lot more info on the "World Congress on Sexual Health" to be found here:



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Considering the overpopulation of much of Asia, I can't see this as a bad thing. :D

Yes..... :D

Have a look at this and scroll down a little to see the World's population growth...it's frightening (for our children and grand children...)

Look how many people there were in 1900.....1950....and now.... :o


Oh, I just love the TV series...'Rome'...those were the days (but just for the upperclass) :D


" The addition of 80 million people each year to an already overcrowded globe is exacerbating the problems of pollution, desertification, underemployment, epidemics, and famine " :D

That's more than 25%+ than the entire population of Thailand...something to think about.




Edited by LaoPo
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