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NFL: Trump slams Washington Redskins as team re-evaluates name

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3 hours ago, riclag said:

 Screwing around with names and traditions is an attack on Americas culture ! In this instance, It's Americas past time, Football,Baseball and Basketball ! Ya have to be American to appreciate that!

I have sent out emails to various professional sports organizations recently ,opposing these far left attack tactics by the social justice warrior cults! 


Again, if you think that American tradition and culture cannot survive a sport team changing it's name then we'll have to disagree. Franchises often change names when moving to new cities etc.


As for your nonsense bit about "have to be an American to appreciate that" - disregarding the silly, inane assumption, I remember the 1983 championship well enough, as well as the night out.


Good for you sending them emails. Seriously. I think more members ought to do that instead of making futile complaints on the forum. Being involved and informing decision makers etc. of your views is a good thing. No cynicism. I would be curious to know if and what they reply. My guess would be on some copy pasted corporate PR response, but guess the complaint itself is lodged in their statistics, anyway.

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1 minute ago, Morch said:


Again, if you think that American tradition and culture cannot survive a sport team changing it's name then we'll have to disagree. Franchises often change names when moving to new cities etc.


As for your nonsense bit about "have to be an American to appreciate that" - disregarding the silly, inane assumption, I remember the 1983 championship well enough, as well as the night out.


Good for you sending them emails. Seriously. I think more members ought to do that instead of making futile complaints on the forum. Being involved and informing decision makers etc. of your views is a good thing. No cynicism. I would be curious to know if and what they reply. My guess would be on some copy pasted corporate PR response, but guess the complaint itself is lodged in their statistics, anyway.

The Club doesnt want to change the name , the supporters dont want to change the name , The American Indians themselves dont want the name changed (90 % have no problem with it and most are proud of the association between their tribes and the team )

   Should outsiders , (mainly White or BLM supporters) force the name change by ways of putting pressure on the clubs sponsors and potentially forcing the Club into bankruptcy if they dont comply ?


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8 hours ago, DavisH said:

Rather than changing their name, why doesn't the team so something to support their local native populations - reduced price tickets to games, finding their kid's education, etc. I'm sure the team has plenty of money. Or is this not the US way?

Question might be, why did they choose that name to begin with.

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24 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Yes, you view is to let someone else decide .

I just wondered what your own personal opinion was .

If you dont have an opinion , I suggest you join bluespunk in just reading and pulling faces at posts 

Because this is an online poll?

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


OK. I don't really care about this specific case. It's a sport team, and I've never been that kind of fan. Sorry.


As far as I understand, it's a private business. Unless enough fans and/or other elements representing value for the franchise come out in force (not violence, just make their views clear), then there's not much to it.  If the people supposedly invested in keeping the name can't be bothered (enough) then why is this such a big deal?


This I can answer. It wasn't much of a big deal until a certain president chose to make it so. And directly opposed, it might be added, to his own comments and views when Obama opined on the same issue. What this is about is fanning flames, controlling the media cycle, keeping on stories that energize the base, while pushing down stories inconvenient to Trump and his campaign. In right-wing speak, I think it's what usually known as a nothing-burger.

It wasnt Trump who bought attention to this again , the recent demonstrations and statue toppling bought this issue back to the limelight and also the campaign by people putting pressure on sponsors and Mr Trump just commented on the on-going situation 

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15 hours ago, TopDeadSenter said:

Cancel culture. Renaming sports teams. Renaming streets. Pulling down any and all historic monuments they can find including abolitionist Frederick Douglass. Threatening those that disagree or hold differing opinions with losing their job, home, family. Progressive America, is clearly not the land of the free, and other than the Trump regime and MAGA supporters it is no longer the home of the brave either.

 I suspect(and hope) this will backfire on the Redskins big-time. All of these uber progressive companies like Gillette regretted their virtue signalling antics as sales plummeted. It's not called "Got Woke, went Broke" for nothing.

Destroy the culture and rewrite history.  Divide and conquer.

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5 minutes ago, Morch said:


May I kindly suggest you refer to the headline of the OP? If you think that the President chiming in, while using his trademark rhetorical style didn't make this specific case into a bigger issue than it is, we will have to disagree. The same goes, by the way, for most comments he made on the general issue. Can hardly say that these contributed an iota to informed, reasoned debate.


May I also suggest you look for Trump's past comment on exactly the same issue - at a time when Obama was in office. Back then, Trump thought that POTUS got better things to do then getting involved in such matters. A link and a quote appear on this topic.

Yes, but its the media and everyone else focusing on what Trump says .

It would be nice if we could discuss  stories without Trump being the center of attention .

We should be focusing on whether the Redskins should change their name , rather than focusing on a tweet by Trump .

  Happens quite frequently , many stories turn into a discussion about Trump and what he says , 

Headline should be "Sponsors put pressure on Redskins to change their name *

And at the bottom of the report, should add "Trump tweeted......................" , rather than making this a headline  story about Trumps tweets 


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2 hours ago, Morch said:


You'll just have to try harder. This story is about Trump's comments. You wish to blame the media for covering what POTUS says? I doubt that they can fully avoid it, or that you wouldn't have complaints if they would.


Like it or not, Trump is responsible for his own comments and words. Maybe your complaint should be against him making so many of these and in his own lovable style. Nah, much easier to blame the media, eh?


Trump is POTUS. What he says often carries consequences. You wish to deny and ignore that? Go right ahead.

Maybe he is your President , he isnt mine .

You may hang on every word he says, I dont .

I like to discuss World issues without Don being center of attention .

What he says is irrelevant to myself .

OK, this story is about Trumps comments .

How about we discuss the story without Dons comments ?

Theres a whole World out there going on , and all comes down too ..............

What did Donald say about it 

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I agree with almost everything you say, but I do support changing names of sports teams from those referencing Native Americans. The tragic history of the Native American is a stain upon the US and every time a Native American sees such they must feel insulted. It doesn't matter what meaning is implied by the owner, but it's about the perception of the downtrodden.

A name is just a name, so change it. It's not like it's important, is it? The players aren't going to play worse if they are called something else.


Sadly, I think Trump is on the wrong side on this particular issue.


I don't think your position is unreasonable, but do you really believe this concession of yours is going to make anybody happy? This, sadly, I think is the position that most middle-class people are going to take. Let's give the radical left-wing fanatics a conciliatory gesture and hope that they stop burning, looting, race-baiting, etc. So that we, of the middle-class, can enjoy our meager prosperity with some sense of peace of mind. Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way, my friend. Give an inch, they take a mile.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

When it comes to the ongoing tragedy of the Native Americans, giving way on this is the only, IMO, moral choice.

One has to pick one's battles, and supporting injustice is a step too far for me. It is possible to oppose the hysteria cause of the day without and still rectify a crime against decency which was ongoing long before the current PC mentality arose. I think the Native American situation is outside PC.

Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee should be required reading in every American school.

In all this sound and fury in America, where's the voice of the Native Americans? Remember, it's Black Lives Matter. Black lives, and black lives only. We've not heard a peep from the Native Americans. You might want to ask Antifa and the BLM whether red lives matter.

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Some more off topic trolling posts and replies have been removed.


Troll posts using trolling references to President Trump have been removed, if you do not want your posts to be removed, please spell people's names correctly.






Stadium sponsor FedEx asks Redskins to change nickname


FedEx, which has naming rights to the stadium in which the Washington Redskins play, made a request Thursday that the team change its nickname.

"We have communicated to the team in Washington our request that they change the team name," FedEx said in a statement obtained by ESPN.

FedEx paid $205 million to the Redskins for naming rights to the stadium in 1998 in a deal that runs through 2025.


Read more here:  https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/29401445/stadium-sponsor-fedex-asks-redskins-change-nickname


Washington Redskins considering changing name just to be 'politically correct': Trump


President Donald Trump on Monday weighed in on the Washington Redskins football team and Cleveland Indians baseball team considering changing their names -- names Native Americans have long complained are racially offensive.


While he didn't flat-out say he’s opposed to a change in their names, he tweeted that the franchises are trying to be "politically correct" and his views seemed clear. He took a swipe as well at Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who he repeatedly calls "Pocahontas," claiming she misrepresented her Native American ancestry.





13 minutes ago, metisdead said:



Stadium sponsor FedEx asks Redskins to change nickname




6 minutes ago, metisdead said:

Washington Redskins considering changing name just to be 'politically correct': Trump


Thank you.


The real reason followed by the division baiting from the POTUS.

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