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DCD says first wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand has ended


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10 minutes ago, Thunder26 said:

I don't know where you live, but the restrictions are still in force. You can't do the shopping without a mask. The fans are not allowed to watch team sports, schools actually banned them at the moment. As you can see the restrictions are still there ????

Bangkok is where I Live. Today was a day I never expected to see here in Thailand. Complacency has kicked in because of the 4 day weekend I presume.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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In the end you Reap what you Sow. Meaning that Thailand has tried its best to deceive others into believing there Covid numbers,but as the rest of the World and even the UK knows they were mocked. Thailand did what it does best unfortunately and did it in order to please it's sinful nature, corruption and greed from which it will now and has started to reap its own internal destruction. Had they been truthful instead of prideful to save Face from the mistakes they made early on because of this insatiable greed they have, then they would now be reaping benefits. Instead they continue to try and deceive the rest of the world, and because of this there populace is paying the high price for those who should he cast out. Of course this is just my take on whats now happening, as the attempts by the Thai Government to open up to the outside world, and for those citizens wishing to travel from Thailand and be accepted on a green light basis are collapsing inward on them.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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10 minutes ago, mrfill said:

And what about the visitors from the same countries that visited Vietnam at that time? Vietnam has had no deaths at all. Are their figures unbelievable too? The FCO doesn't think so as they are on the green list.

Cambodia and Laos also have reported no deaths. Myanmar 6 deaths. They all codswallop too? That's 5 neighbouring countries with very low figures. Can you see a pattern?

I believe those countries may have shut there doors and borders way before March 26th, but then i could be wrong.

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An interesting article in the New York Times which compares excess level of deaths above a normal year by country with reported Covid deaths in the last 2 months. Thailand does quite well, 1800 excess deaths against 12 reported Covid. Spain for example had 44,000 excess deaths compared to 26,000 reported Covid deaths. Peru 16,000 excess deaths compared to 4,000 reported as Covid.

Edited by Henryford
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Brilliant! Scientists from 32 countries have warned the WHO this virus can be transmitted via airborne droplets. In addition, many of these studies from several countries are showing that airborne transmission is extremely likely and that things like air conditioners and fans help to spread it over large areas.  Meanwhile, this guy is telling people not to be concerned with airborne transmission too much.  Ludicrous!



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14 minutes ago, wombat said:
2 hours ago, ukrules said:


2 hours ago, ukrules said:

it's been around far longer than anyone knows so far

something which was 'doing the rounds' late last year.

yes, i agree


The above is a Reuters originated article dated 27JUN2020.


This BBC article is dated 02JUL2020:


While many countries, including Spain, have started monitoring their wastewater, there have been some early problems - one result that suggested the coronavirus was present in Barcelona in March 2019 may have been the result of laboratory contamination.





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