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No curfew from tonight


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4 hours ago, OneeyedJohn said:

If u wanna be totally literal about it, the curfew should finish at 23:59 tonight and normality should resume at 00:01 hours Monday morning.


There is no such time as 00:00

It said restrictions removed from 14.06.20 so curfew should have finished at 00.01 this morning. Yes, why they can't just be clear about things is beyond any comprehension. Anyway, no curfew this evening (Sunday) based on that report

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Thailand, America, Australia, UK, Europe are all the same. The only ones allowed into the countries are the nationals. You are all whinging about the farang who is married to a Thai not being allowed to return to Thailand. Then get your Thai wife into you home country and see what happens. Your spouse will not be allowed to enter your home country because she is not a national of your home country and it works both ways.

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I guess I must live in the middle of nowhere as I never saw any signs of a curfew, actually it seemed noisier with more people not working and kids not at school. 

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30 minutes ago, keithkarmann said:

I live in the middle of nowhere and last night the police drove past my driveway after 12 midnight as I was checking for incoming water from the village.

Surely they must have been lost? I can only relay our experience.

Getting them to come out when you call them at night is a different matter - for us anyway.

On a third occasion, someone else in the family called them on 191 at night - no answer at all on that number.

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didnt even know we had a curfew. Motorbikes flying past at all hours, young locals doing donuts in the sand oppisite the apartment on high powered bikes at 2am, was this happening in between curfew hours??

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1 minute ago, lee b said:

didnt even know we had a curfew. Motorbikes flying past at all hours, young locals doing donuts in the sand oppisite the apartment on high powered bikes at 2am, was this happening in between curfew hours??

I'm sure the woman selling donuts has gone home long before that.

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

What good news is that? I don't know anybody that it affected, and if they were essential people it won't affect them anyway.


Letting farangs who are married to Thais and their children back into the country would be something to cheer about.


5 hours ago, billd766 said:

What good news is that? I don't know anybody that it affected, and if they were essential people it won't affect them anyway.


Letting farangs who are married to Thais and their children back into the country would be something to cheer about.

It affected many late night venues,clubs,bars,restaurants,sporting events,depriving them of income but you don’t see that you only want to cry about farangs that left their family here and went elsewhere.

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Curfew was my favourite thing about all this mess. No nutcases on motorbikes racing up and down the road all night, no drunks having brawls downstairs at 3 am, just peace and silence. But it was a pain for many so for their sake it's good to see it go away.

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6 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Lifting of the curfew is one of the relaxations under phase 4 of the easing of the nationwide lockdown, published in the Government Gazette on June 12.

Noodle shops nationwide will be so thankful, as nothing else will be open!

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3 minutes ago, CLS said:


Spouses of Schengen countries‘ citizens have always been allowed in. Family reunification is a basic human right. Granted in all civilized countries.


No entry unless she is a resident or a citizen of that country.Before virus only other way was on a tourist visa.

Edited by Silent Number
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6 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

...and then you woke up, realized you were sleeping in your military uniform again and that reality looks so different, from what you "anticipate"...

I thought he left the military? Isn't he supossed to be a civilian now?

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1 hour ago, Russell17au said:

Thailand, America, Australia, UK, Europe are all the same. The only ones allowed into the countries are the nationals. You are all whinging about the farang who is married to a Thai not being allowed to return to Thailand. Then get your Thai wife into you home country and see what happens. Your spouse will not be allowed to enter your home country because she is not a national of your home country and it works both ways.

Thai wife  who is resident of that country permanent or temporary is permitted to enter most overseas countries. Don’t have to be a citizen.

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16 minutes ago, Silent Number said:

No entry unless she is a resident or a citizen of that country.Before virus only other way was on a tourist visa.

As spouse of a Schenghen area citizen you are entitled to a national visa D. No need for residency.

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5 hours ago, bluesofa said:

 I've yet to see any police in the middle of nowhere.

Outside of Udon city they flatly refuse to turn up at night for fear of being attacked by irate locals (two separate occasions in our case).

I remember Colin Neil has also failed to get the police to come out at night.


Unfortunately Thai police selectively respond to stuff anywhere, try calling them as foreigner after you have been mugged or burgled. It's a result of having a corrupt police force only really interested in commercial gain from tea money. Sad but true.

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Does this mean the government considers us all to be adults again?

In the sense that you are allowed to go out to play now then yes..????

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3 hours ago, dodgybros said:

100% disagree, Australian Defence Forces do not use 0000h, reason being it is the same time as 2400h. Time goes from 2359h to 0001h as previously mentioned

So if I want to invade Oz, I need to it at midnight, 'cos nobody will notice! 00:00 was yesterday, 2400 is tomorrow, I have a whole day to destroy the defence forces!



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1 hour ago, sambum said:

"Those stuck outside the country will be allowed to return in due course, if part of that allowance is an expensive isolation well the open the wallet....or don't bother coming back".


This "First Class Isolation" is yet another way of "fleecing farangs" so, "well open the wallet" and "Up to you" just shows your selfish and unsympathetic attitude towards others stuck in a situation not of their own making, but are there to be taken advantage of. You must be really proud of yourself to think only of your own well being, and not even consider the plight of others less fortunate. 


A lot of people stuck outside the country are probably those that have been away working on contracts, so the Government think "Ah, they'll have lots of money - we'll have some of that". They don't seem to realise that (sorry - maybe they DO) in many cases, the money is going into the Thai economy anyway, because it is to support Thai wives and children. These people would probably "self isolate" anyway, so why don't they just let them in, prove where they are living, and get the BIB to do some work for their salaries, and do spot checks every now and then - if they are not at the address given to Immigration when plod visits, then hit them with a big fine? But there again, that would involve thinking out of the box,  and no money to be made in "Isolation Charges". 


If the Government are wanting to attract tourists, then this situation is exactly the advertising that they do not want. If I was considering Thailand as a holiday destination, the fact that they are denying farangs access to their Thai wives and family (or charging them large amounts of money to gain "entry") would make me think "if that's the way they treat spouses of Thai citizens, I don't think they will treat casual visitors much better." But there again, that would involve thinking out of the box!


P.S. I presume you are a paid up member of the "If you don't like it, go home" Club?





I want to join. Why berate Thailand for not allowing foreigners at present.The Thai citizens are their priority.The same conditions apply to most countries that I am aware of. They are doing a great job of repatriating Thais from many locations. Give credit where it’s due.

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34 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Of course he is member of the "don't like it go home club"


There are so many of them, all living in denial. Not one of them will hear a bad word said about their precIous Thailand. I am convinced it's because they have been stupid enough to relocate without giving themselves the option of an exit should it go wrong, so obviously they don't want to hear that Thailand is not what it once was as it not a nice place to be anymore,,, there are much better options available and that message is spreading globally, its why the tourist trade was suffering before the virus and will continue to suffer afterwards. The recent reports on the "no foreigners" sign at the temple and constant breaches of human rights will absolutely effect peoples desire to travel there... 

if you have such dislike for Thailand and it’s expats why are you even commenting on here take up knitting or macrame do something useful with your time. Some of us don’t have a problem with the rules and regulations of the powers that are in control.I personally don’t get overexcited at signs on temples like some and as for human rights try looking at a news channel problems are everywhere.So I would suggest instead of getting all worked up about such a rotten place go to one of those better options places. No malice intended.Muah

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