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Requirements for entry

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Does anyone have a firm detailed list of requirements for spouses of Thai nationals needed for re-entering Thailand. I've heard rumours, speculations, peoples opinions and various piece meal info but haven't seen any clear concise list from the Thai govt. I've checked on both, Thai embassy and Thai ministry of foreign affairs websites but can't find much info. The only firm info I can find is: obviously some sort of visa and certificate of entry. 

I found this but can't find the details of it: 

To enter the Kingdom, the persons under 3. shall comply with Disease Prevention Measures for the Persons Entering the Kingdom to Prevent the Spread of the COVID-19 Disease Annexed to the Order of the Centre for the Administration of the Situation due to the Outbreak of the Communicable Disease Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) No. 7/2563 Issued on 30 June B.E. 2563 (2020).


I also found this but once again, no details:

4. Upon entry into the Kingdom, people must also strictly comply with disease prevention measures prescribed by the Government


So far I've heard we have to provide: certificate of entry, covid 19 test 72 hours before flying, fit to fly certificate, flight itinerary and obviously will have to do 14 day quarantine once in Thailand. My non-O visa has expired since being outside Thailand, any possibility of getting in on 30 day exempt and applying while in Thailand? And are the travel bubbles in effect? Sorry for all the questions but too much misinformation out there.

Any detailed list, valid info, or links to sites would be much appreciated. 



And before certain TV members mention that I shouldn't have left Thailand during this time and it was my choice, I know that but I had to leave. 



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2 hours ago, Upnotover said:

From what I have read it seems the best approach would be to apply for entry to the Embassy wherever you are as the first step.  That will not need insurance, flights, medical checks or such, only details/proof of who you are and your reason to want to enter.  If your potential entry is approved that's when the fun starts with all the planning and paperwork, you'd expect(?) they'd be providing you a detailed list at that point.


Lack of visa might be interesting, but in any event I'd be taking the first relatively easy step and see what develops.



I have O-A visa and stuck in the UK have checked the Embassy website and they are not open for visa requests at present or information about entry requirements.  I am assumIng that until flights resume after 31 July or whenever, they will stay closed.  My info is $100,000 insurance + the Thai insurance required for O-A visa + covid negative test for embassy fit to fly certificate + covid negative test before you board + quarantine booking in advance at your own cost.  I will wait a few months before I consider a return, hopefully a things may ease but not holding my breath.

good luck though.

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Recommend you get a 90 day visa to visit Family and extend it near its expiration...


maybe Oct or later for Americans to enter? Thai gov has no idea for date formulation...it might strongly be next year unless things rapidly stabilize And improve in the land of Trump...

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19 hours ago, Upnotover said:

From what I have read it seems the best approach would be to apply for entry to the Embassy wherever you are as the first step.  That will not need insurance, flights, medical checks or such, only details/proof of who you are and your reason to want to enter.  If your potential entry is approved that's when the fun starts with all the planning and paperwork, you'd expect(?) they'd be providing you a detailed list at that point.


Lack of visa might be interesting, but in any event I'd be taking the first relatively easy step and see what develops.



You won't get a CoE at an embassy without the correct documents to start with. Why would you need a visa when you get a 30 days visa exempt on arrival and the quarantine is just 14 days? If you need more time to start over again if your permission to stay based on marriage (spouse) has expired while out of the country, just extend the stay another 60 days. That will give you enough time.

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22 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

With the UK reportedly about to open up for no quarantine for people coming from Thailand and Thailand having mad requirements for entry for uk citizens - and appearing not to be close to changing it any time soon - I am seriously thinking that if the embassy can process a UK visitor visa, in order to spend some time with the wife, I might just bring her here for a visit for a few months. 


I'm stuck in uk since March, and this could be the only way to spend time with her this year !



Its hard to get tv for her.. Many denials

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Going thru this right now...



Copy if passpirt both yours and Thai spouse (or ID card) not expired.


Copy of Marriage certificate.


Copy of airline Ticket


Letter stating need to enter into Thailand


Covid19 free health certificate


Fit to travel certificate


Health insurance covering any expenses related to covid19 minimum 100,000 usd


Copy of document showing reservation for ASQ for a period of 15 days from the date of arrival at your own expense


Copy of declaration form completely filled in and signed


All of this needs to be sent to Thai Embassy ir Consulate for your region. Then need to wait for approval to get COE. At which time you can apply for a Visa O category based on marriage or support of a Thai Child.


Visa excempt entry not permitted.


It appears there may be the possibilty of having to get the covid test and fit to fly certificate twice. Once for the application and once within 72 hours of travel.


I was informed it may take up to 10 days to get approval (COE letter).


As well there is cinfusion regarding airlines. One person mentioned it must be on an approved airline that is recommended by the Thai Embassy or Consulate (essentially repatriation flights carrying Thai nationals). Another said any approved airline currently flying into Bangkok carrying Cargo, Military, Thai Nationals, or humanitarian needs. 

Not many flights fall into these categories. Many gave flights but you can not make reservations with them. 

Also be warned, always book thru the airline directly, not thru a secondary agency (flighthub etc). There is every possibility that you will need to change your flights and is so much easier thru the airlines themselves.


Will update later if possible as my application package was sent to the Thai Consulate on July 1st. Just waiting to hear back from them.





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15 hours ago, phantomfiddler said:

By insisting on having an insurance policy for $100,000 the ever friendly Thai government are in effect banning any not having such a policy, an extremely short sighted idea in my opinion ????

According to a chart posted on this site a few days ago for a 66 - 70 year old person that could cost about 93 000 baht depending whether you co pay

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On 7/3/2020 at 1:17 AM, RichardColeman said:

With the UK reportedly about to open up for no quarantine for people coming from Thailand and Thailand having mad requirements for entry for uk citizens - and appearing not to be close to changing it any time soon - I am seriously thinking that if the embassy can process a UK visitor visa, in order to spend some time with the wife, I might just bring her here for a visit for a few months. 


I'm stuck in uk since March, and this could be the only way to spend time with her this year !



It appears that visitors from Thailand are not included from the quarantine exemption sorry to say . I am guessing that maybe there has to be reciprocal arrangements which does not make sense considering that Thailand has been virus free for 40 days . On the other hand visitors from the UK to Thailand pose a risk . Copy from the BBC news this morning below .



Arrivals are exempt from quarantine if they arrive in England from:

Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Croatia, Curaçao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Faroe Islands, Fiji, Finland, France, French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macau, Malta, Mauritius, Monaco, Netherlands, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Réunion, San Marino, Serbia, Seychelles, South Korea, Spain, St Barthélemy, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Pierre and Miquelon, Switzerland, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Vatican City, Vietnam.

The 14 British Overseas Territories are also exempt.

More countries may be added ''over the coming days',' the Department for Transport says.

The government will also lift its advice against all but essential international travel for selected countries from Saturday.

Which countries are not on the list?

You will still have to isolate for 14 days if you arrive back in England from Canada, the US and much of Central or South America.

Countries in Africa, the Middle East and most of Asia are also excluded.

Travellers from Sweden, Portugal, Russia and anywhere else not on the list will also have to quarantine.

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rct99q, thanks for the info; it's so hard to find detailed, factual, up to date info concerning this issue. I've got another source going thru the same thing and if I get any updates from him I'll be sure to post here.

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