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UK plans to create 'freeports,' cut taxes: Sunday Telegraph


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8 hours ago, JonnyF said:

Excellent news.


I wonder if this announcement will lead to Michel Barnier finally waking up to the fact that there will be no level playing field. We are out. If you want a trade deal you can have one, the UK will continue to open up to the world outside your protectionist racket either way.


So if you want to continue selling your Germanic automobiles with their fake emissions stats and your overrated Italian and French wine you better wake up pretty soon, otherwise our cars will be coming from Korea and Japan and our wine from Australia, south Africa and south america. Up to you Michel. Tick tock xx

You forgot the chlorinated chicken from US.... ????????????????????????

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52 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I'm curious as to why this is news today when the idea was first muted when Liam Fox was Brexit secretary...?

I suspect C19 lockdown has softened the edges and the Tories not taking their eye off Brexit as will need something to brag about at the next election.  There's not much else at the moment.  

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10 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

"The successful bidders designated as freeports will ultimately be legally outside UK customs territory, with goods imported, manufactured or re-exported without incurring national tariffs or import VAT until they enter the rest of the economy."


And export it where?

We are leaving our biggest market. 

Have you heard the fable of the frog under the coconut shell?


It's a big world out there.

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

The UK has not just suddenly appeared on planet earth. If those markets exist we were already trading with them.

You guys have convinced yourselves there are vast untapped markets available when that is simply not the case.

How do you know, your own words, not the Guardian or Independents columnists ...?

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24 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

The UK has not just suddenly appeared on planet earth. If those markets exist we were already trading with them.

You guys have convinced yourselves there are vast untapped markets available when that is simply not the case.

The EU has proved to be incapable of making comprehensive FTA's with several massive markets. The US and India spring to mind for starters. So yes, there are several markets that can be further opened up. And yes, we will also be buying from these places where in the past we bought from the EU, which won't do the EU much good when one of their best customers starts shopping next door because the UK is now free to remove tariffs on essential items such as food and clothing.


You seem to ignore the fact (or minimize the impact) that the EU doesn't have trade deals with these huge markets, and in the same breath you claim that the UK will be devastated if we don't have every single trade deal in place by 31 December. You can't have it both ways.  It's a long term project, it will have taken over 4 years just to leave so if it takes 4 more years to get the trade deals signed then we can live with that.


It was never about a couple of GDP % points anyway, that was a Remainer strawman argument. It was about independence and sovereignty (I mean real independence, not wishing to leave the UK so you can run and hide behind the EU's skirt like the Scottish view of independence).

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9 minutes ago, welovesundaysatspace said:


Why am I not surprised that Brexiteers wear fake Raybans from third-world night markets...

Fake news. ????


Another strawman. Why am I not surprised? I'm disappointed you didn't throw in some Project Fear to back up your false claim. Maybe a quote from an unnamed source in a Guardian article. "Brexiteers regret vote to leave as Thailand proposes adding 2000% levy on fake Raybans to UK tourists post Brexit". ????

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8 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

You think American healthcare will stop with medicines? 

So you think India is not going to dictate the terms? If Brexit has shown anything its that the UK is not going to get preferential treatment from any country. You all believed that the EU would grant all your wishes but its not happening is it. Little Britain is exactly that. English exceptionalism only exists among English nationalists. No-one else believes in it. 

Only the EU is being difficult about a trade deal. The bloc has been pouting and sulking like a rejected teenage girl but they are starting to back down on the ECJ already.





Japan is rushing us to sign one.





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11 minutes ago, JonnyF said:

Fake news. ????


Another strawman. Why am I not surprised? I'm disappointed you didn't throw in some Project Fear to back up your false claim. Maybe a quote from an unnamed source in a Guardian article. "Brexiteers regret vote to leave as Thailand proposes adding 2000% levy on fake Raybans to UK tourists post Brexit". ????

Strawman you say.

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