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Thailand Plans Open Borders for High-Spenders on Private Planes


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1 hour ago, Dukeleto said:

Why was Thailand not included in the fast track...or don't they believe the Thai numbers????.

Maybe the Thai tourist market to Singapore isn't that significant? Just look at the pre-Covid fourteen daily SQ, TR and JQ flights from Singapore to Bangkok versus the two daily TG flights from Bangkok to Singapore.

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I've always thought this lot were using too much of their own product........ but when i got to this part in the article i lost the plot completely.........  "Chula Sukmanop, director general of the CAAT,"    Chula Suk ma nop !    Suk ma nop ?  and something to do with a Cat !  

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The below images were taken earlier this week on Bangsaen Beach by blogger Richard Barrow (@richardbarrow). Those scores of wealthy private jet owners soon to flood the country will be delighted to know. "Amazing Trusted Thailand", indeed.


With currently no "dirty farang tourists" gracing the realm, I wonder who could be responsible for this disgusting mess. It also will be most interesting to see whether Richard is going to be hit with a defamation lawsuit for unduly having "soiled" (sorry for the pun) Thailand's and Bangsaen's oh so clean (sorry again) and precious image.










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1 hour ago, Percy P said:

People with money have already paid for their stay in Thailand before they have stepped out of their own home. Air Fare, Hotel including food , transport. I've spoken to many in the Hilton who are quiet happy to have a quiet two of three week by the sea.

You mean tour? Never been on one or know of anyone who has. Following a flag on a prepaid itinerary being herded to cronies business does not sound like fun.


Proper hotels like Hiltons Shangri-La, and Marriott in Thailand do not require prepayment. I show my credit card upon arrival.  One pays when one checks out. 

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5 hours ago, JCP108 said:

“Many in the high-spending, high-income groups avoided direct impact from the pandemic..."


Rich people are blessed by special magic not available to common folk which protects them from infections. Or does avoided direct impact mean: were insulated from economic consequences like the rest of you?

Yes I am

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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Other than some CEO's who might visit on occasion, the number of fat cats with private or leased jets who want to visit Thailand might be 10 or 20 per year. There are a dozen good reasons why they would choose to go elsewhere. 


Not gonna affect the bottom like much. Another far fetched and extremely desperate attempt to clutch straws. However, you have to appreciate the sheer creativity and audacity of this one. Imagining Thailand as the new Monte Carlo!

It's staggering to me to think that the Thai authorities believe rich people are immune to the virus.. I won't even go into this because it is obvious to anybody with a functioning brain. Never mind, sunny day today, I'm off for a walk..

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I don’t blame the govt. they are just logically taking the low risk low hanging fruit - they have effectively a Covid free nation. Dying economically- so let the safer ones in first. It’s not equal but neither is life 

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2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

Why was Thailand not included in the fast track...or don't they believe the Thai numbers????.

Taiwan has handled things superbly and they class Thailand as a low risk country and are allowing business travelers from Thailand to apply for a permit to enter Taiwan. I trust their CDCC assessment of the situation here. I think we are very safe here now.

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Good news.

Suvarnabhumi, armed with Covid-19 lab, is ready for foreign arrivals.


The lab is equipped to conduct polymerase chain reaction [PCR] tests, which provides up to 95 per cent accurate result within 90 minutes,” he said.


We have also turned the area near gates D3 and D4 into waiting rooms with restrooms and facilities for passengers waiting for test results. Seats have been kept socially distant, while the room will be regularly cleaned.”


Now information about costs and test capacities are still missing.



Edited by tomacht8
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25 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

You mean tour? Never been on one or know of anyone who has. Following a flag on a prepaid itinerary being herded to cronies business does not sound like fun.


Proper hotels like Hiltons Shangri-La, and Marriott in Thailand do not require prepayment. I show my credit card upon arrival.  One pays when one checks out. 

I’d bet that the private jet class aren’t slumming it in the 10k executive suite at the Bangkok Shangri-La but are instead booked into a villa in Phuket with a private chef or at the Chiva Som in HuaHin 




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2 hours ago, NanLaew said:

FYI, on 17 June, Singapore opened a fast-track, non-quarantine visitor channel for foreigners from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Japan, Macao, Mainland China, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Taiwan and Vietnam. They have also initiated a 'fast lane' for residents in China who need to make essential business or official travel between Singapore and the six fast lane regions in China (Chongqing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Tianjin and Zhejiang).

That sounds like a sensible policy. There should be monitored travel between nations that have the pandemic under control. Travel should be opened up between them with sensible precautions. This idea that there should be no travel because we may have a few cases of covid is nonsense. Much more is known about the disease now and policies are in place or can be put in place to make sure that there is no large spread of the disease. All the so called second waves in China, Korea and Germany are being handled. Let's begin a rational opening up of things.

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand Plans Open Borders for High-Spenders on Private Planes

What a drama that is . 

Don't they think that the Special Rich can brig in the Virus? Are they Blind to face the Truth.

Haven't they heard in the news about the Actors and Movie stars and other Hi Rollers Got the Virus. 

Just Plain Ignorance ,Greedy Money Grabbers.

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23 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

It's staggering to me to think that the Thai authorities believe rich people are immune to the virus.. I won't even go into this because it is obvious to anybody with a functioning brain. Never mind, sunny day today, I'm off for a walk..

They are third world people. Westerners chose this place decades ago and make it develop but the government is still that of a third world country with third world education. What do you expect.

Have you ever tried to learn a bit of Thai language? They don't have even most words to describe things. 

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Does anyone remember the crazed religious cult in South Korea that were going around spreading the virus after they all self infected themselves and then walk around cities infecting everybody else !

What stops people doing this now !!

No matter when any country opens up, there is an ongoing risk to everybody everyday until a vaccine is developed. 

Time has come for countries to open or face complete economic collapse.

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5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Right now is the time for anyone already in Thailand to take advantage of incredible deals on hotel rooms. I got 80% off at the place I stay at here in Bangkok.  

Are you getting discounts from your team of admirers?:unsure:

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Parking private jets is a problem. Phuket had a plan to open a private jet terminal. Don't know if that ever happened. Most Intl airports have no provision for overnight pkg much less weekly spots. If Thailand ever opened up civil aviation like the marine industry, thousands of jobs would be created. Thailand would not accept my USA license unless signed by FAA Administrator. All FAA license are online.

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6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

If I borrowed the Iron Man suit and flew in would I be treated as a rich Hi-So, if so I will go to the mall and buy one, then act like I just landed at the airport, albeit outside of the terminal area....

get some more mushrooms down you .

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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Right now is the time for anyone already in Thailand to take advantage of incredible deals on hotel rooms. I got 80% off at the place I stay at here in Bangkok.  

Well then that's the economy you have sorted out, what will you move on to next ....cancer treatment???

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