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Tooth Fairy ??


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During the lockdown, I bit on a hard nut and an old filling fell out, (luckily not in my visible front teeth).  Stuck at home and no chance to make it to a dentist in Vientiane, that tooth is now 'extinct'.  I am beginning to look like Albert Steptoe...




Edited by simon43
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did this 'tooth fairy' business with my 2, a great tradition from the 'west' IMO. enough for some sugary treats from the 7/11 (ironic i know). won't say how much i left, but will say it was a wee bit less than a 1000B. the odd occasion i forgot, i just explained sometimes the TF had too many collections to do in one night, and made sure the i remembered the next night. does seem a bit 'alien' to most thais though.

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Was Bt100 but she's 22 now & may have to have her wisdom teeth out!


We also saved all our kids' teeth for them in small decorated boxes. We had an idea to put them in rattles but never did it. Some friends made their children little pillows with a pocket for the tooth.


At least once, a tooth was swallowed by accident & we were in the sh*t to find it for the tooth fairy.


In Canada, I always told the kids I was going to tie their tooth to our boat & motor off! (Definitely would have lost the tooth!)

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