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problems with Thai partner.

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18 minutes ago, harrymcgarry said:

I think  after all the excitement of becoming a mother to an absolute beautiful Farang looking boy who has been the star of the show for coming up to five years now and absolutely adored every where he goes she has becomed bored with it all but I maybe totally wrong

probably not wrong

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if you cannot get money from you, she will go to the mafia and the next thing you'll be getting a knock on the door this is bad news all round.

A friend of mine lost his successful pub in Pattaya because his wife gambled and borrowed off the mafia.

Gambling is the Asian disease.

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57 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Relationships with sex workers is difficult, if you want them to leave their work you have the pay them and you become their job, best avoided. I feel for the girls, it's not easy

Too much of a generalisation I reckon. 11 year relationship....some do change, believe me I know.

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I feel you have 2 options, but before that, you have to take control of the family finances........ 

First let me explain, that I've seen 2 farangs in this situation in the last 10 years. 

Both ended up looking after the kid alone. 

1 took his kid back to the UK to start secondary school, and the other lives in my local town. I see him most weekdays taking his kid to and from school on a pushbike. 


Don't think that you can cure her of the addiction that no doubt you've been funding for the past how many years. 

What you have to do, is go to a lawyer, and have a document drawn up that you get full custody of your child, then pay her to sign it. 

You can still go on living with her if you feel that it's the thing to do, but if the child is yours, (custody) then you won't have a problem in the future, when the inevitable happens. 


The second option is to marry her. 

This might sound like a ridiculous suggestion, but without wedlock, you have absolutely zero parental rights in Thailand as a foreigner. 

I personally would go for option 1. 

Good luck, whatever you do mate, I feel for you. 

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I feel you have 2 options, but before that, you have to take control of the family finances........ 

First let me explain, that I've seen 2 farangs in this situation in the last 10 years. 

Both ended up looking after the kid alone. 

1 took his kid back to the UK to start secondary school, and the other lives in my local town. I see him most weekdays taking his kid to and from school on a pushbike. 


Don't think that you can cure her of the addiction that no doubt you've been funding for the past how many years. 

What you have to do, is go to a lawyer, and have a document drawn up that you get full custody of your child, then pay her to sign it. 

You can still go on living with her if you feel that it's the thing to do, but if the child is yours, (custody) then you won't have a problem in the future, when the inevitable happens. 


The second option is to marry her. 

This might sound like a ridiculous suggestion, but without wedlock, you have absolutely zero parental rights in Thailand as a foreigner. 

I personally would go for option 1. 

Good luck, whatever you do mate, I feel for you. 

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:


I know lots of blokes here who have married girls that worked in bars and are happily married,

And i know a lot of blokes that have been fleeced by said bar girls for every penny they have got. 1 or 2 are now minus their manhood to boot... 


whats your point?

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1 hour ago, harrymcgarry said:

Thats a bit strong mate, I ended up with her after a good ten years of real fun with lots of girl friends and a rollercoaster life style. I am not an idiot and life has been wonderful for me ,her and obviously now our son. I think she is having a midlife crisis and at the age of 40 and good looking girl I doubt weather she can be bothered to go back to work in a bar especially with the young boy who never leaves her side. If you met us you would see a different picture . we are fairly well known aswell and this is going to be a shock to a lot of friends and family hence my real name is not on here. 

Midlife crisis is your excuse and you know

No your are not a idiot if you know you game you play, you have take the game and now you know the risk.

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If the originator of this post is still reading  I offer  my condolences  for  the situation.

As others have said  you come across as a person with some  genuine concern and integrity .

Having said that this and in the recognition of the fact that this  forum community is loaded  with more opinion than assistance in topics  such as this and that realistically there is only the presentation of your situation from one side it could  be less productive in putting your  case  for advice than  not .

After 11  years is this a more recent problem or one that  has more history than apparent here?

That is a  question that I do  not want answered to me but for yourself to  yourself.

Because so often the assumption of  no fault of self in denial of incremental actualities can culminate in a  <deleted>storm.

The  brutal truth is that more often than not the failure of a long term relationship is  not due to what  seems  obvious or one sided.

IMO avoid using  your son as a focus.


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13 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:


The  brutal truth is that more often than not the failure of a long term relationship is  not due to what  seems  obvious or one sided.

IMO avoid using  your son as a focus.


Yes fair point. Their problems are probably just more than her gambling, after so many years some couples just become bored and frankly sick of each other. Sometimes children are enough to hold things together, but sometimes not.

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Just now, JWRC said:

Women with this gambling addiction, don't use the banks, they get sucked in by the loan sharks, who charge far more interest than is legal, the women put the house up as collateral and of course can't make the repayments, because they have already gambled any winnings away. Usually the loan sharks get away with the high interest because to complain is putting you and your families life in danger. I have seen this happen to 2 friends, one woman lost an 8 million baht property, the players and the sharks set her up knowing that she had a foreign husband who was earning great money and had plenty of assets.

It's a very sad situation.

Loan sharks can't repossess a house.

The debt isn't real, or enforceable in law.

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

Always a mistake.


Maybe a mistake for you but usually ok unless you shack up with a bar girl.


43 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

And i know a lot of blokes that have been fleeced by said bar girls for every penny they have got. 1 or 2 are now minus their manhood to boot... 


whats your point?


He also married a bar girl and feels the need to defend his position.

post 46.

Edited by twocatsmac
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These types of girls that have it easy can twist big-hearted farang around their finger using emotional blackmail with abandon. Thai males are hard and would not put up with it, but what to do...

If genuine, I would disappear for a bit to call her bluff followed by a serious talk, but ultimately to try to make it work. Short of gaining full access to kid and taking him away (which you can't because of work), or taking him and getting a new g/f fast, what are your options? ATEOTD, the boy is the most important thing and time goes real fast, so perhaps look to overlook it with a strict budget... or perhaps roofy her morning tea. :tongue:

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I don't know what your situation with regards house ownership is but the first thing I would do is go to the Land Office yourself and check has she has signed over the Chanote under a sale with Right of Redemption and bear in mind the most popular modus operandi in Thailand is the forgery of your signature a nice little earner for lawyers who will for a price gladly witness a forged signature. There after you have to be every bit as conniving as her. It's a step by step process.

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14 hours ago, Keyser Soze666 said:

My 2 pennies worth, talk of taking the boy away, away from his mother and trying to be a single parent in a foreign land and needing to work overseas sometimes is frankly shocking 'advice'

But in Thailand, if you have a job, you wont be a single Dad for long.  Addictions are tough for the partner and the kid.

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15 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Don't let her handle any of your money, pay all bills yourself direct.

Paying bills by mobile app bank transfer is becoming the norm in Thailand.

Almost all household problems like this are caused by the the fool with the money putting it in their open hand.


He'll be getting heaps of abuse and bullying in the private school, every Thai will know what mom used to work as. Take the kid out of private school, put him in government school where he will fit in better with all the other hookers kids.

My 8yo son goes to 'free' government school, 7k5 this term (inc shoes and uniforms), 4k next term.



Easy to stop in Thailand, tip off the police, they will raid the place, everyone involved will spend a little time in jail.


If it's in a small area plod is probably in on the gambling so that won't work, they'll also tell the wife that you complained about it...

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15 hours ago, BritManToo said:


Easy to stop in Thailand, tip off the police, they will raid the place, everyone involved will spend a little time in jail.

Bad advice. Really.

if he snitch, he will have problem with many people. Sure.

I not like snitches. 


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2 minutes ago, JRG23 said:


Goodness this touches a nerve...


Listen to me. Four years ago I had exactly the same problem as you. It very nearly split my family up. My family consists of me, my Thai wife and two children. I also have a good job, well paid, in Bangkok. 

But my situation was exactly the same as yours. I have great sympathy. My wife (a former bar girl too) would not stop playing cards. Every day. Lies every day. I lost a lot of money, about THB1 million in total. I had had enough and was on the brink of a painful divorce. And would you believe it that at that time we had also been together 11 years. So many similarities.


But here is what we did. We moved. We moved away from that village where she gambled all the time. We moved into a totally new area in Bangkok. A new house, new schools, new friends, new everything. My wife had to change her life. And that stopped her gambling. Gambling was fuelled by her so-called 'friends' in the former village. They were nothing but animals.


So far, so good. She has stopped. I am wary of course, but am now able to trust her again. 


My advice to you. MOVE. Move away from her 'friends' who she gambles with.


This is good advice .... change the stagnant environment.  

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15 hours ago, thaiflyer1 said:

Not always.............couple of years back she was ordering her numbers on the phone, then only settling up in part...........consequently she was being charged interest of 10% a month on the debt, until it built up to 100k baht at which point she confessed and i bailed her out...........we havnt had a repeat since (far as i know) thats why i started to take her numbers.............should add we have been together for 20 years


Anyway..........sorry for the off topic post

There's a huge underground numbers racket based on the state lottery. TIT

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