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Are any Asian countries accepting foreigners from Thailand?


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For personal reasons, I'm looking to leave Thailand sooner rather than later.

I have a valid visa for quite a few more months, but would like to leave. I don't mind going through quarantine on arrival. 

Just not sure what my options are in Asia specifically?

Thank you in advance!

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You may want to wait this thing out in Thailand for a bit longer...Thailand "appears" to be one of the safest countries in the world at this time...very few virus cases being reported. 


Travel at this time may expose you to the virus...more than 1,000 TSA airport screeners have tested positive in the US...


Hunker down a bit longer...see where this virus thing goes before making your move.

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2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Still only number two in the world for road deaths.

Murder rate per million people 49.67 Ranked 8th. 18% more than United States
Rapes 4,636 Ranked 9th.


Love it...so accurate.  covid or death by car, stabbing, or balcony...it's coming.

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2 hours ago, lexlam said:

Try to check travel about vietnam, if open or any requirements, etc,,

I think Vietnam has more attractions to stay and experience life there, 

Vietnam closed it's borders in early March and remain closed until at least 31st July. Speculation amongst Visa Agents suggest that they will remain closed until Sept / Oct.

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3 hours ago, zzzzz said:

afaik, no se asian country is issuing tourist visas

better stay here until they open up.

Once Thailand opens its borders, Laos, Burma, Cambodia, Malaysia will follow

I would suggest that Laos, Burma, Cambodia, Malaysia and the Philippines will open their borders before Thailand to get that tourist money that Thailand is missing out on

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3 hours ago, lexlam said:

Try to check travel about vietnam, if open or any requirements, etc,,

I think Vietnam has more attractions to stay and experience life there, 

Western tourists who use to go to Thailand will flock to Vietnam when it opens it's borders.

Vietnam understandably wants some of them tourist billions money that Thailand doesn't want and so does Cambodia and the Philippines.

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5 hours ago, lexlam said:

Try to check travel about vietnam, if open or any requirements, etc,,

I think Vietnam has more attractions to stay and experience life there, 

Vietnam is still pretty much closed, and according to the latest government press release will stay so for a while longer. Unless you are a Vietnamese citizen, a diplomat, or a highly skilled worker, considered essential by the Vietnamese government you won't get in. Since they have done so well in the containment of the Pandemic, much better even than Thailand, they will probably be the last in SEA to open. A pity, I live in Vietnam now, but miss my regular outings to other countries in the region.  I can get out, but wouldn't be able to get back in any time soon. 

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