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What will happen to foreigners with expired visas after July 31?


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7 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Cool story, but does not answer my question.


The article says people have not been able to go home due to closed home borders, which countries have not allowed its citizens to return ?

Google isn’t your friend?  You expect someone to make the effort for you if you have insufficient interest to find out for yourself?

Edited by sletraveler
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Just now, sletraveler said:

Google isn’t your friend?  You expect someone to make the effort for you if you have insufficient interest to find out for yourself?

I  did google it but came up empty searching for countries that banned entry to its own citizens. Luckily I asked the question because it seems Trinidaad and Tobego did actually do that... but very few others.

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26 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

Loads of flights into Sydney from around the world.  Check if you like.

It's about to be capped at 450/day.

Also think international having no flights to Melbourne with the 6 week lockdown stating today in Melbourne. Becoming a hard joint to return to.

Edited by DrJack54
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17 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

With only 50 passengers allowed on a plane max and only 450 passengers per day max allowed to get out the plane in Sydney as per the Aussie government's rules? All due to all quarantine hotels being full to the hilt.


Ok, a total of 7 flights from around the world landing in Sydney sometime today. 50 passengers on each plane times 7 flights that gives 350 passengers. Just below the 450 max per day limit.


None of those flights are coming from Thailand either.


Tomorrow flights include one from Singapore.


You could easily transit at Changi airport.  Bangkok to Singapore has flights.


Changi is now opening up to transit passengers.





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2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

Half a million in 7 months When everywhere was closed boy you must eat well “Prawns and Champers for breakfast every morning “ I assume !

That's about 23,000+ per month per person, seeing as most posters on here need around 65,000 per month to live on, I would hardly say it's Prawns and Champers.

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3 minutes ago, RR2020 said:


Tomorrow flights include one from Singapore.


You could easily transit at Changi airport.  Bangkok to Singapore has flights.


Changi is now opening up to transit passengers.





12 flights tomorrow at a max of 50 passengers per flight means 600 people, which is over the 450 people per day limit. There are going to be a number of cancelled flights I'd presume. The Aussie government has been telling people to "Contact your airline about potential changes or cancellations to your flight."

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16 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Capped daily entry numbers is hardly banning citizens from returning home.

If you are from Melbourne/Victoria, there's no way you're getting home for the next 4-6 weeks via any flights. Victoria is in lockdown.

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1 minute ago, bbi1 said:

12 flights tomorrow at a max of 50 passengers per flight means 600 people, which is over the 450 people per day limit. There are going to be a number of cancelled flights I'd presume. The Aussie government has been telling people to "Contact your airline about potential changes or cancellations to your flight."


The point is.


NOBODY is trapped INSIDE Thailand.  Anyone can leave in the days ahead, to pretty much anywhere in the world.


Dubai is open for all transit connections to the world.


Yes people are trapped OUTSIDE of Thailand wanting to get in, but nobody is in a position where they cannot leave.  You can go to their airport today and book a flight out of Thailand, loads of people are flying out of Thailand every day now.

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Australia is also limiting the return of Australia residents to reduce demand on the states providing compulsory quarantine in hotels. There will be an announcement on numbers after the National cabinet meeting on Friday 10th July.

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Qatar Airways is currently wanting five times the 'normal' (£2500 rather than £500), fare London-Bangkok-London, and they're only showing flights available for the next week or two (I think).

Eva Air might be a better bet, in the last few years they've become my regular (direct) airline for that flight, hoping to book with them in January.

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39 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

The Aussie government limits incoming overseas flights to no more than 50 people per plane, and a maximum of 450 each day coming from ALL COUNTRIES AROUND THE WORLD:

Please get your facts correct. The Sidney airport/NSW limit is not the Australian limit 


It was introduced to stop the cheap travelers who don’t want to pay for their quarantine accommodation for all travelling via Sidney.


30 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

YES! If they are above the quota they can't fly. Read the article in my post.

You should actually read it yourself.


current limits are only for 2 states


  • NSW — 50 people per flight, with no more than 450 passengers allowed each day
  • WA — 525 people per week, around 75 people a day


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10 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

If you are from Melbourne/Victoria, there's no way you're getting home for the next 4-6 weeks via any flights. Victoria is in lockdown.

Which has nothing to do with the notion Australians are banned from re-entering Australia.

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11 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

12 flights tomorrow at a max of 50 passengers per flight means 600 people, which is over the 450 people per day limit. There are going to be a number of cancelled flights I'd presume. The Aussie government has been telling people to "Contact your airline about potential changes or cancellations to your flight."

The 450/day is Sydney alone.

Many folk fly into Brisbane. 

Melbourne being cut out does add pressure.

Edited by DrJack54
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2 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Qatar Airways is currently wanting five times the 'normal' (£2500 rather than £500), fare London-Bangkok-London, and they're only showing flights available for the next week or two (I think).

Eva Air might be a better bet, in the last few years they've become my regular (direct) airline for that flight, hoping to book with them in January.


Emirates via Dubai  London BKK London return ticket  635 GBP


Flights are normal pricing nowadays on most airlines.

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2 minutes ago, RR2020 said:


Emirates via Dubai  London BKK London return ticket  635 GBP


Flights are normal pricing nowadays on most airlines.

Ah ok, as I said, QA wanted stupid money about 10 days ago, but like at the start of the pandemic, these things are probably changing daily.

(I flew out of Thailand 11 days early on March 27th, for that reason).

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12 minutes ago, sometimewoodworker said:

Please get your facts correct. The Sidney airport/NSW limit is not the Australian limit 


It was introduced to stop the cheap travelers who don’t want to pay for their quarantine accommodation for all travelling via Sidney.


You should actually read it yourself.


current limits are only for 2 states


  • NSW — 50 people per flight, with no more than 450 passengers allowed each day
  • WA — 525 people per week, around 75 people a day


My facts ARE straight. I was replying to the Sydney Airport link mentioned by that poster. And learn to spell Sydney. It's Sydney, not Sidney.

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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

And if they are, it's probably their own doing. They should have travelled befits the restrictions. 

Absolutely correct,  the idiots chose to bee helpless.  Kick them out for good.  They only clog up the system and contribute problems for all of us good expats following th rules.

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6 hours ago, domgaf said:

It's not always as simple as that. I'm a British citizen, but I haven't lived there for more than 16 years. Instead, I have been resident in another country for work. I have no home in the UK, so repatriation would render me homeless. My country of residence/work has not yet opened its borders to non-citizens. So, when I arrived in Thailand on a 30 day stamp in March, I had expected to leave before April. Now, I am at a loss as to what to do if the Thai immigration doesn't extend the amnesty or offer extensions that can be paid for.

Exactly, I am American waiting to get back to my residence Taiwan. Haven't really lived in US for 22 years. It would be a nightmare scenario for me to get back. My flight there on March 18 was two hours after the border closed. I can't incorporate and get processed for a Taiwanese ARC while out of the country so am waiting for some kind of opening to the country. The new loosening of restrictions there only applies to people doing corporate work with Taiwanese companies. I went to TECO to apply for a permit to enter, but they told me I have to wait. The lack of empathy by many in this forum to the real problems of many people who are not trying to take advantage of the system (I had given up my flat and was to leave Thailand permanently on March 29) is astounding. The first day I can get to Taiwan I am out of here.

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50 minutes ago, skorp13 said:

I tried to do my 90 day check in last week in Jomtien and was told to go away so so much for do it early to avoid the rush

At Immigration you should wear proper clothing. 

Made my 90 day in Jomtien and other 20 people there, no problem at all. 

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4 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

Was at CW in bkk yesterday helping a friend who had just moved up from Phuket and had never been before, plus he bought coffee and lunch so win for me. I decided to do my 90 day report while there and was told by the nice IO at the counter that it was good I did it before the 13th as this and other services are being moved to impact arena here after that. That doesn’t sound good for extending the amnesty but at least they are planning ahead for large crowds. no I didn’t ask about which other services as I don’t need to extend until May of next year. 

Sounds like great news to me. Sounds like they are letting people apply for in country extensions.

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