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Just in case you are thinking of leaving the LOS and returning to Blighty, be warned that you are running against the tide. The following from the UK press:

"Around 500 Brits a day are leaving the country, with Australia, Spain and France the most popular destinations, although far more new immigrants are arriving, official figures showed Friday.

The most recent statistics show that 380,000 people emigrated from Britain for a year or more, of whom over half were British citizens.

In the same period, 565,000 migrants arrived to live in Britain for at least a year, boosting the country's overall population by 185,000, the highest figure since 1991, National Statistics said.

Of those arriving, 80,000 came from eastern European countries which joined the European Union in May 2004, with 70 percent of these Polish citizens, according to the 2005 figures.

In 2004-05, 71,000 Brits emigrated to Australia compared to 58,000 to Spain and 42,00 to France.

At the same time, 99,000 came to this country from India, 76,000 from Poland and 59,000 from China".


we live in a globalised world. The movement of people, while not 'free' as it is in the EU, is certainly fluid.

Brits, as with most westerners, probably have the most freedom to go where they want, when they want.


The British press also reported today that 1.5 million immigrants have arrived since Blair took office. Yesterday the press reported the Minister responsible for immigration as saying " we now realise that immigration is becoming a problem". A problem ? bloody understatement that is. Again as I have said on many threads , 50 years too late to realise despite all the warnings. So if any expats are considering returning, then think very carefully. Even Blair is planning to spend most of the time out of the country when he steps down. He already has one Son in the States out of harms way, well hopefully if he avoids the crazy shooters there.

Is it time for the monthly Britain is going down-hill debate again?


It's already reached the bottom of the hill and now it's motoring down towards the earth's core, with no sign of stopping!!! :o


Its not surprising so many Brits are leaving.Ridiculous amounts of immigrants flooding in and crime rising at a frightening rate.

As I've said before,this is only going to get worse over the next 10 years and I'm glad I wont be there to see it.

Multicultural Britain?...yeah,that will work! :o

Lets see how long this thread stays open shall we?

Its not surprising so many Brits are leaving.Ridiculous amounts of immigrants flooding in and crime rising at a frightening rate.

Between 1995 and 2005 crime in the UK dropped by 44% according to the British Crime Survey and Home Office statistics.

What did the Romans ever do for us?....apart from............................ :o:D

Britain did everything for us until recent times.

Then the trendy left got hold of education and the media and politicians too craven to stand up to them, stood back and let the whole lot fold.

What did the PC left ever do for us?

1 Give people no incentive ever to work hard.

2 Allow institutions to be humbled and sued by the dregs of society over trite issues and stubbing toes on cracked pavements etc.

3 Teach all kids that their dads were evil rapists who subdued and oppressed women.

4 Allowed people to get preganant at 16 and gain access to housing that working couples could never hope to achieve.

5 Gave untold riches in the form of benefits to drug addicts, alcoholics and the workshy.

6 Allowed ghetos of non english speaking non christians to set up homes in England and rubbish our society and heritage.

7 Make life more financially rewarding for a wife if she took a boyfriend and got shot of her husband.

8 Dissalowed the critisising of male on male anal sex as anything other than normal.

9 Tried to banish competition in sports, the Easter bunny, xmas and even incredibly the Three Little Pigs last month as it may offend Muslims. To their great credit I must say, the Muslim Council of Britain came out and asked the PC idiots involved to pack it in as it was causing anti muslim sentiment. For those who didn't see it, they renamed it "The three little PUPPIES" in a school play!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Pushed "reverse discrimination" forward and hoping people wouln'd notice it was actually "discrimination" just in the direction that the clever lefty wierdos wanted.

Nothing much really, but sure am glad i live in Thailand. I can actually enjoy a NORMAL healthy family life here with my wife and children, without the state saying I should be living in a hovel and working all my life to support the above mentoin dregs of society.

You're not clever either Rinada with your remark. Just don't think the majority of Brits agree with you. Just look at the Recommends on BBC Have our say. The left get an absolute pasting every time, but the Beeb just plough on regardless.

Its not surprising so many Brits are leaving.Ridiculous amounts of immigrants flooding in and crime rising at a frightening rate.

Between 1995 and 2005 crime in the UK dropped by 44% according to the British Crime Survey and Home Office statistics.

Statistics, damned statistics and lies! Tools of the left.

What about telling us about all 10 year periods prior to this? What about comparing 1995 - 2--5 with 1955 - 1965?

Do tell us

Its not surprising so many Brits are leaving.Ridiculous amounts of immigrants flooding in and crime rising at a frightening rate.

As I've said before,this is only going to get worse over the next 10 years and I'm glad I wont be there to see it.

Multicultural Britain?...yeah,that will work! :D

Lets see how long this thread stays open shall we?

:o This has nothing to do with Thailand and anyhow I am an bloody Yank, but I want to get my two cents worth in for all those Brits moaning and groaning about "immigrants" coming to the UK.

In the late 70's I knew a Indian family in Ethiopia. They were Muslims, and when the British Empire left India the british government decided that they would get Pakistani passports to replace their British Empire passports. So the family became Pakistani, because they were Muslim. (The family was originally from the Bombay area).

In the 1970's a socialist government took pver in Ethiopia and this family had much of it's property nationalized by the Ethiopian government. About 1977 the fmily left for the UK.

They moved into a house with about 10 people living in that one house. There were comments from the locals about the "bloody Pakis" all living together in that one house.

Today the family has:

1. A daughter who has a very well paying job in an import-export firm. She has recently been made an associate director of that firm.

2. The father has established his own firm that deals with trade between the UK and the Indian subcontinent which does several million pounds of business a year.

3. Two of the sons have opened a real-estate firm that is doing very well.

4. Another daughter is a partner in a legal firm specializing in corporate law.

And just for the record the reason they all had to live in one house when they first arrived in the UK was that the Ethiopian government confiscated most of their money and property before they were allowed to leave Ethiopia.

Just so you all know.


Its not surprising so many Brits are leaving.Ridiculous amounts of immigrants flooding in and crime rising at a frightening rate.

As I've said before,this is only going to get worse over the next 10 years and I'm glad I wont be there to see it.

Multicultural Britain?...yeah,that will work! :D

Lets see how long this thread stays open shall we?

:D This has nothing to do with Thailand and anyhow I am an bloody Yank, but I want to get my two cents worth in for all those Brits moaning and groaning about "immigrants" coming to the UK.

In the late 70's I knew a Indian family in Ethiopia. They were Muslims, and when the British Empire left India the british government decided that they would get Pakistani passports to replace their British Empire passports. So the family became Pakistani, because they were Muslim. (The family was originally from the Bombay area).

In the 1970's a socialist government took pver in Ethiopia and this family had much of it's property nationalized by the Ethiopian government. About 1977 the fmily left for the UK.

They moved into a house with about 10 people living in that one house. There were comments from the locals about the "bloody Pakis" all living together in that one house.

Today the family has:

1. A daughter who has a very well paying job in an import-export firm. She has recently been made an associate director of that firm.

2. The father has established his own firm that deals with trade between the UK and the Indian subcontinent which does several million pounds of business a year.

3. Two of the sons have opened a real-estate firm that is doing very well.

4. Another daughter is a partner in a legal firm specializing in corporate law.

And just for the record the reason they all had to live in one house when they first arrived in the UK was that the Ethiopian government confiscated most of their money and property before they were allowed to leave Ethiopia.

Just so you all know.


Pubs closed over there as well now have they! :o

What, and how many have you had tonight.


Do you all think that the UK is the only country with problems? I feel fairly sure that others from other European countries have their complaints, and dissatisfaction with their countries and their governments. There are masses of immigrants coming into many European countries. Most folk think that life used to be better years ago. Is this true? I don't know. If it is true then how far back do we have to go to find this 'golden' era? It seems to be human nature to complain about progress, but I think we may now be better off than we have ever been.

There is a reason that so many are so desperate to get into the UK, and that is because life in the UK is better than in the majority of other countries. It is civilized and everything works. There are regulations and there is a high degree of order. Everyone has rights there; regardless of if your uncle is a local police chief. I am not sure the same can be said for many other countries.

It is easier to list countries that the UK is preferable too, then to list countries that are better than it.


Hey, Dupont, British Isles is a small place, and it must be discomforting for people with a unified culture to have all these "foreigners" move in.

(I am American, but my maternal grandfather was born in East Anglia. Father's side of the family migrated from Wales in the 1860's.)

England colonised the world, pretty much owned the entire universe, lock, stock and barrel up until the end of WWII. Because the British were probably the fairest and most civilised people in the world (and I like to think they still are) they extended their hand to all the people in the many nations that they had colonised, and offered them citizenship. I know I'm stating the obvious here, bear with me.

You must realize that you are p----g in the wind on this issue. Mass movements of people worldwide will continue and just become even more apparent. What you are upset about is that you feel England is losing it's identity because of this influx of foreigners. No doubt a few dozen generations ago people felt the same about the Normans, or the Vikings.

I come from Southern California, USA, which for some perverse reason every yahoo from every 3rd world country on the planet has decided they must emigrate to (farking Hollywood, thank you very much!). Certain activist groups have declared they are "reclaiming" the state of California, and actively promote illegal immigration. Business people feed off of this cheap labour, certain politicians cater to these groups, etc. etc.- you get the picture. It's not just in Blighty this is happening. It's everywhere, it ain't gonna stop, so why be upset about something that isn't going to change?

What did the Romans ever do for us?....apart from............................ :o:D

Britain did everything for us until recent times.

Then the trendy left got hold of education and the media and politicians too craven to stand up to them, stood back and let the whole lot fold.

What did the PC left ever do for us?

1 Give people no incentive ever to work hard.

2 Allow institutions to be humbled and sued by the dregs of society over trite issues and stubbing toes on cracked pavements etc.

3 Teach all kids that their dads were evil rapists who subdued and oppressed women.

4 Allowed people to get preganant at 16 and gain access to housing that working couples could never hope to achieve.

5 Gave untold riches in the form of benefits to drug addicts, alcoholics and the workshy.

6 Allowed ghetos of non english speaking non christians to set up homes in England and rubbish our society and heritage.

7 Make life more financially rewarding for a wife if she took a boyfriend and got shot of her husband.

8 Dissalowed the critisising of male on male anal sex as anything other than normal.

9 Tried to banish competition in sports, the Easter bunny, xmas and even incredibly the Three Little Pigs last month as it may offend Muslims. To their great credit I must say, the Muslim Council of Britain came out and asked the PC idiots involved to pack it in as it was causing anti muslim sentiment. For those who didn't see it, they renamed it "The three little PUPPIES" in a school play!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Pushed "reverse discrimination" forward and hoping people wouln'd notice it was actually "discrimination" just in the direction that the clever lefty wierdos wanted.

Nothing much really, but sure am glad i live in Thailand. I can actually enjoy a NORMAL healthy family life here with my wife and children, without the state saying I should be living in a hovel and working all my life to support the above mentoin dregs of society.

You're not clever either Rinada with your remark. Just don't think the majority of Brits agree with you. Just look at the Recommends on BBC Have our say. The left get an absolute pasting every time, but the Beeb just plough on regardless.


Here is more recent story, from Yahoo and aap.

Friday April 20, 07:19 PM

Australia being flooded with Poms

One in five Britons who move overseas head to Australia, according to figures released in the UK this week.

The Office for National Statistics figures showed 500 British people were leaving the UK every day to live abroad, with Australia the most popular destination.

Spain, France, New Zealand, Canada and South Africa were also popular with Britons leaving their homeland.

In 2004-05, 71,000 British citizens moved to Australia.

During the same period, 78,000 Australians moved to Britain.

Only India provided more immigrants to the UK with 92,000.

A record 380,000 people left the UK in 2005.

Of those, 198,000 were British citizens leaving for more than a year, up on 159,000 in 2001.

In 2005, an estimated 565,000 migrants arrived in the UK to stay for at least a year, which was down on the 2004 estimate.

Many migrants arriving in Britain intended to stay for one or two years, while a large proportion of those leaving intended to stay away for more than four years.

An estimated 1,500 people arrive to live in Britain each day.

Next year, Britain will adopt an Australian-style model for restricting immigration to those with skills in need.

British Immigration Minister Liam Byrne unveiled the timetable for introducing the points-based system during a fact-finding visit to Sydney this week.

Australia uses a similar system to attract migrants with in-demand skills and reject those who would compete with local workers for unskilled jobs.

What did the Romans ever do for us?....apart from............................ :o:D

Britain did everything for us until recent times.

Then the trendy left got hold of education and the media and politicians too craven to stand up to them, stood back and let the whole lot fold.

What did the PC left ever do for us?

1 Give people no incentive ever to work hard.

2 Allow institutions to be humbled and sued by the dregs of society over trite issues and stubbing toes on cracked pavements etc.

3 Teach all kids that their dads were evil rapists who subdued and oppressed women.

4 Allowed people to get preganant at 16 and gain access to housing that working couples could never hope to achieve.

5 Gave untold riches in the form of benefits to drug addicts, alcoholics and the workshy.

6 Allowed ghetos of non english speaking non christians to set up homes in England and rubbish our society and heritage.

7 Make life more financially rewarding for a wife if she took a boyfriend and got shot of her husband.

8 Dissalowed the critisising of male on male anal sex as anything other than normal.

9 Tried to banish competition in sports, the Easter bunny, xmas and even incredibly the Three Little Pigs last month as it may offend Muslims. To their great credit I must say, the Muslim Council of Britain came out and asked the PC idiots involved to pack it in as it was causing anti muslim sentiment. For those who didn't see it, they renamed it "The three little PUPPIES" in a school play!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Pushed "reverse discrimination" forward and hoping people wouln'd notice it was actually "discrimination" just in the direction that the clever lefty wierdos wanted.

Nothing much really, but sure am glad i live in Thailand. I can actually enjoy a NORMAL healthy family life here with my wife and children, without the state saying I should be living in a hovel and working all my life to support the above mentoin dregs of society.

You're not clever either Rinada with your remark. Just don't think the majority of Brits agree with you. Just look at the Recommends on BBC Have our say. The left get an absolute pasting every time, but the Beeb just plough on regardless.

Not trying to be cleaver old chap just telling the truth....as I see it...horses for etc..

Having travelled,worked and "expatted" in what 20-30 countries including 3 where I had to get out of rather sharpish :D i quite appreciate living in what i would consider a FREE society with 60 m other like minded people ...plus of course our great and expanding European Union..(dont suppose you like THAT either.. :D )

I mentioned the Romans earlier ..but I should also give credit 500 years later to the Vikings,followed on by what ..another 500 with those nasty Frenchies who arrived from Normandy including....King Dickies brother who socked to us with.... the wots -it ..O yeah.the Magna Carta......sure the left was getting a pasting then as well....and no BBC to support it for another almost......1000 years....

Wonder if the natives were still whinging when that German turned up with a printing press,the Paddies built the Empire .....and the Jocks invented penecillian for your wee downstairs problems... :bah:

Immigrants have always be welcome here especially if they get off their backsides and actually do some work unlike...........some that i could think...and the way the economy is going the MORE the merrier....

So generally things are OK here and if we (the majority ) get to the stage where we dont like the (wonderfull ) government...that WE ELECTED..... then we can just kick them OUT...unlike so many other .......................... :D


While it is clear why the UYK receives so many immigrants, are there any statistics or established reasons why so many Brit's are choosing to emmigrate?

I would guess much of them leave for lifestyle reasons (tax, cost of living, wheather ect ect ....).


While it is clear why the UYK receives so many immigrants, are there any statistics or established reasons why so many Brit's are choosing to emmigrate?

I would guess much of them leave for lifestyle reasons (tax, cost of living, wheather ect ect ....).


I would confidently guess that one of the major reasons so many Brits are leaving the country is because most of them have built up substantial equity in real estate and that has given them a choice - stay in the UK and remain in the rat race or move to somewhere like LOS and live well without the high priced drudgery of the nanny state. For many it's not a difficult choice. What I would like to see is the number of returnee's or expats who have returned home and the reasons why. Ah yes, the grass is always greener .....

While it is clear why the UYK receives so many immigrants, are there any statistics or established reasons why so many Brit's are choosing to emmigrate?

I would guess much of them leave for lifestyle reasons (tax, cost of living, wheather ect ect ....).


I don't have statistics, I simply ask them. In Australia the number 1 reason is the weather. Australia also offers a modern society with plenty of work for anyone who wants to come here. With 1,000's of kilometres of clean beaches, work, great weather and an easy life style I can understand the move.

When I ask the guys in Thailand weather seems to come into again, then women, lifestyle and being able to live 10 times cheaper than the UK. Most of these guys are retired and happy to be in Thailand.

I only ever went to UK once and stayed for 3 weeks, I thought everything was great, really enjoyed myself but I hated the miserable cold rainy weather, for that reason alone I would not live in UK as I am an outdoors type of person who loves the sun. Plus UK compared to OZ and Thailand is very very expensive.


Brits are probably escaping that weather they talk about half of the day.

They're obsessed with their obsession of complaining about the weather.

While it is clear why the UYK receives so many immigrants, are there any statistics or established reasons why so many Brit's are choosing to emmigrate?

I would guess much of them leave for lifestyle reasons (tax, cost of living, wheather ect ect ....).


I don't have statistics, I simply ask them. In Australia the number 1 reason is the weather. Australia also offers a modern society with plenty of work for anyone who wants to come here. With 1,000's of kilometres of clean beaches, work, great weather and an easy life style I can understand the move.

When I ask the guys in Thailand weather seems to come into again, then women, lifestyle and being able to live 10 times cheaper than the UK. Most of these guys are retired and happy to be in Thailand.

I only ever went to UK once and stayed for 3 weeks, I thought everything was great, really enjoyed myself but I hated the miserable cold rainy weather, for that reason alone I would not live in UK as I am an outdoors type of person who loves the sun. Plus UK compared to OZ and Thailand is very very expensive.

be careful what the stats tell you.

78K brits moving to Australia? Yes. But most of them are working holiday makers, who after 2 years max using their limited work rights in OZ, have to go home.

What did the Romans ever do for us?....apart from............................ :o:D

1 Give people no incentive ever to work hard.


9 Tried to banish competition in sports, the Easter bunny, Xmas and even incredibly the Three Little Pigs last month as it may offend Muslims. To their great credit I must say, the Muslim Council of Britain came out and asked the PC idiots involved to pack it in as it was causing anti Muslim sentiment. For those who didn't see it, they renamed it "The three little PUPPIES" in a school play!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Pushed "reverse discrimination" forward and hoping people would notice it was actually "discrimination" just in the direction that the clever lefty weirdos wanted.

Tickled me somewhat, since dogs are nearly as reviled as pigs by Islam :D

I remember the law being changed in Malaysia to allow ex-pats to have Fillipina maids (rather than Muslim Indonesians) so they could be allowed to wash the dog.

Just demonstrates how naive the PC lobbyists are.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

What did the Romans ever do for us?....apart from............................ :o:D

Britain did everything for us until recent times.

Then the trendy left got hold of education and the media and politicians too craven to stand up to them, stood back and let the whole lot fold.

What did the PC left ever do for us?

1 Give people no incentive ever to work hard.

2 Allow institutions to be humbled and sued by the dregs of society over trite issues and stubbing toes on cracked pavements etc.

3 Teach all kids that their dads were evil rapists who subdued and oppressed women.

4 Allowed people to get preganant at 16 and gain access to housing that working couples could never hope to achieve.

5 Gave untold riches in the form of benefits to drug addicts, alcoholics and the workshy.

6 Allowed ghetos of non english speaking non christians to set up homes in England and rubbish our society and heritage.

7 Make life more financially rewarding for a wife if she took a boyfriend and got shot of her husband.

8 Dissalowed the critisising of male on male anal sex as anything other than normal.

9 Tried to banish competition in sports, the Easter bunny, xmas and even incredibly the Three Little Pigs last month as it may offend Muslims. To their great credit I must say, the Muslim Council of Britain came out and asked the PC idiots involved to pack it in as it was causing anti muslim sentiment. For those who didn't see it, they renamed it "The three little PUPPIES" in a school play!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Pushed "reverse discrimination" forward and hoping people wouln'd notice it was actually "discrimination" just in the direction that the clever lefty wierdos wanted.

Nothing much really, but sure am glad i live in Thailand. I can actually enjoy a NORMAL healthy family life here with my wife and children, without the state saying I should be living in a hovel and working all my life to support the above mentoin dregs of society.

You're not clever either Rinada with your remark. Just don't think the majority of Brits agree with you. Just look at the Recommends on BBC Have our say. The left get an absolute pasting every time, but the Beeb just plough on regardless.


While it is clear why the UYK receives so many immigrants, are there any statistics or established reasons why so many Brit's are choosing to emmigrate?

I would guess much of them leave for lifestyle reasons (tax, cost of living, wheather ect ect ....).


I would confidently guess that one of the major reasons so many Brits are leaving the country is because most of them have built up substantial equity in real estate and that has given them a choice - stay in the UK and remain in the rat race or move to somewhere like LOS and live well without the high priced drudgery of the nanny state. For many it's not a difficult choice. What I would like to see is the number of returnee's or expats who have returned home and the reasons why. Ah yes, the grass is always greener .....

I'm really surprised that the great majority of posters are citing negative reasons for the "exodus" from the UK. Like Chiang Mai, I believe that a huge number are doing it now simply because they can - largely due to the massive increase in property values over (say) the last ten years. The latest year-on-year value increase for London was around 11% and has generally been around 7-8% in most metropolitan and quite a few rural areas for some time. When you're in a position to work the trick of taking western-scale capital/income and spending much less of it in a generally more attractive climate - you start to ask yourself "why not?". That's when you'll ask yourself what you'll be giving up and, for many, the answer will be "not much - compared to what I'll be gaining".

By my lights, that's on balance a positive reason for leaving the UK - and the perceived negatives of life in the UK mainly serve to support the case for leaving rather than prompting the decision. On that basis, most of these people are travelling for personal pleasure - they aren't refugees.

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