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Only after another 14 days without domestic Covid-19 cases can Thailand 'consider itself safe


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28 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

How about those 100k test results as promised by Dr Plipat then? Not a single positive?

Thailand is amazing!


On Worldmeter, the number of total tests for Thailand hasn't changed at all for days. How often to they update that?

Edited by JCP108
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I do no mind waiting another two weeks if it Helps limit and prevent the spread of COVID-19. it has been tough over the last couple of months two weeks more not a problem. 

It is good to see buisnesses open up again. Many will not reopen.  I do not miss the bars and happy to see the curfew extended it it helps.   Some smaller bars, Restaurants, Markets should open. The major entertainment spots should wait a bit longer. A slow staged reopening would be best.

I would like to know what the next stage of easing will entail. 

When will the boarders open and international flights return?

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57 minutes ago, 5633572526 said:

It is lost on the idiots running this country that the object of social distancing, masks etc. was to “flatten the curve” so that hospitals would not be overwhelmed, not to eliminate the virus completely. The virus is not gone now nor will it be until there is a vaccine. To cripple your economy and starve your people in some vane finger pointing opportunity for a photo op is insanity. The first plane load of tourists will put the virus back in the news as most countries with competent leadership understand the term “flatten the curve” 

I agree with you that politicians don't understand the concept of "flattening the curve" and think that they can eradicate the virus.

Unfortunately, the same thought process applies in many circles in the USA- including governors, mayors, media and general population. The UK with its quarantine is another example of governments running amok

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2 minutes ago, OffshoreMig said:

I do no mind waiting another two weeks if it Helps limit and prevent the spread of COVID-19. it has been tough over the last couple of months two weeks more not a problem. 

It is good to see buisnesses open up again. Many will not reopen.  I do not miss the bars and happy to see the curfew extended it it helps.   Some smaller bars, Restaurants, Markets should open. The major entertainment spots should wait a bit longer. A slow staged reopening would be best.

I would like to know what the next stage of easing will entail. 

When will the boarders open and international flights return?

Never, if the country needs to have 28 days without one single infection..

Unless they stop testing and reporting numbers

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42 minutes ago, Sydebolle said:

I do not want to pour oil into an already very open fire but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

The following two pictures were taken in Berlin and Frankfurt (©Bild) last Saturday, 6 June. The demonstrations saw tens of thousands of people, tight together, in a country which was much more vulnerable than Thailand. No masks, social distancing, alcohol-gels, the works .......

Unless there is a real peak of new Corona cases in, say, two weeks form now, then you can throw the entire "La La La" Blabla, being poured on us by all sorts of ministries of tourism, transport, health and God only knows who else, in the BIG BIN. Same, of course, applies to the hundreds of thousands who went on a looting and demonstration spray all over the United States. 

It is about power and control; great power comes with great responsibilities but absolute power usually corrupts absolutely - we will see! 



Don't worry,  they will report a huge increase in cases.. now testing is ramped up and people who have antibodies (which means they had the infection in the past - many without knowing) are being included as "probable" cases in some States in the USA. 

Of course, if you now add all the people who had the disease 1 or 2 months ago without symptoms, your cases will show an increase. 


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LOS still has Rabies, Hepatitis is rampant, road deaths are near no.1 per capita, has the same very low death numbers as the other countries on their peninsular, gov ministers are flouting the rules big time, and they feel unsafe with the virus.................????

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incubation is on average about 6 days. a 14 day max is the longest time.this being the case we have gone over this many times and theres no local transmission,all cases are people from outside the country .largely workers from middle east where they are held in large dorms.eu/uk cases are dropping fast ,countries with hi nos are now very low IE france italy spain holland germany etc ,uk is falling quickly and the trends lower in USA.asia and ASEAN have the lowest world nos.china too but they cannot possibly be believed and have no credence whatsoever,they are using covid rules in hk to subjugate the pop. as there is no covid there.4 deaths and the last was mnths ago.so theres a similar behaviour pattern .work it out for yourself,the economy is getting hammered its a fragile economy,it relies heavily on tourism and manufacturing so ......why arnt we seeing a further relaxation?the beaches-people need to catch a break from this they wish to get out and relax,still rediculous pedantic behaviour by govt depts,it wont be forgotten.regional travel should be open in july if results and economy are considered.southern europes opening.this is a military govt and the control issue is the major one it is quite obvious,the behaviour of govt is there for all to see from the photos presented and the clearing of Mr watch is another obvious presentation.

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4 hours ago, JCP108 said:

What does "low risk virus period" mean?

it means "however long we want to stay in control of your behavior"


the mask is for demonstrating your submission, not for protection

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Total nonsense. Just an excuse to deprive the people. There is no covid here. Let the people go back to work. No new cases in 14 days. Who comes up with this stuff?


At this point, all the powers are doing by keeping segments of the economy locked down, is practicing a rather evil form of sadism on the people they profess to care so much about. 

How can you say there is no Corvid here, that is nonsense as most folk who get it, get over it, then carry on as if it were a cold..........?  ????

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1 minute ago, poskat said:

it means "however long we want to stay in control of your behavior"


the mask is for demonstrating your submission, not for protection

Blimey, another fruit cake......????

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