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Black Lives Matter protest in Bangkok, Sunday

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I would feel better if it was about how Genghis Kahn enslaved the Asian people to get what he wanted....oh wait....to many similarities with any ethnic group.....Hi-So lording over the Lo-So, and so on.  Never really understood the bowing, kowtowing, kneeling and walking on your knees or crawling just so you were lower than those above you in stature.  The US is also an ethnic melting pot.  Italians, Jews, Muslims, and all of the other nationalities and backgrounds with there own beliefs and views.  It is unfortunately a fact of life and people become jaded when they see how others live based upon their ethnicity, not race.  But then that is my view.  Treat people how you expect to be treated and for the most part life can be easy and obstacles negotiated.  

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12 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

The US is also an ethnic melting pot.  Italians, Jews, Muslims

Italians - yes. Jews and Muslims? No. Until quite recently in history the US was a majority white nation built by white people for white people. 




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8 minutes ago, Genmai said:

Italians - yes. Jews and Muslims? No. Until quite recently in history the US was a majority white nation built by white people for white people. 

You have to go quite a way down that list to find a predominantly white nation. Hispanics yes, whites no. Ironically China is the second largest group. Mexicans largest.


Now which 2 countries citizens does Trump hate more than any other? Hmmm.....



Edited by Phil McCaverty
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2 hours ago, JensenZ said:

People who live in the United States don't understand true poverty. The land of the spoiled.

According to official UN figures more people are living below the poverty line in the USA than any other Western country.

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1 minute ago, ianezy0 said:

This is a worldwide issue.

Open your eyes.

Not a worldwide matter for just black lives unfortunately.  It is a worldwide matter for ethnic and class equality for all.  Equal treatment and not entitlement's as some people expect.  The past has already occurred and today and the future needs to be worked on in order for all people to be treated in a manner of respect, not in a manner of MeMeMe, or you did this in the past so give me that and, or this....Earning equality and life equality for education and opportunities needs to be undertaken and people should be hired on abilities and not racial appearances.

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19 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Not a worldwide matter for just black lives unfortunately.  It is a worldwide matter for ethnic and class equality for all.  Equal treatment and not entitlement's as some people expect.  The past has already occurred and today and the future needs to be worked on in order for all people to be treated in a manner of respect, not in a manner of MeMeMe, or you did this in the past so give me that and, or this....Earning equality and life equality for education and opportunities needs to be undertaken and people should be hired on abilities and not racial appearances.

Racism is a worldwide issue.

Good post mate.


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27 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

You have to go quite a way down that list to find a predominantly white nation. Hispanics yes, whites no. Ironically China is the second largest group. Mexicans largest.


Now which 2 countries citizens does Trump hate more than any other? Hmmm.....

You just looked at the video thumbnail which is a snapshot of the final 2019 demographics instead of watching the video. In 1919 going from top to bottom - Germany, Italy, Russia, UK, Canada, Poland, Ireland, Sweden and Austria. These are all above Mexico. Then after Mexico - Hungary, Norway, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Greece, Yugoslavia, France, Finland, Netherlands and Switzerland.


These places not white enough for you? Some of them might not be so white now due to ridiculous immigration policies. 


24 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

According to official UN figures more people are living below the poverty line in the USA than any other Western country.


That's a very good point. I wonder how much of that is due to

57 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

The US is also an ethnic melting pot



Before you or anyone brings up "muh systemic racism" - did you know that the poverty rate is higher for single parent white households than it is for both-parents-present black households? Then look at which of the two cultures put greater emphasis on stable marriage unions. ????

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8 minutes ago, ianezy0 said:

Racism is a worldwide issue.

Good post mate.


I agree. What about us whites discriminated all the time in Thailand? (Different rules, different bribes needed, called "white man". Can you imagine calling someone "black man" in Europe?they will probably send you to jail for that and draw a swastika on your forehead)


I'm up for some protest and durian lootings, who is with me? 

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:

I can in one minute recite a dozen of forgotten, disenfranchised and decimated groups of people around the world that their lives are in mortal danger as we speak, i don't see anyone protestation that their lives matter, Hypocrisy is a trait people are not ashamed to practice everyday...


Then why don't you start a movement for them? Because you don't care enough to do so, but denigrate anyone else who actually gets up off their backsides to do something.


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33 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

I wonder how White African farmers in Zimbabwe and South Africa feel about all this ?

The ones who are being ethnically cleansed and killed  


Then why not start a movement "White Farmers Lives Matter"?


Easier to sit on a forum shooting barbs at people who actually get up and do something?

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35 minutes ago, Bruno123 said:


Then why not start a movement "White Farmers Lives Matter"?


Easier to sit on a forum shooting barbs at people who actually get up and do something?

Because the current climate is dictated by a very vocal minority who has bullied everyone into submission via fear of being called a racist/nazi/bigot and has steered our coddled Western society into celebrating victim mentality. As such the most subversive, radical, dangerous and unconventional thing that one can do right now is to stand up and say "I'm a straight white male and I'm proud of it", or to campaign for the welfare of other white people. On the other hand if you're a proud black transgender 12 year old who wants to bring down "white supremacy" you'll probably get a spot on Oprah.




Edited by Genmai
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2 hours ago, Genmai said:

Italians - yes. Jews and Muslims? No. Until quite recently in history the US was a majority white nation built by white people for white people. 








2 hours ago, Genmai said:

Italians - yes. Jews and Muslims? No. Until quite recently in history the US was a majority white nation built by white people for white people. 




Most Jews migrated over 100 years ago from Eastern Europe. Indeed they were not considered white at that time in the American racial context. Neither were Irish or Italians.  Now American Jews are categorized as white except by white nationalists.  The original American Jews were mostly very assimilated German Jews and ironically they looked down on Eastern European Jews. In any case Jews have been in the USA since the early days.


George Washington --



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1 hour ago, Sundown said:

I agree. What about us whites discriminated all the time in Thailand? (Different rules, different bribes needed, called "white man". Can you imagine calling someone "black man" in Europe?they will probably send you to jail for that and draw a swastika on your forehead)


I'm up for some protest and durian lootings, who is with me? 


I'd have been up for a bit of durian looting but the bottom has dropped out of the durian market due the difficulties exporting to China. You can get some sweet deals on some fine durian just now. Best I've ever known it. really not worth looting it right now, they're giving it away. However, saw a rayban shop being looted in LA. I'd be up for a new pair of Aviators.

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5 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

It boggles my mind to see people marching in London to protest the death of a Black man in America.  I could understand if it was the American embassy, but I don't believe it is.  (Especially as there is nothing to suggest it was actually a racist incident and the same has happened to white people.)


To me it just shows that people get into this as much because it is a trend as anything else.


The same happened whenever the last one was.  People in the UK saying "<deleted> the police" at the UK police for something the police in America have done.

US Embassy in London on Sunday for the protest. Plenty of disenfranchised people in the world who want their voices to be heard now. Thailand will use these protests as a way of protesting against the junta.

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The article does not state who is organizing the protest. Many here are assuming it is foreigners, but that is not necessarily the case.


Over the last week Thai social media was flooded with pure black posts---that is, just a black square---which was supposedly a solidarity stand with BLM. Virtually all who posted such solid black squares were Thais, not foreigners.

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4 hours ago, Genmai said:

Italians - yes. Jews and Muslims? No. Until quite recently in history the US was a majority white nation built by white people for white people. 




The first Moslems arrived in what is now the US in the early 16th Century.


There are records that indicate there were Moslems who fought on the side of the Colonies in the Revolutionary War.  The majority of early Moslems in the US were brought as slaves from Africa. Jefferson wrote favorably of Moslems in the Colonies, despite he himself being atheist, as were most of the Founders.


One of the great beauties of the US is that the Founders were not only flawed, they were honest enough to admit they were flawed. The wording of the various founding documents was chosen quite carefully by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They knew that the path to the ideals of the nation they were founding would be a long work a progress, but the goal was total human equality both for people of every race, gender and religion, and also for people no matter their station in life, from the lowliest laborer to the President. They based their goal on the writings of Locke and Rousseau, and specifically took the Magna Carta one better and made even the ruler equal under the law with every citizen. The US was the first nation in history to champion the ideal that all humans are equal. We still have a way to go, but the concept is simply extraordinary. It is a total embrace of human freedom and dignity.


It seems those who champion the white race tend to be valor thieves, pretending that because some discovery or innovation was done by a person whose skin was white reflects on the white supremacist, when that supremacist had absolutely nothing to do with it. That is terribly dishonest.


Amusing are comments that take umbrage at non-white immigrants to the US who are supposedly destroying the culture, when the person complaining is a foreigner living in Thailand. The utter irony seems to be lost on them.

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6 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

The first Moslems arrived in what is now the US in the early 16th Century.


There are records that indicate there were Moslems who fought on the side of the Colonies in the Revolutionary War.  The majority of early Moslems in the US were brought as slaves from Africa. Jefferson wrote favorably of Moslems in the Colonies, despite he himself being atheist, as were most of the Founders.


One of the great beauties of the US is that the Founders were not only flawed, they were honest enough to admit they were flawed. The wording of the various founding documents was chosen quite carefully by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. They knew that the path to the ideals of the nation they were founding would be a long work a progress, but the goal was total human equality both for people of every race, gender and religion, and also for people no matter their station in life, from the lowliest laborer to the President. They based their goal on the writings of Locke and Rousseau, and specifically took the Magna Carta one better and made even the ruler equal under the law with every citizen. The US was the first nation in history to champion the ideal that all humans are equal. We still have a way to go, but the concept is simply extraordinary. It is a total embrace of human freedom and dignity.


It seems those who champion the white race tend to be valor thieves, pretending that because some discovery or innovation was done by a person whose skin was white reflects on the white supremacist, when that supremacist had absolutely nothing to do with it. That is terribly dishonest.


Amusing are comments that take umbrage at non-white immigrants to the US who are supposedly destroying the culture, when the person complaining is a foreigner living in Thailand. The utter irony seems to be lost on them.

wasnt it Muslims who were the original slave traders who sold black people to the white buyers ,why not riots against them ?

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Just now, bert bloggs said:

wasnt it Muslims who were the original slave traders who sold black people to the white buyers ,why not riots against them ?

Maybe because Muslim police officers aren't killing black people. just a thought.


Also the people that captured the slaves weren't Arab traders but rival tribes in the same area who then sold them on to the Arab traders. Maybe they should riot against themselves?

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I'd like to remind Thai Visa posters that we/you are a bunch of foreigners in Thailand.  If the Thais want to protest about a black man who was murdered by a police officer in America, well, that's their freedom of choice.

And indeed, why not protest ? There's white people in Britain who are protesting. So surely, it's okay for a load of Thais to protest.

For those who want to criticise the Thais who are going to protest, well, you can leave Thailand as soon as it's convenient for you. Thailand does not want a bunch of foreigners criticising Thais in Thailand. Go home to whatever country you're from, and criticise Thailand there. And don't bother to come back to Thailand afterwards. There's millions of other tourists who will be turning up in Thailand in the future months and years.

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10 minutes ago, tonbridgebrit said:

I'd like to remind Thai Visa posters that we/you are a bunch of foreigners in Thailand.  If the Thais want to protest about a black man who was murdered by a police officer in America, well, that's their freedom of choice.

And indeed, why not protest ? There's white people in Britain who are protesting. So surely, it's okay for a load of Thais to protest.

For those who want to criticise the Thais who are going to protest, well, you can leave Thailand as soon as it's convenient for you. Thailand does not want a bunch of foreigners criticising Thais in Thailand. Go home to whatever country you're from, and criticise Thailand there. And don't bother to come back to Thailand afterwards. There's millions of other tourists who will be turning up in Thailand in the future months and years.

All the land borders have closed and theres no flights back at the moment 

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9 hours ago, ezzra said:

I can in one minute recite a dozen of forgotten, disenfranchised and decimated groups of people around the world that their lives are in mortal danger as we speak, i don't see anyone protestation that their lives matter, Hypocrisy is a trait people are not ashamed to practice everyday...

Yes, in a perfect world, we should be protesting about a lot of stuff.  Canada and Brazil are two nations that were built on mass murder and mass theft of land. We should be protesting about the genocide that's been done to the Canadian Indians and Amazon Indians. But we're not.

But surely, it's still okay to protest about that black man who was murdered by the police officer ?

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48 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

wasnt it Muslims who were the original slave traders who sold black people to the white buyers ,why not riots against them ?

The slave trade had been going on for many 100s of years in Arabia/Africa, long before White people got involved 

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7 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

The slave trade had been going on for many 100s of years in Arabia/Africa, long before White people got involved 

So white people were blamed because they were good at it.. makes sense!

The slave trade is rife throughout Asia. Where’s the protests for the slaves on the fishing boats? What about the sex trade? Housekeepers? Factory workers? 

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