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Thai road carnage: Monthly death toll already 616 - Year total well past 6,000


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Who cares?? Certainly not myself!! Its similar to the USA and gun control (by the way I am not an American) Why allow people to shot and kill each other? S, why do we allow people to drive while intoxicated, why do allow 13 year olds to drive motorbikes, why do we allow individuals to break the laws of the road?

Why beacuse we can and get away with it

So go out and kill yourself for sure and maybe even take the lives(s) of another or two while your at it 

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4 hours ago, BobbyL said:

Why is nothing ever done to start to correct these abhorrent stats? 69 people in one day is utterly unbelievable. It is like a daily terrorist attack in its numbers. 

Nothing is off intrest if it doesn't line the pocket!!!

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2 hours ago, outsider said:


Finally. Something not affected by the CVD19 pandemic. It is really mind-boggling how Thailand keeps these figures up despite there being less traffic on the road (apparently) during the curfew months.


They are trying to catch up after the lockdown...

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10 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I am confused. The entire nation's economy was shut down over 58 deaths, with regard to Covid. And we have 100 times that in road fatalities. Why aren't they shutting down the highways? Why aren't they insisting that the highway patrol, actually patrol the highways? Why aren't they pulling people over for reckless driving, driving at 180kph, swerving recklessly, and driving drunk? Why are highway deaths ok? 


The primary reason is the toy police force. Nobody, and I mean nobody takes these guys seriously. There is absolutely nothing in the way of a deterrent here, and both the local governments, the central government (weak Little P.) and the police do not take traffic safety seriously. Not even one iota. The safety of the public means less than zero to the small men in charge here. Nothing. They show that on a daily basis. They will not do a thing. Why? They do not care about the people one iota. Not the common people. Not the average pleb. No way. Never have cared, and may never care in the future. It is all about protecting the elite, the super wealthy, those that are connected, and those in power. The rest of the population? They do not matter. The ex-pat community does not matter. And the police will not get involved unless an accident has already occurred. There is no prevention. None. The idea of getting the police more involved, is an interesting one, and it would be an effective one. But, the issue is money. They are grossly underpaid, and until the government steps up, and spends the trillion baht on updating the police equipment, and paying each cop a living wage, it is not going to happen. Until then, they will just work the franchise. 


The only way to survive here on the road, is to be patient, have eyes in the back of your head, drive with caution, and always, and I mean always watch out of the other guy. Chances are, he does not have much driving skill, nor patience, nor reason, nor common sense. You cannot be too careful on the road here. Especially considering that the toy police offer no traffic safety, nor enforcement of the law. 


When I was growing up, we took drivers education courses. They showed us horrendous films, or semi trucks plowing into cars, and literally obliterating everything in their path. They also showed us graphic images of head on collisions. 120mph impacts. Even as a young kid, it made quite an impression. It was horrific, and it was hard to get those images out of your head afterwards. But, it left a lasting impression, and when I started driving, I understood it was serious business, and that it was a very dangerous thing to do.


I see people driving here, with their families in the car, and doing things, and taking the kinds of risks no rational or sane person with common sense would do. What for? To gain one minute? Why take those risks? What is the logic? Often, when I am cruising along at 100kph, someone cuts right in front of me. Or someone comes out from the side road, right in front of me. I have to slam on my brakes, or change lanes to avoid him. I look in my rearview mirror, and there is nobody behind me. So, if he had waited two seconds, he would have had completely safe passage onto the highway. What gives? Where is the intelligence, caution, and prudence? Where is the common sense? What about just the survival instinct? It is all about catching people performing moving violations. That is what causes most accidents. And herein lies the deterrent. As long as everyone is allowed to get away with extremely reckless driving, entering the highway in front of an oncoming vehicle that is only 100 meters away, going 100kph, cutting in front of vehicles within one meter at high speeds, swerving like crazy idiots all over the highway, trucks and 40 year old cars occupying the fast lane doing 40kph, when other vehicles are approaching doing 120kph, drunk driving, etc, accidents, major injuries and deaths will continue to happen, and no amount of rhetoric and platitudes by the fabulously incompetent and insincere authorities are going to make any difference. 

Profoundly uninformed - you completely miss the point.

Edited by Airbagwill
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai road carnage: Monthly death toll already 616 - Year total well past 6,000

And they are worried at the few Deaths from the Wuhan The trouble they caused about the virus  ,

Lockdowns,  Millions of jobs lost , People gone Broke , some killed themselves , the money the people have/had to waste on Masks /Jells /Sprays. Flight Bans .Insurance Requirements.

In all costing Many Billions of THB.

If the government was Serious about the Carnage on the road They would've spend the same on Fixing that Big Problem .

They could start by getting the Police to do what they are Suppose to do 24/7 .

Policing the Laws and Fining/Jailing All Wrongdoers, from not wearing helmets up to Corruption.

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There are many reasons that Thais drive as they do.

1 - I have never detected any sign of common sense in a Thai, and I've been living here for over 25 years. I am not sure how you teach that, but anyway there is no movement to do so.

2 - The Thais have a Me First mentality that is deeply ingrained, and that is the last thing you want to see in a driver.

3 - The education system demands that you do not think for yourself but listen and obey, so Thais do not develop the necessary skills to actually think. That may result in my first point above.

4 - Learning to drive in a proper and responsible manner is quite difficult, and Thais do not do difficult. Thais do 'near enough', but on the roads that isn't 'good enough'. One mistake can cost lives, so being lucky enough to get it right most of the time isn't good enough either.

5 - They have absolutely no concept that the vehicle they are attempting to operate is a potential killer. No concept at all.

6 - Along with inadequate teaching of all things about how to drive properly and safely, there is no test to determine if you have reached a standard where you are not a danger to yourself and others before you take to the road.

7 - Thais do not seem able to join the dots, and realise that if, for example, they drive at 120 kms an hour five metres behind the vehicle in front, or drive at night with no rear light (or front light if they are driving on the wrong side of the road because they have no concept of the danger), then they would have no time to react if the vehicle in front breaks suddenly. Ask any Thai what their safe braking distance is and they would have no idea.

8 - There are zero police patrols to help prevent accidents by pulling aside selfish and stupid drivers. Their only presence is setting up road blocks which seems in my experience to have only one purpose - to check your tax disc is in the window and up to date.

9 - Police have absolutely no interest in enforcing the law even when they are static beside the road, watching kids three or four on a bike go by with no helmet, no license, no ability to properly control the bike they are on. And that goes also for the parents and schools who allow Thailand's future to play Russian Roulette every time they go out. The police know they get paid anyway, so why work?

10 - The government does nothing to resolve the road death/accident toll as nothing practically can be done. The problem began decades ago when Thais first began to drive in numbers. No meaningful test was introduced and enforced, and now it is far, far too late. It would mean retraining every driver (and who would do that - it would be similar to those who teach English not being able to speak the language themselves). And it would mean the drivers having to take a proper western-style test before gaining a license. And it would mean police patrols to catch those who drive as if they are playing a video game. Now, anyone can drive as they like and put themselves and others in danger as they know that have zero chance of being caught. They can drive that way with total impunity. And it would require said (non-existent) police to actually enforce the law. And not one of things is possible in Thailand,


To finish, nothing can or will change and survival on Thai roads will continue to be a lottery. All we can do is remember the words that were used in the 70s police drama Hill Street Blues as the force were sent out on patrol - 'Let's be careful out there'.

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4 hours ago, Forza2002 said:

Year on year the road fatality stats aren't getting any better so it would appear to be acceptable by the Govt. to have on average 40 people killed daily on the roads, and yet the country goes into economic meltdown over the deaths of a mere 58 mortals from CV19... ???? ????

I commented 'sad', but that's not aimed at the content of your post, only at the truth of this statement.

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Drivers should learn to look left and right. Drivers are NOT taught here , the Driving Licence TEST is a joke . Bears absolutely NO resemblance to actual Road conditions .

What does the Govt expect all of a sudden Drivers will learn to drive safely when other drivers are at the same standard. Even Government agency vehicles and I include the Police here are just as bad .

I spent a total of nearly TWO years learning to drive vehicles, big trucks and very fast Police  cars , tests hard , standards high. Yet here virtually NO training at all from what I can see. Buses and Coaches are the worst offenders in my book .

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34 minutes ago, tonysilly said:

you guys don't get it!! the more accidents the more money hospitals make!!  how many people died from the corona virus ??? Nothing compared to road accident.  soo sad  ????

Not true...... RTIs cost the country trillions of baht not just imm mediately but in perpetuity

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Thai road carnage: Monthly death toll already 616 - Year total well past 6,000

I wonder when we close the airports, stop all the tourists, close the bars and massage parlors of course stop all entertainment, have curfews, have check points and of course stop selling alcohol for at least one month. 

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2 hours ago, fxe1200 said:

Yes, in my case the insurance company raised the premium from 14.000 to 17.000 THB, though I expected a no-claims bonus. T.I.T.

In my case, went down from 10,300 to 7,900 THB after small accident 

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who, being right in his mind, can assume, that the reigning power in this land (whoever that might be) is interested in  the wellbeing of the people, enforcing draconian measures with the excuse of a "deadly virus", while doing nothing, I repeat, nothing (beside propaganda placebo with no effect)to reduce the daily mass slaughtering with motor-vehicles.


one million people are maimed and otherwise injured each year,

in 10 years thats add up 10 million, in a life span about 80 millions

24,000 and 26,000 fatalities annually

in ten years 250,000 got killed, in a life span about 2 million people !


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The problem is the government has no control or priorities on traffic management or enforcement. The reality is they do not care about the death toll or the cost to the country it is something they have lived with for many years. The Prime Minister is totally responsible for the problem but will not accept responsibility and act to stop the carnage. Nobody really cares about the people who die.  a sad indictment on the country. Thailand will have third world status while this attitude exists.


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