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Trump repeats vow to defeat 'radical left' in July Fourth speech

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

That's one arrest,  Where are the reports of hundreds / thousands of politically inspired organised fellow travellers who would be required to represent a national security threat to the USA that trump rants about. 

Let's not the pretend that was the only Antifa agitator arrested. There were many more Antifa arrested. In fact Brian Bartels was part of a group of Antifa terrorists.


There are thousands of Antifa agitators in the US of course, but it is not required to arrest them all. We have seen with 911 that 11 or so perpetrators is enough to be a threat to security. And looking at what happened to cities in the US nationwide anyone who would argue that Antifa are not a threat to national security has not been watching the news.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

I don't think anyone has claimed that divisions in America were caused by Trump.  But many believe that Trump has made it worse...much worse. 

Do you think there would not have been a wave of urban violence in response to George Floyd's death if Trump had said "Looting is not that bad"? I don't.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

I can’t agree with you that division is not resulted from divisive innuendos by Trump. 

Anti fascism originated before the 2WW and became a movement in US in the 1980s against neo Nazi skinheads. Since then Antifa petered out and was only resurrected by Hannity and took on another lease of life by Trump. Steven Miller will most likely in the mix to goad Trump to blame that movement to fire up his supporters and to divert attention from his poor performance in leading the fight against COVID-19. 

IMO, taking on this topic is counter productive for his election chance. Majority support BLM and there are very little direct evidence of Antifa trying to take down the government. Educated public also understand that radical left is too extreme a connotation to current malaise. 

Come on, the divisions between the left and right have always existed. Antifa never petered out, they have been a fixture on the European circuit every 1st of May when they'd cause widespread destruction in many cities in Europe throughout the 80s, 90s and 2000s.


In fact even in the US in 1999, long before Trump came to power, we saw anarchists perpetrate massive violence in the 1999 Seattle WTO protests. The same city where as we speak police have to risk life and limb to clean out an Antifa-led "autonomous zone". 




Even blacks in the BLM movement are getting nervous about the young white ANTIFA activists hijacking their cause for their own ends.


Most support BLM, yes, but nobody supports extreme leftists smashing up cities and creating security problems all over the US. This is a law and order issue tailor made for someone like Trump. Who can use it to divert from the Covid 19 performance.

3 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Tell me to mind my own business, if you like, but as a Brit I don't see Trump as the source of America's present problems.


In fact, I only wish we had somebody on our side of the Pond with his cajones to stand up for the values of Western democracies like ours.


It is ludicrous to blame Trump for the current divisions on your side of the Pond. These are being deliberately fomented by his Democrat rivals who are clearly prepared to sell their souls along with your country's core values in their bid for power.


Hopefully the average American citizen has already seen through the phony "equality" campaign of Black Lives Matter and their brutal Antifa bedfellows and realises their real agenda is to destroy the key elements of US society - capitalism, marriage and the family, religion, and democracy itself.


Don't just take my word for it. Go to the BLM website and read the chilling mantra of these deranged neo-Marxists, now being eagerly taken eagerly to the Democrats' bosom. Small wonder even progressive lefty billionaire George Soros has stopped funding their nefarious activities.


Believe me, if Trump is returned to the White House this fall, you will have good reason to thank your lucky stars and stripes.



Very well said!


It is amazing to see how many Americans have adapted the famous quote from the Vietnam war era "in order to save the village, we had to destroy it" to today's version "in order to save the US (from Trump), we had to destroy it".


As I have previously said, if Trump is reelected in November, the US will go down in full civil war!


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22 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

Did you listen to the interview given by the leader of this "peaceful" militia?


Doesn't sound very peaceful to me...

Yes, big noting and making a fool of himself. Law enforcement would close him down if they believed he is a credible threat

54 minutes ago, Morch said:


Alright, let's not pretend - just how many verified ANTIFA members were arrested, then? How "many"?


There are "thousands"? On social media, sure. Out on the streets and directly involved in violence? Maybe, but you fail to provide any support for this. Not every protestor is ANTIFA, and not all are into the ultra violence.


Trying to equate between the current protests and 9/11 is low. Wouldn't call it unexpected, as the hysteria fueled by Trump's words causes people to say whatever.


For all you talk, still no actual support that ANTIFA is some well organized body pulling the strings on the current troubles in the USA. As far as I recall, Trump's own intelligence and law enforcement agencies did not agree with the President's take on things.



There was Vincent Eovacious, who himself told officers he was "with the anarchist group" and was "waiting for an opportunity." He faces up to 10 years in jail.




There was  Brian Jordan Bartels, who acted in a group but only he was charged.




There was Margaret Aislinn Channon who burnt five cars.



There was Nikki Jameson, the crazed blue-haired transgender antifa militant



There is Jason Charter who identified with Antifa and is considered a ringleader in vandalism.




45 can't really say "what do you have to lose?" anymore like the con man grifter that he is. The American people know the answer to that already. Everything. So his options are now limited. Witness his vile speech at Mt. Rushmore.





A vicious culture war is all Trump has left


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8 hours ago, riclag said:

You nailed it,especially the last paragraph ! I would like to hear Morgan Freeman  recite it!

I bet Morgan Freeman would rather eat his own tongue, than to recite such inane drivel!

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24 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

So, 5 people.

No, not just 5 people, I'm not going to spend hours documenting every single arrest of Antifa criminals, but a cursory look at google certainly suggests there are plenty of Antifa boys and gals arrested.

55 minutes ago, Logosone said:



There was Vincent Eovacious, who himself told officers he was "with the anarchist group" and was "waiting for an opportunity." He faces up to 10 years in jail.




There was  Brian Jordan Bartels, who acted in a group but only he was charged.




There was Margaret Aislinn Channon who burnt five cars.



There was Nikki Jameson, the crazed blue-haired transgender antifa militant



There is Jason Charter who identified with Antifa and is considered a ringleader in vandalism.




16 minutes ago, Logosone said:

No, not just 5 people, I'm not going to spend hours documenting every single arrest of Antifa criminals, but a cursory look at google certainly suggests there are plenty of Antifa boys and gals arrested.


The very fact to you can produce links detailing specific arrests of specific people implies that there are simply not a whole lot of them, at least not of a caliber justifying arrest. No one expects you to document "every single arrest", just produce a solidly backed figure of total number of arrests (that is ANTIFA related arrests, not protestors in general).

  • Like 2
18 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

Trump has been under attack from all sides - not least the Establishment and the left-leaning mass media - since the day he walked into the White House. He clearly wasn't the global elite's choice and they have never stopped doing all they possibly can to unseat him.


His stance against the destructive revolutionary forces of Black Lives Matter and Antifa (did you actually bother reading the the BLM mission statement or listen to any of the neo-Marxist twaddle espoused by the movement's leaders?) is in stark contrast to the Democrats' dangerous ploy of piggybacking on the back of a political movement bent on destroying America, the UK and Western democracies in general. 




That's not even a halfway decent deflection. You haven't supported your initial claims with anything.


Trump was on the attack ever since he hit the campaign trail, in case you forgot. To imply that him being under attack had nothing whatsoever to do with his style, positions, and the rest of it is disingenuous as it comes. Trying to paint Trump as anything other than "elite"? Good luck with that.


I seriously doubt most people participating in the protests and civil disorder under the label of BLM would be able to discuss Marxism, Neo-Marxist, or any other ideological creed, even if leaders of the movement do.


As for parties piggybacking on this or that, did you have the same issues with Trump flirting with white nationalists, alt-right groups and the like? Thought so.

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9 hours ago, Estrada said:

The far right white supremacists, like Donald Trump's father, the Bush family and other Republicans were supporting Hitler from the 30s and helped Hitler rise to power. Companies such as Standard Oil (Bush family) supplied oil, General Motors and Ford supplied vehicles, IBM supplied machines, others supplied aircraft designs and aeroengines. Without the United States far-right and American Nazi Party support there not have been for so many soldiers to have died and without fuel and badly need financial and armanent support I doubt if there would have been a WWII. The United States only switched sides on December 7th 1941 after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The States (The most successful, creative and tolerant ethnicity). have been waging war all over the world since the 17th century almost without stop. Many of the wars were against the American Indians, the Mexicans (where they grabbed hold of part of Mexico which is now California) and other territories in the South which were Spanish or French. And Trump's supporters demand that the peoples of the South who speak Spanish should speak English! Trump wants to invade Iran, but is in love with Kim Jong Eun so he is off the list. I was recruited by the U.S. Army as part of the Iraq invasion force and was in Libya when they decided to topple Ghadafi on a made up charge. I got the warning from Haliburton that they intended to take Ghadafi down. Most of the wars have been to attack countries with huge oil reserves such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya and currently focused on Venezuela. Osama Bin Laden worked for the United States and was trained by the CIA to form a terrorist fighting group to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. This later became Al Qaeda and led to 9/11 and also gave rise to ISIS/ISIL. Trump and Pompeo have investments in arms manufacturers such as Raytheon (Mother of All Bombs etc) He needs war to line his pockets and those of his supporters. P.S. There is no "Radical Far-left in the United States. The ideals of the Dems are no different to the right of centre, Tory party in the UK and other parts of Europe. Trump must lose "Biggly".



So you must include Johnson, Kennedy, Obama etc as war mongering fascists too then, in your rather warped and inventive history?

1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

45 can't really say "what do you have to lose?" anymore like the con man grifter that he is. The American people know the answer to that already. Everything. So his options are now limited. Witness his vile speech at Mt. Rushmore.






Thanks for posting the link. Clearly, the American pot is, rather sadly, getting close to boiling point as both sides of the political divide turn up the hear rather recklessly.


But the Washington Post and NYT are both now clearing nothing more than Democrat propaganda rags.

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58 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

No...it's not!

It is Trump!

So it is at best- White Power!

It has been around for centuries or two. However it came into prominence in 1966 when the Black Panthers started using it for their movement. The two black runners used it on the podium at the 1966 Olympics. As you can see it is at all the demonstrations now, used with BLM, Kap and other sports figures, Antifa, Marxist, Neo-Marxist.



10 hours ago, steven100 said:

Kanye this week ....  who next ?   Oprah Winfrey  ....  lol    :clap2:




How cute. You think Kanye is a leftist. ????

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7 hours ago, riclag said:

The time and resources to expose these leftists would be better served in real time ! Let the police restore law and order "on the spot" when these antifa thugs commit mayhem!

Oh my. Tossing out the sixth as you argue 45 is all about the constitution. Where to start with that? ????

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