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My chances and options with thai women


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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

a: My daughters (age 22) schoolfriends all started reproducing around age 15, one of them has 4 children by 4 different fathers. Daughter went back to the family village for a month, returned after a week. Apparently they're all married with kids now and she didn't fit in, and had nothing in common with her former friends.


LOL , last week you said that all the girls in that village all went to work in Pattaya at 15 years old, today all those same girls stayed in the village and all had babies at 15 years old ????

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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

a: My daughters (age 22) schoolfriends all started reproducing around age 15, one of them has 4 children by 4 different fathers. Daughter went back to the family village for a month, returned after a week. Apparently they're all married with kids now and she didn't fit in, and had nothing in common with her former friends.

b: Asia is famous for it's age gap relationships, but none of them are legit (by your way of thinking).


If you aren't attractive to women from your home country, why would you think you were attractive to any woman here?

I've never been attractive to any woman, anywhere in the world, but at least here I have enough money to buy a relationship.

a: yea i know this <deleted>. Its the same in philippines. they have only minimal way to buy condoms and birth control pills too in phil. Propably 50% of them has children in age 20. But anyway 30 year old has even more propability to have children. maybe i would guess 90% of the cute ones has at that age.

b: i did have this picture in my mind, after all the investigating from the web (and the information in internet is allways right? ???? ) that examples in Philippines they dont care what do you look, they just dig that you are white, and bring next meal to table etc.


Who did say that im not attractive to women in my home country? im atractive enough in my own age group, that is not the problem. But like i said, i dont like the idea of single mom as my wife. And cute free girls in europe at my age are totally single moms (and if not, they are "modern women focused on career" which means they are too hard to catch).

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

1. Condoms and the pill are free in Thailand, but it's natural for young women to reproduce.

It's what they were designed to do. Women that don't reproduce at an early age are unnatural/broken.


2. They don't dig you are white, they dig you've got enough spare cash for international travel.


3. If you were attractive in your own age group, you'd already have a wife and kids.

You need to accept reality, your own women don't want you, but you might have enough money to buy Asian that's slightly used.

1. yes, women are crazy, so its natural for them to reproduce too early

2. they dig better genes too (more tall, and more big dick than asian males)

3. this one you got wrong. i dont have wife and kids, because i did not want single mother wife. And in here, all the good ones were taken after i was 22yrs old. Read the thread so you know what ive written.

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During our wild and hedonistic Pattaya 'yoof' in the '80's, there was a singular star of the Marine Bar Disco on Walking Street (before it became Walking Street). She was the one that had all the handsome guys with real game buzzing around her like bees around the honey pot and always looked just too good for me and my average, drunk monger mates. Then she disappeared, assumed 'taken' by some 'lucky' guy. About five years later, she fronts up at the same disco with a girlfriend. She's at the bar, still looks good, a bit older but dressed way better and not the spandex and cutoffs of her former peers. My mate spotted her first and a few moments later, I caught her eye as she tipped her head back finishing her drink and I did that head lift, eyebrow arch and lip pointing thing suggesting I could buy another one and she nods. Good game! Cut to the chase and we are a solid item for the next four months, traveling around Thailand together but remarkably no need to visit her home. She was an orphan, both parents had died while she was an infant and she was brought up by a grandma who has also passed away while she was off living in Australia. The 'lucky' guy and her had started a family in Brisbane but were amicably 'divorced' (de facto marriage), had dual custody of their one kid but more tellingly, she already had her Australian citizenship. What really got my attention was she hadn't a good word to say about Thailand and her views on the government and the monarchy were let's say less than traditional for that time. She had started a new life in Australia but we were in love so she stayed a while.


I went off to work, and successfully managed to become a 'hostage' in Iraq before the first Gulf War. She waited in our rented home in Pattaya but through our sparse communications and with no sign of my imminent release, we agreed she should return to her new home and her son in Australia. Eventually I got out of Iraq and about a year later, I ended up working in the US. We had kept in touch I invited her to come on over and stay with me which she accepted. It was great being back together and my mates were all gobsmacked by this woman's looks, vitality and smarts and berated me for not having brought her over earlier. It's all good. This was my first 9-to-5 working and living in the US was new to both of us. Then I started doing 14-day tours in the Gulf of Mexico and we agreed that without many friends, leaving her alone in the apartment for half a month wasn't very nice but I was building a career here too. Tearfully we agreed that she should return to Australia where she had a home and her son but we promised to keep in touch and see how things developed. Ultimately we didn't.


When I was about the OP's age, I realized that in turning my back on my 'marine bar stunner' who had no familial ties to Thailand, no feeling of loyalty to this pathetic, feudal hegemony, had a new nationality and legal residence in another country, I had let a real keeper slip through my fingers.




Good luck to the OP in finding anything that fits the above given his precise parameters of uninhibited trophy bar girl with no ties to home and homeland.

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

And why do you think some young women would be with a much older man?


This is how it is:

--The vast majority of Thai women would prefer to be with someone her own age.

--The vast majority of Thai women would prefer to be with someone she can communicate with (i.e., someone who speaks Thai).

--The vast majority of Thai women, while they would love to visit other countries, would prefer to live in Thailand.

--The above goes out the window if said female is in a desperation situation, e.g., no money, no prospects, SINGLE MOTHER, etc.


You may have better luck with a Filipina.  Many speak English, are desperate to leave the P.I., and may not have baggage.

Hear ye, hear ye, hear ye... the self-styled spokesman for "the vast majority of Thai woman" has spoken.


Baggage-free Filipina's? Really?


And here was me thinking that it was just the Post Office's abbreviation of Berkshire.

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If the majority of Thai or Asian girls liked us, we would be swimming in educated girls. Yet most foreigners are with ex bar girls and single mothers. Guess guess why. The majority does not want us at all as Berkshire described accurate. Even the bar girls we get are 3rd rank compared to those in Thai places (while paying 2-4x more lol)....

Essentially we are soi dogs who are thrown leftovers and few are different than that.

Edited by ChaiyaTH
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1 hour ago, ChaiyaTH said:

2. Nonsense entirely, it is only about you being able to. provide financially. She will still have Thai guys when you are gone.

3. He is not wrong, you are just not man enough to admit reality.

4. Chances are big, making assumptions on your first post, the girl will leave you for a better looking young EU male once you brought her in 2 years.

5. They marry you to upgrade their life, not to beciome cleaner and tax slave + help you finance a better EU life, which you clearly cant alone too.
6. Perhaps look for a eastern european girl instead lol. As a good looking 23 year old expect you to support her, and in the first years she is unlikely to work. If you vbore her, she will find hansome young EU guys fast. The girls that want to go abroad have many choices once arrived. Others want to stay in TH.

7. I am not surprised you can't find anything as you speak about girls as if you are getting a car. Change yourself first or get karma from Thais.

3. im not gonna argue with this. But the truth is, that in west the competition is so hard, that after the age 21 there was no more market for me in a kind of relationship what i wanted.

4. yes. Cant bring young cute asian girl back to EU. her value will sky rocket, and its outta door pretty fast. will find a younger male.

5. no problems with financin my life.

6. im pretty much sure eastern european girls are more hard to get, than asian. Its the white race.

there propably is not 23 years old girl there for me.

7. might be...but in a way, there are same principals about getting a girl, than getting a car.

you have "money"(your genes and age at the moment)(+with some eastern girls some money)

and then you see what there is in market that you can "buy" with that "money" (so you look in tinder or some similar app/website which girls are interested of your "money" and you get the best/least worst option).

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3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

When I was about the OP's age, I realized that in turning my back on my 'marine bar stunner' who had no familial ties to Thailand, no feeling of loyalty to this pathetic, feudal hegemony, had a new nationality and legal residence in another country, I had let a real keeper slip through my fingers.

I think I'm banging this one at the moment.

She was married to a Brit and living in the UK in her early 20s.

She was living in Oz, had a kid with an Oz guy in her mid 20s (left the kid there).


Still a total stunner in her early 30s, a perfect 10, clearly a top earner in the gogos when they were open.

How the mighty have fallen, reduced to having me help with her new car repayments.

But despite all that, really good company, good conversation, great sense of humour, perfect English.

In normal times, she wouldn't have considered me.

I'd rate her as an all round 10.


When the tourists are back, she'll be collecting another white husband, in another western country.

Edited by BritManToo
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9 hours ago, Jjjjjjj said:

Hmm, maybe i try thaifriendly.

Im looking for girls 18-23 cauz:

a: In that age, they might not be single moms yet

b: I thought Asia was famous of its age gap relationships. Thats why thought they would want me.

a: You can find "not single moms" also in older age groups, and you can find many single moms under 20, also under 18.

b: Yes, but they (the girls) are looking for a provider, and an upgraded life-style; normally girls prefer to marry up, also in Western countries.


If you are a good provider, you can easily find girls with still no children around the age of 23, but you might have better chances coming down, when travelling opens up again, than using a dating site. There are plenty of single young girls/ladies that are dreaming about a handsome foreigner, but they are often limited in English, and might also not be interested in moving abroad.


As I posted before, many girls/young ladies around 25 years – plus/minus enough to include the age of 23 – dream about a foreigner about 40 years old, not married, no babies; however their dream-prince on the white horse, or in the white Mercedes, is also supposed to be a good provider for their future family together with him.


If you cannot, or will not, provide for a family – just your own, you don't need to include sick buffaloes – you won't have many chances in East Asia. But if you can provide, and especially be willing to live here – and work, or have income from other source – your options could be almost unlimited.


I was 53, girlfriend 22 and single with no babies; that's 31 years gap. And I don't even go to gym, but I'm fairly alright average looking. I said: »I'm not rich, but I can take care of my own little family, and I don't intend to, or want to, take care of an extended Thai family; if that's what you wish, just forget me!« The only difficult part was to choose between potential options up to 24.


A guy on 37, and even visiting a gym, should have better options than I had...????



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17 minutes ago, khunPer said:



I was 53, girlfriend 22 and single with no babies; that's 31 years gap. And I don't even go to gym, but I'm fairly alright average looking. I said: »I'm not rich, but I can take care of my own little family, and I don't intend to, or want to, take care of an extended Thai family; if that's what you wish, just forget me!« The only difficult part was to choose between potential options up to 24.


A guy on 37, and even visiting a gym, should have better options than I had...????



It only shows how desperate they are, nothing else

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13 hours ago, khunPer said:

You can find "not single moms" also in older age groups,

The older a person is the more set in their ways they are. If I'm paying I want someone that will fit in with me, not the other way around. I compromised too much in my relationships, and wouldn't do so again.

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12 hours ago, Tagged said:

It only shows how desperate they are, nothing else

The mistake many farangs make is that they don't realise that the only reason she is with them is out of desperation. Some even think the young woman loves them ( 5555555555555555555 ).

They build houses they don't own, buy cars they don't own, help the family financially, give the wife an "allowance" of more than they could earn, then are surprised when the woman has enough financial security and kicks them out.

The only way to keep the sex coming is to make it clear the goodies depend on her being a "good" wife, and if she plays up it's over. I wish I'd known about village weddings before getting legally married.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The mistake many farangs make is that they don't realise that the only reason she is with them is out of desperation. Some even think the young woman loves them ( 5555555555555555555 ).

They build houses they don't own, buy cars they don't own, help the family financially, give the wife an "allowance" of more than they could earn, then are surprised when the woman has enough financial security and kicks them out.

The only way to keep the sex coming is to make it clear the goodies depend on her being a "good" wife, and if she plays up it's over. I wish I'd known about village weddings before getting legally married.

To be earnest I have no problem to put land and house in my gf name, but I already write it off on my account for what it is. My intention is to stay with this woman for a long time, and I hope for rest of my life no matter how long that is going to turn out. She got something I paid for, and it means I have to behave, and as well she has to behave if she wants to keep me in the house still taking care of here, and give her family work. You can call it a carot situation for both of us. We both have something to loose if one of us had enough. However, my gf is not in her twenties, and I did not meet her in here twenties, so she had a life before me, and know what she have or not have. Makes it more fair for both of us. I really feel sorry for those who find a daughter to rise, I really do, and I could not have done it with my experience and knownledge. Not my cup of tea. 


As said one million times before, do not invest more than you are willing to loose. 

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So, what you guys think about sex life in these age differentual relationships? or sex life for older males. I mean, isnt that a problem with age gap relationships? if male is 20years older or +. isnt there an imbalance? im not sure, but i think my sex drive has decreased at the age 37. But part of the problem might be that because i cant have anymore sex in the west from attractive young women ???? Its hard to get addicted to something, you dont have..

But if there would be scenario where younger attractive female wants to be with me, i have no clue how our sex drives would match.

Young age, 21 years old, sex was for sure must every night (when was available at that time)


Do you older guys even have hard erection? ???? Or is it just half hard?

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1 minute ago, Jjjjjjj said:

So, what you guys think about sex life in these age differentual relationships? or sex life for older males. I mean, isnt that a problem with age gap relationships? if male is 20years older or +. isnt there an imbalance? im not sure, but i think my sex drive has decreased at the age 37. But part of the problem might be that because i cant have anymore sex in the west from attractive young women ???? Its hard to get addicted to something, you dont have..

But if there would be scenario where younger attractive female wants to be with me, i have no clue how our sex drives would match.

Young age, 21 years old, sex was for sure must every night (when was available at that time)


Do you older guys even have hard erection? ???? Or is it just half hard?

If you exercise and eat healthy you can keep it hard as long you have the motivation to keep it hard, but it is more a mind thing after 50 than it was before. You have to be up to it, and use your imagination alot more than just banging on. 


20 years gap is ok, since some thai women have kind of a thing about having sex after their Turn 50, it is over. I did not say everyone, but many. Not my experience so far, since Im 52 and my gf is 35 I still got it under control, but you got the blue pills and Testosteoron treatment, and it is good to know it is not over when the time comes, and  it will get soft ???? 

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14 minutes ago, Jjjjjjj said:

So, what you guys think about sex life in these age differentual relationships? or sex life for older males. I mean, isnt that a problem with age gap relationships? if male is 20years older or +. isnt there an imbalance? im not sure, but i think my sex drive has decreased at the age 37. But part of the problem might be that because i cant have anymore sex in the west from attractive young women ???? Its hard to get addicted to something, you dont have..

But if there would be scenario where younger attractive female wants to be with me, i have no clue how our sex drives would match.

Young age, 21 years old, sex was for sure must every night (when was available at that time)


Sex life for older males.

When I moved here age 52, I moved in with a Thai lady age 32, who insisted on doing it 5x a day.

I gave it my best shot, but after 9 months I had to run away.

Married the next one (after a gap of 3 weeks) also age 32, once a day was fine for me.

Moved on to another (I was 60, she was 35), I'm nearly 65 now, and 3x a week is good enough, but she's now 40 and lost her looks, so I've mainly lost interest in sex with her.

Recently met a new lady age 34, I'm used to living with the old girl (40+) now, so I just meet the younger woman once a week for sex.


I occasionally hire women in their 20s, but for some reason it's women in their early 30s I want.


Worrying about matching sex drives isn't really something anyone does.

They bang you when you want to do it, of you just go out for sex with someone else.

Takes about 30 minutes to find an attractive younger woman to have sex with out here.


Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


The only way to keep the sex coming is to make it clear the goodies depend on her being a "good" wife, and if she plays up it's over. I wish I'd known about village weddings before getting legally married.

The best way to "keep the sex coming" is to get them to enjoy it as well .

Many older guys dont know how to please woman , some dont even know that woman can be pleased  , some guys will have no clue what I'm talking about .

  Once you realise that females also enjoy sex and you know which buttons to press , they are usually quite willing to participate .

  If they are willing to participate, theres no need to persuade them to by stopping payments 

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18 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

The best way to "keep the sex coming" is to get them to enjoy it as well .

Many older guys dont know how to please woman , some dont even know that woman can be pleased  , some guys will have no clue what I'm talking about .

  Once you realise that females also enjoy sex and you know which buttons to press , they are usually quite willing to participate .

  If they are willing to participate, theres no need to persuade them to by stopping payments 


When a woman has an orgasm they have certain physiological changes that they have no control over. I certainly had no problem satisfying a woman judging by those changes.

However, they know that they can get a lover any time ( my wife was always getting propositioned ), so don't need US to be satisfied. In my experience, women were more concerned about other things than sex, which is one of the major differences between men and women. IMO they need more incentive to keep the good times coming than even good sex.

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6 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Moved on to another (I was 60, she was 35), I'm nearly 65 now, and 3x a week is good enough, but she's now 40 and lost her looks, so I've mainly lost interest in sex with her.

Is that the one you are now living with ?

The one whom you have an 8 year old son and 23 year old daughter with ?

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7 hours ago, Jjjjjjj said:

So, what you guys think about sex life in these age differentual relationships? or sex life for older males. I mean, isnt that a problem with age gap relationships? if male is 20years older or +. isnt there an imbalance? im not sure, but i think my sex drive has decreased at the age 37. But part of the problem might be that because i cant have anymore sex in the west from attractive young women ???? Its hard to get addicted to something, you dont have..

But if there would be scenario where younger attractive female wants to be with me, i have no clue how our sex drives would match.

Young age, 21 years old, sex was for sure must every night (when was available at that time)


Do you older guys even have hard erection? ???? Or is it just half hard?

It's properly very individual, and for sure also depend on your life-style and health.


Furthermore, a young woman gets relative faster old, than an elder man grows older during a longer lasting relationship; made me think of the expression "I love you long time"...???? Understand the word "relative" here, for a person age 20 the next 10 years will be like 50% of the life, perhaps feeling like even more, as the first few years are not remembered. For a person aged 40 the next 10 years is just 25%, and so on, the older the person is. Probably why elder folks thinks that time runs so fast. Furthermore our personality, and preferences, change over time, but again relative faster the younger we are; i.e. the changes from age 15 to 20, and from 20 to 30, compared to from 40 to 60.


What I mean is that the young woman might change faster than the older man, and thereby the age gap might virtually shrink over time. If you find a 20-year old girlfriend at age 40, then when you are 60, your partner will be 40, and have probably changed quite a bit from when she was 20; whilst you might not have changed as much from 40 to 60, if there have been no health issues. You might even be more interested in sex than she.


And imbalance, yes, but it's also depending of mind, of how we think. Many says the Thai girls way up in the 20s, and even 30s, acts like a teenager; which in theory widens any age gap further, if the man is not young in mind. And what do you share with your partner, besides sex two-three times a day? And what can each part allow the partner to have of individual life, like seeing friends, or even have a night out with friends? A young girl in her 20s and 30s might now and then like to get out to for example a disco, will the 20+ year older man wish wish to join?


I recall an older sister to a Thai girl I once dated, the sister was about 22 years old, and had changed from a young Israeli boyfriend – because he couldn't provide anything – to an elder American that gave her a fair monthly allowance. But the man couldn't stand the flashing lights in a disco, and he was also desperate jealous – perhaps afraid of losing his "investment" to a younger, and more rich, and more handsome guy – so she was not allowed out with her friends. At the end it didn't work, and she got a Thai boyfriend instead, and got a child with him. 


About "sex drive", I think that is very individual; mine was the same in my 50s as in my 20s – and the few years before – and not because I didn't have any female company, I was a rock-musician around age of 20, and I could pick almost whatever I wanted, also more than one...????


You might be absolutely right about that "its hard to get addicted to something, you dont have", but you might also experience a change while staying here. When I broke up my home country girlfriend – we had stayed together for 15 years – I had a number on inactive years, but it was no problem at all catching up with the activities later.


In reply to your last question, I'm still as hard as I was when 19 years old, but however not in the mood for as many times in a row, or as many times a day – probably I might not even be able to such repeating hard performance – so it does seem to change after 50 years. But it might also have to do with excitement, the difference between the usual dish, and a fresh new sandwich...???? But we're all different, and it's also a question of health and life-style, and there are luckily alternative hard options, if needed...:thumbsup:


But bear in mind that a good relationship, and living together for long time, is much more the sex and sex drive; actually sex might be a minor part of it. Luckily some Thai women – probably many – accepts that "a man cannot eat the same dish every day"; I learned the expression from my clever girlfriend. You might have heard expressions like "side girl", "gik" and "mia noi", it's all about a married man, or a man in a steady relationship, that can have some further, mainly sexual relationship besides the "big wife", even a permanent mistress relationship with a mia noi (literally "wife small"). The side girl and gik are "pay and play", whilst the latter seems to be quite common in some circles; I know of many Thai men having a mia noi. And I also know mia nois that are very – or fairly – faithful to their shared husband. It's probably also a clever move from ladies to keep a good marriage working when the man has more sex drive than she, or just interest in fresh dishes. However, it requires that the husband can afford it, otherwise the big wife might not approve it. With a mia noi it's like if you can afford two wives, and the smaller one might in some cases even cost more than the big one. My girlfriend use to joke with that she don't mind I get married, just she can stay as mia noi...:whistling:


Even that a good working Thai relationship is often based on the man being a provider, a good relationship is also a question of accepting the other part – a woman is not something you buy, even that some view it like that – and it's mostly about caring for each other; one don't own the other. If there is a 20 year, or more, age gap, you might also grow old before your partner – again health and life style matters – and you might need someone that cares about you by that time.


Are Thai women "desparate" for getting a foreign partner? To my knowledge, and from what I've seen, they will walk out instead of staying with a man they don't like. I've seen a girl walking away from a dollar-millionaire – good looking American and not too old – even she had a relative high personal allowance (30k baht a month) on top of he paid for everything, because she felt he was too controlling.


In my view, mutual respect for each other – including each other's culture – is more important than age gap in a successful long lasting relationship; also in Europe...????

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:


When a woman has an orgasm they have certain physiological changes that they have no control over. I certainly had no problem satisfying a woman judging by those changes.

1,000bht notes seems to satisfy most of them, they keep coming back for more.

Edited by BritManToo
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19 minutes ago, khunPer said:

Furthermore our personality, and preferences, change over time,

Nope, I've wanted women in their 30s since I was 25 .......

That's 40 years of 'no change', except for the women, I keep changing them for another in her 30s.

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43 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Nope, I've wanted women in their 30s since I was 25 .......

That's 40 years of 'no change', except for the women, I keep changing them for another in her 30s.

I think a man's preferences for women is one of the few things that doesn't change; in the always crystal clear light of hindsight I should have taken reservations for that...????


That's why we see 70 year old gentlemen with their new 18 year plus one day old girlfriend – I realize that I missed something on my birthday...????

Edited by khunPer
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So, what are you guys thinking about the safety of SE Asia?

I dont know so much about thailand, but what ive been studying about philippines,

that places seems like dangerous:


1. poverty

2. volcanoes

3. earthquakes

4. Tsunamis

5. Kidnappers

6. terrorists

7. war against drugs

8. war against terrorists

9. typhoons.


No wonder that "its easy to get a woman there". The place is a total mess...

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