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Braces For Teeth: Fashon?


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Aparently it is popular among the ladies in LOS to wear braces on thier teeth, because they think they are fashonable. Therefore, many are wearing them for this purpose, not because they need them to straighten thier teeth. I think this is total nonsense and to me there is nothing attractive about them. If anything, they are a deterrent to someones otherwise beautiful mouth. My current lady recently appeared with a set and she has perfect teeth. I am told that these fashon braces cost 3500bht ++. I told her repeatedly prior to this, that I do not like them and that there was not need for her to wear them. None-the-less, she went ahead and purchased them, with my money. I am not happy re: this. What would you do??

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Nothing much you can do now, she's spent the money and they're used goods. Look on the bright side, at that price they should be good quality and not damage her teeth as much as the cheaper ones do. There were news reports last year about the damage the fashion braces were doing to peoples teeth.

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Nothing much you can do now, she's spent the money and they're used goods. Look on the bright side, at that price they should be good quality and not damage her teeth as much as the cheaper ones do. There were news reports last year about the damage the fashion braces were doing to peoples teeth.

These may be the cheap ones, I am not sure what they cost. She told me three-fifty, but I don't know if that ment 350 or 3500. I did not pursue it further to clarify. Actually, I am tired of women, who I am providing major support for, of doing things to pi$$ me off in a big way. To me, it shows a lack of respect for my feelings. I expect someone to do what I like, not what I don't like. I try to be considerate to them in return. My feeling is, she can get rid of them or I will get rid of her.

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They seem to be a waste of money and time. Corrective teeth alignment should be done at an earlier age to be effective (ie; <16yo). Its just fashion as the work costs a bit, and therefore is seen as a desirable status symbol by people who know the price of everything and the value of sweet f.a.

My missus went to the dentist with a simple gum infection and the greedy b@stard at the clinic tried to convince her she needed a brace to correct the problem. :o A simple 2km drive to the other dental clinic sorted her out....

These brace contraptions are a boon for the clinics as they need to be "re-tightened" and removed periodically to clean behind the wiring, otherwise teeth can start to go rotten. :D So the cost of them is ongoing....

Personally, I think they also look awful. :D But thats just me.

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She doesn't seem very pleased about being a slave, does she? :o

What kind of Slave?? You let your women piss away your money on things that don't please you? She does pretty much what she wants. I expect someone in a relationship with me to be somewhat sensitive to my likes & dislikes as I am to thiers. You don't have much of a relationship otherwise.

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She doesn't seem very pleased about being a slave, does she? :o

What kind of Slave?? You let your women piss away your money on things that don't please you? She does pretty much what she wants. I expect someone in a relationship with me to be somewhat sensitive to my likes & dislikes as I am to thiers. You don't have much of a relationship otherwise.

Plus the fact that you may have to be wary of a b/j? :D All that sharp metal near your pride 'n joy, eh? :D F#ck that.

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Following is an article re: this from last year. The Thailand health authorities also take a dim view of this practise.

"Crackdown On Fake Braces Fashion Fad

BANGKOK, Thailand, Jan. 26, 2006

(AP) Authorities are clamping down on the Thai teen fashion fad of wearing fake orthodontic braces by targeting those who sell and make the pseudo-dental gear with steep fines and prison time, officials said Thursday.

Girls flashing multicolored metallic grins are regularly featured in teen magazines as braces have become more common in Thailand, transforming the dental gear detested by Western youths into a fashion statement.

Rather than getting fitted for the real, and expensive, option, teens have been buying do-it-yourself kits in stores and select red, pink, yellow, blue or multicolored rubber bands to match their outfits or moods. Clear or neutral bands are rarely seen in Thai mouths.

But, the government’s Consumer Protection Board says the trend is unsafe.

“Some people put the fashion (braces) on by themselves, which is dangerous because they could come loose and slip into the throat,” said Rasamee Vistaveth, secretary-general of the Consumer Protection Board, which is under the prime minister’s office.

The fake braces, which are glued onto the teeth, can also cause sores on the gums and inside the mouth and some of the wires have been found to contain lead, she said.

Rasamee said the board was planning to sign an order Thursday punishing sellers, importers and producers of fake braces, which would take effect immediately.

Under the new order, selling fake braces would be punishable by six months in prison or a $1,300 fine. Importers and producers could face up to one year behind bars and a $2,600 fine.

The consumer board has been tracking the trend and authorities have made several seizures of fake braces during raids, Rasamee said, adding she believed the trend had already peaked but the crackdown was, nonetheless, continuing."

©MMVI, The Associated Press.

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The Thailand health authorities also take a dim view of this practise.

Are you going to use this as your next argument against her for taking them off. :D

Not a slave is she, if she likes them then she can wear them. I don't like them either and if my gf wanted some I would tell her I don't like them, but if she still went ahead and bought them not much I can do is there? Free world and all that. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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Aparently it is popular among the ladies in LOS to wear braces on thier teeth, because they think they are fashonable. Therefore, many are wearing them for this purpose, not because they need them to straighten thier teeth. I think this is total nonsense and to me there is nothing attractive about them. If anything, they are a deterrent to someones otherwise beautiful mouth. My current lady recently appeared with a set and she has perfect teeth. I am told that these fashon braces cost 3500bht ++. I told her repeatedly prior to this, that I do not like them and that there was not need for her to wear them. None-the-less, she went ahead and purchased them, with my money. I am not happy re: this. What would you do??

Yeh, free world when its her money! Dump her.

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If it’s your money, then you have the right to complain when she’s asking you to pay for the braces, after she had them done, in which you think she’s wasting away your $$$. But if you give her a regular monthly allowance , then it’s now her money and she can do anything with it, that included: getting braces, paying for sick buffalos, or whatever.

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A girl here once asked me why I did not want to go out with her and I told her it was because she had braces and I don't like girls with braces. She said "Why?" I said because they are ugly and where im form, most people who wear braces are called nerds. She said "If you wear braces here it means you're rich!" I said good for you but you are still ugly to me and im not interested. Two weeks later the braces were off and she asked me out again, of course I said no. She wasked why? I said "Well, now you must be poor because you aren't wearing braces, and I don't go out with poor girls either" She said that she took her braces of just for me because I saids that I would go out with her if she didn't have braces. I said that I never said that, I said I don't like girls with braces. Then I added that I allready had a girlfriend anyway. She was angry, she said why didn't you tell me before? I said, because you didn't ask me and it is not my business to tell you that kind of info if you don't ask. The following week, the braces were back on. So funny.

So most Thai girls believe that braces are a way of showing you have money, I think they are also a way of high lighting the food stuck between your teeth!

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Aparently it is popular among the ladies in LOS to wear braces on thier teeth, because they think they are fashonable. Therefore, many are wearing them for this purpose, not because they need them to straighten thier teeth. I think this is total nonsense and to me there is nothing attractive about them. If anything, they are a deterrent to someones otherwise beautiful mouth. My current lady recently appeared with a set and she has perfect teeth. I am told that these fashon braces cost 3500bht ++. I told her repeatedly prior to this, that I do not like them and that there was not need for her to wear them. None-the-less, she went ahead and purchased them, with my money. I am not happy re: this. What would you do??

I assume she's a teenager or in her early twenties, because that's a fashion with many girls within that age group. But from what I've heard (from students of mine within that age-group) the price is several hundred baht, not in the thousands of baht.

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If it’s your money, then you have the right to complain when she’s asking you to pay for the braces, after she had them done, in which you think she’s wasting away your $$$. But if you give her a regular monthly allowance , then it’s now her money and she can do anything with it, that included: getting braces, paying for sick buffalos, or whatever.

I give money to someone who is interested in pleasing me and is sensitive to my likes & dislikes. This was not an issue open for negotiation and a stupid move on her part, because they are unnecessary & ugly. She doesn't care, then she can hit the road.

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If it’s your money, then you have the right to complain when she’s asking you to pay for the braces, after she had them done, in which you think she’s wasting away your $$$. But if you give her a regular monthly allowance , then it’s now her money and she can do anything with it, that included: getting braces, paying for sick buffalos, or whatever.

It may have been her money for that month, but the next month it may be no money.

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Maybe you should ask yourself, and possibly her too, if she is your employee or your girlfriend?

If she is your employee than your attitude towards her choices seems okay. Many places have a dress code don't they?

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Is this just a Thai thing? I've never heard of this before. Are they actually glued on to the teeth like the real ones?

I had the real ones when I was a teenager and they weren't a fashion statement back then. They were a PITA...hurt when the orthodontist tightened the wires, cut the inside of my mouth more times than I can remember.

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Is this just a Thai thing? I've never heard of this before. Are they actually glued on to the teeth like the real ones?

I had the real ones when I was a teenager and they weren't a fashion statement back then. They were a PITA...hurt when the orthodontist tightened the wires, cut the inside of my mouth more times than I can remember.

Probably a Thai thing in BKK. In the US, not the teenage, but the parents who are obsessed with their children crooked-teeth, they're willing to pay @$3000-$5000 to the orthodontist. Not long ago, crooked-teeth supposed to be cute in Thailand, thing change. I think just a fade, I wouldn't mind seeing them than seeing a bad/missing teeth as you see some adults even from the west.

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In Bangkok, some rich Thai kids are having orthodontial work done on their teeth which gives them the appearance of chipped, discolored teeth with large gaps between the teeth. All this is done as preparation for attendance in the British school system so that they will fit in and look cool like their British friends.

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In Bangkok, some rich Thai kids are having orthodontial work done on their teeth which gives them the appearance of chipped, discolored teeth with large gaps between the teeth. All this is done as preparation for attendance in the British school system so that they will fit in and look cool like their British friends.


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In Bangkok, some rich Thai kids are having orthodontial work done on their teeth which gives them the appearance of chipped, discolored teeth with large gaps between the teeth. All this is done as preparation for attendance in the British school system so that they will fit in and look cool like their British friends.

If that so, eventually they will get the blood transfusion from red to blue.

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I get braces not for show off I have money or fashionable. I'm not a rich girl I pay it from my own money which I have kept since 12 years old . Braces makes my face smaller and I'm very confident to smile than ever

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Maybe you should ask yourself, and possibly her too, if she is your employee or your girlfriend?

If she is your employee than your attitude towards her choices seems okay. Many places have a dress code don't they?

Read my previous responses. a GF/BF should, more or less, be interested in doing things to please the other, ie to make them happy & enjoy a good time together. When the opposite starts occuring, I start to review the value of the relationship. This is not the first incident of somewhat questionable actions on her part

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And should a bf be blackmailing the gf with ''no money next month" if she doesn't do and wear exactly what he says? In fact just cut off the money, let's see if she is your girlfriend or not, perhaps you have misunderstood the relationship.

End of the day, she knows you don't like the braces and other guys do and goes ahead and gets the braces anyway. Fairly obvious she has finished with being attractive to you and is looking for a new boyfriend, one that perhaps is a little more free with his money. Looks like you just got the elbow mate. :o

Edited by bkkmadness
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my missus has a diamond type thing drilled and mounted into one of her fang teeth. i think it is pretty sexy when she smiles.

but the whole braces thing is just goofy. this is the first time i've heard of braces for fashion. is this popular in other countries as well?

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Nothing much you can do now, she's spent the money and they're used goods. Look on the bright side, at that price they should be good quality and not damage her teeth as much as the cheaper ones do. There were news reports last year about the damage the fashion braces were doing to peoples teeth.

These may be the cheap ones, I am not sure what they cost. She told me three-fifty, but I don't know if that ment 350 or 3500. I did not pursue it further to clarify. Actually, I am tired of women, who I am providing major support for, of doing things to pi$$ me off in a big way. To me, it shows a lack of respect for my feelings. I expect someone to do what I like, not what I don't like. I try to be considerate to them in return. My feeling is, she can get rid of them or I will get rid of her.

While the whole braces for fashion to me sounds really silly, your posts makes it seem as if it's ALL ABOUT YOU... I mean according to you, it's your money she is pi$$ing away and in your words: "expect someone to do what I like, not what I don't like." So much for being considerate to her likes and dislikes. Basically it sounds like you two have a real special relationship that you would dump her over something she'll probably be rid of in a few months. If you really like the girl, realize it's a fashion trend that will probably be done with soon enough. Also, if you ask your girlfriend, I bet there are things she doesn't like about you (maybe a big belly, receding hairline, fashion sense, etc.).... But then again, if it's someone you want to control with money, maybe it's time to move on to the next.

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And should a bf be blackmailing the gf with ''no money next month" if she doesn't do and wear exactly what he says? In fact just cut off the money, let's see if she is your girlfriend or not, perhaps you have misunderstood the relationship.

End of the day, she knows you don't like the braces and other guys do and goes ahead and gets the braces anyway. Fairly obvious she has finished with being attractive to you and is looking for a new boyfriend, one that perhaps is a little more free with his money. Looks like you just got the elbow mate. :o

Judging from the quality of your logic you muat have been living in LOS for quite some time. Firstly, I see no evidance that I have been given the elbow, as you put it. It has always been clear to me that this relationship, as have been several others I have experienced, is mostly about money. NO MONEY - NO NOTHING. There is no misunderstanding about this, on her part or mine. So, it's debatable here who is blackmailing who. As for who who likes the braces, other than herself, I don't know. Dumping me for for a new boyfriend who has more money, or free with it?? I don't see any Farangs standing in line, given her social circle. If it's a local she is catering to, then they will be going for free, as they usually do. She is hardly mixing with the jet set of HI-SO Thais. But her local admiers, if she has some, are younger & cuter than I. I hope she has enough money to pay for thier favorite habits.

Contrary to what you might assume, I treat her quite well and am generous with her. She does not have to do EXACTLY as I say and has hardly done so on other occasions.

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