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Trump to send federal forces to more 'Democrat' cities


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7 hours ago, Tug said:

It’s just donalds Friday night distraction carrying on to Monday evening it also may be a ploy to stur up enough trouble to declare martial law thereby trying to delay the election and or suppress the vote to me it’s kinda like the constitution is beeing raped by the administration it’s horrifying and disgusting November can’t come soon enough 

I confess, part of me would relish his declaration of martial law because I think all hell would break loose. It appears that is the only thing to get acknowledgement that the citizens demand a change in course ...

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10 minutes ago, Paul Henry said:

The stable genius really knows how to win votes!Even some of his own senators are against him. They still have problems with this dictatorial action. Can see his base slipping below 30% before November.He will need some good lies to get back in the race. Even Fox News are starting to hedge their bets for post November. They still have 31/2 months before the election, I think we will see them move further away from Trump. The two disciples of Trump will still blindly follow him and give him advice on how to lose more voters. No doubt Trump,Hannity and Carlson (The three stooges) will invent some new conspiracy theory. They are to dumb to realise that after January the will need to find a new messiah. Even Moscow Mitch won't be able to save them unless he can organise a job with Putin as his propaganda writers and broadcasters.

Only with 70% or better of a rejection of The Sonald and his ilk would give me encouragement that the USA is not lost.

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6 hours ago, Walker88 said:

For the benefit of those who are not American, I will repeat the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution---something 45 has neither read nor understands---to point out what rights the Founders thought so critical to the new nation they put in their first written words:


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."


Toss in the Posse Comitatus Act, and what is happening is a violation of both the US Constitution and subsequent enacted laws.  Those troops are traitors, and anyone who supports their acts is a traitor.


"All enemies, foreign and domestic"


That was in the oath I took and the oath all who served took. We will live it. Real patriots will live it.


Notice will be given.

We should also cite the following due to American citizens being picked up off the streets by un identified federal forces. 

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

If these camo-wearing people are unidentified and anonymous, then no one owes them anything. Anyone whom they threaten thus has a right to protect him or herself by whatever means is necessary, including deadly force, just as anyone has the right to defend him or herself against a mugger, thief or rapist.


There is a reason the US has rules and laws demanding any official law enforcement officers fully identify themselves, their unit, and display their names.


These guys are following no laws and thus, they are fair game if they threaten anyone.


The US is a democracy, not a totalitarian thuggery.

The US used to be a democracy.

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8 hours ago, Tug said:

It’s just donalds Friday night distraction carrying on to Monday evening it also may be a ploy to stur up enough trouble to declare martial law thereby trying to delay the election and or suppress the vote to me it’s kinda like the constitution is beeing raped by the administration it’s horrifying and disgusting November can’t come soon enough 

I've got an idea, if all the liberal leaders of the democratic run hotspots decided to combat crime there would be no need for Trump to proceed. 


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1 hour ago, Logosone said:

Trump did an excellent job in Portland, quite a number of the ANTIFA leadership were arrested.


Yeah, this so called "excellent job" failed to mention the beating of a Navy vet at the hands of the Federal jack-booted thugs. 


A Navy veteran says he was beaten and pepper sprayed by authorities while attending his first protest in Portland



"I was going to ask why they weren't living up to their oath of office, the Constitution," David explained. " All I wanted to do was ask them why?"
He put on his Naval Academy gear with the hope they would listen, and would feel like he was one of them. What he was met with couldn't have been further from that.

When approaching them to talk, David said they pushed him down, and started beating him with their batons and using pepper spray.


Edited by Silurian
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4 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Yeah, this so called "excellent job" failed to mention the beating of a Navy vet at the hands of the Federal jack-booted thugs. 


A Navy veteran says he was beaten and pepper sprayed by authorities while attending his first protest in Portland



Well he can thank ANTIFA for his misfortune. If they did not hijack protests for their own anti-capitalist agenda there would be no need for law enforcement. Alas, they do. And there is.


This amateur-lawyer should know better than to give cover to ANTIFA vandals. He shouldn't be there in the first place.

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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

He is getting his loyal lieutenant Rudy to scare the people with his unhinged and reckless unfounded speculation. Just hear what this madman said on Laura I show. 

“Black Lives Matter wants to destroy law

enforcement, end bail, empty the prisons (including drug dealers as well as users), provide themselves with reparations, AND a full-time government income without the necessity of work.”

Reparations - check

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11 minutes ago, Walker88 said:
3 hours ago, Morch said:


"....the US Military has already made contingency plans to remove him by whatever means necessary."


Do tell.

My statement comes both from personal conversations with people serving in senior levels of the US Military, and it has been corroborated by statements I've seen on TV from people who also have contacts in DoD. You can take it to the bank. There are some DEVGRU types, apoplectic over the Bountygate scandal, who would like nothing better than have 45 resist removal. The Joint Chiefs, of course, would prefer 45's removal be as benign as possible, but in the heat of battle, things can get out of hand.  I suspect you never served, so you fail to appreciate the level of disgust and anger by serving Americans of everything from 45's spitting on the Constitution to the horrific scandal of Bountygate.


If 45 refuses to leave after losing, the military will do whatever it takes to remove him. When I say 'whatever it takes', it means that exactly. Resistance to the US Constitution is futile and will be dealt with appropriately. Should 45's lapdog AG try to exert some sort of legal challenge, he will, too, be in violation of the US Constitution and the US Military will neutralize him as well.


The democracy and Constitution will be defended no matter the cost.

They should have Pelosi stand by to call the fumigators just in case he resists a la Scarface and his "little friend", doncha think? Wouldn't be good to have the White House looking like Swiss cheese. :stoner:







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4 hours ago, Walker88 said:




There is a reason the US has rules and laws demanding any official law enforcement officers fully identify themselves, their unit, and display their names.





Please post where to find these established rules the police must follow.

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9 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Since you seem to need a lesson in Civics, I'm going to let you find it yourself.


You might not be aware, but every general or admiral from McCaffrey to McRaven has corroborated exactly what I said. Most have spoken out in the last few days against this Constitutional outrage.


It really doesn’t surprise me that there are people who support these fascist, illegal and un-American tactics being used against those exercising their 1st Amendment rights. I also understand there are always those who have absolutely no clue what the founding ideals of the US are. Those so addled by bizarre notions of what they think America stands for tend to be Never Served types, or like 45, bone spurs cowards.


As one who has served, and who has defended the homeland from the threats of terrorism, I have no problem neutralizing anyone who poses a threat to what the US represents. I have taken action against outsiders who posed a threat, but as my oath tells me, my defense is not limited to protecting from external threats. I will gladly and unquestionably do the needful against anyone who poses a domestic threat to the ideals to which I swore, and I know I am joined by the vast majority of my colleagues.


I'm angry enough to be itching to put my skills back to work, as are many of my brethren.


Molon labe.

Wow, you're a true blue bad ass,


You posted - There is a reason the US has rules and laws demanding any official law enforcement officers fully identify themselves, their unit, and display their names. 


I'm just not as smart as you so please post where this rule is written.

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1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

Please post where to find these established rules the police must follow.


If being arrested, a citizen has a 4th amendment right.


Federal Law Enforcement Is Making Unconstitutional Arrests In Portland



This violates citizens’ Fourth Amendment rights against unreasonable searches and seizures. It also violates their Fifth Amendment right to due process of law. Finally, it violates the First Amendment rights of citizens to protest. The government has the right to enforce the law but protesters have the right to know that if they are arrested, it will be by lawful authority. 


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1 hour ago, Walker88 said:

Yes, the protesters who have been gassed and beaten have been peaceable. That includes the Navy Vet who was beaten and hit point blank with pepper spray. They are exercising their rights as enumerated in the 1st Amendment.

My statement comes both from personal conversations with people serving in senior levels of the US Military, and it has been corroborated by statements I've seen on TV from people who also have contacts in DoD. You can take it to the bank. There are some DEVGRU types, apoplectic over the Bountygate scandal, who would like nothing better than have 45 resist removal. The Joint Chiefs, of course, would prefer 45's removal be as benign as possible, but in the heat of battle, things can get out of hand.  I suspect you never served, so you fail to appreciate the level of disgust and anger by serving Americans of everything from 45's spitting on the Constitution to the horrific scandal of Bountygate.


If 45 refuses to leave after losing, the military will do whatever it takes to remove him. When I say 'whatever it takes', it means that exactly. Resistance to the US Constitution is futile and will be dealt with appropriately. Should 45's lapdog AG try to exert some sort of legal challenge, he will, too, be in violation of the US Constitution and the US Military will neutralize him as well.


The democracy and Constitution will be defended no matter the cost.


No, I can't take it to the bank. They usually frown on arguments like "...but @Walker88 said so". Because here's the thing, on this forum, you're an anonymous poster, without any verifiable background and not even that many posts to your name so that the needed level of trust would follow.


With all due respect, we've had (and have) plenty of posters who "served" in this or that capacity. If your take was correct, they'd all be on the anti-Trump camp. Let me assure you that's not the case. As for the supposed connection higher up the food chain, both comments stand.


So while it was a nice little rant you posted, it still doesn't back up your claims in any meaningful way. Same goes for the failed attempt to co-opt the entire (or maybe not) armed forces. I doubt you speak for all of them.


What you "suspect" is both irrelevant and wrong. Kinda noticed you tend to toss that one in whenever your posts are doubted or questioned.

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6 hours ago, Walker88 said:

I take some comfort in having learned that if 45 refuses to accept the result of the election and does not leave, the US Military has already made contingency plans to remove him by whatever means necessary.  I assure you THOSE troops will wear the proper identifying insignias and name tags.

Once he loses I think he will test the waters by making noises about a rigged election, and see how many of his supporters he can mobilise, but believe that when he sees the writing on the wall, in a "you can't fire me, I quit!" moment, he will resign and possibly leave the country - he certainly won't show up for Biden's inauguration.  He'll also trust that Pence fires off blanket pardons in the month or two he is president.

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2 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Most have spoken out in the last few days against this Constitutional outrage.

What constitutional outrage? 


You do realise the intervention in Portland was completely in line with federal law? You do realise Eisenhower sent in federal troops to uphold US law in Little Rock? 


You think this is the first time this happened?

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

Explain the logic:  A pandemic that has killed more than 140,000 Americans and isn't stopped by borders is not the responsibility of the federal government; but local protests that local governments are dealing with, and don't want federal help with, are a federal responsibility.


Trump is making it up as he goes along, and doing a very bad job of it.

Explain the logic?


The wheels are finally coming off Mr Trump's clown car!

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2 hours ago, Morch said:


Basically, your argument is that people shouldn't participate in protests, because these might be hijacked by certain groups. Very convenient, if one was bent on eradicating any dissent whatsoever. I would have thought professional law enforcement guys could do better than that. As for "amateur-lawyer"....pot.kettle.black, there.

Heavy handed over-reaction to well contained protests using the excuse that it is necessary to protect the established order.  Why does this sound familiar? 


Oh, I remember; Thailand in 2014.

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