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Trump to send federal forces to more 'Democrat' cities


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6 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Never heard of groups being infiltrated by their opponents?? Of course the BoogerBoys and the QuackAnon would wear "Antifa garb"  - how else would they fit in?


"The all black clothing and umbrellas are typical of this group"

As well as Goths, Black Metal rockers and Seattleites. But do continue with your generalizations.

Are these west coast street gangs or what? 

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3 minutes ago, checkered flag said:

Eric seems to hope that the riots will lead to left wing political changes. But I think they cause just the opposite.

It does help deflect from the crackdown in Hong Kong.

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20 hours ago, Logosone said:

Trump did an excellent job in Portland, quite a number of the ANTIFA leadership were arrested.


Would be nice to see Seattle pacified as well.

Since Antifa is no organisation in the conservative sense, there are no leaders to arrest!

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7 minutes ago, Saint Nick said:

Since Antifa is no organisation in the conservative sense, there are no leaders to arrest!

Don't be so naive to believe that people aren't behind it all.  It's painfully obvious that it's organized which means certain people are directing it.  I don't buy your suggestive logic.

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Just now, spidermike007 said:

He is utterly cascading toward a defeat of monumental and humiating proportions. So are many of the GOP who have shown utter fealty to him. 

LOL.  I'll be here to post after the election.  It'll be fun.

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I bet,some who are commenting here, do not even have the slightest clue, what ANTIFA is, what it stands for, how it works...

All they know is, what Hannity, Carlson, Trump and some other goons are spoonfeeding them and since they are too intellectually lazy, they just regurgitate this BS in an endless loop!

"Leaders of ANTIFA" are arrested...the command structure of ANTIFA...blah blah blah...

If it weren't so utterly ridiculous, it would be funny!

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

Correct me if I am wrong. Federal forces can only be used internally under the Insurrection Act to suppress insurrection (da) and rebellion. Don't see those incidents as insurrection that can't be handled by the state police. Is US different in defining insurrection? 

I think you are confusing United States Military with FBI, DEA, ATF.

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29 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

And just who are these "certain people"?

LOL.  You're asking the question because you know there's no definitive answer yet.  And as long as names aren't able to be named you can use it as evidence of your position and continue with your bogus position that there's no organization to it.  You people are so transparent.


As with any criminal enterprise you'll find a hierarchical structure.  Those at the top will insulate themselves.  To suggest there's no organization when there's plenty of evidence is ludicrous.  But that's your choice.  You won't fool me, though.

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Can't discount these riots across America will define who wins the Presidency. This is one issue that's pretty much black and white, I don't hear much from Democrats on condemning the violence but they condemn stopping the violence. You leftists better get busy stopping the violence before you drive voters into the Trump Camp.

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4 hours ago, Logosone said:

Don't be totally ridiculous please, just because the Antifa boys were not arrested does not mean they did not perpetrate violence, we've already heard the police say how they refrain from going to arrest individuals in a crowd in order not to cause a full scale riot and injure the innocent. That is what Antifa do of course. They hide behind innocent prosters, dress in clothing to hide themselves. Then you wonder why they're not arrested.


Sorry, but rather than the anti-Trump journaille I'll take the Department of Homeland Security's word on this:


Here's a list of 96 crimes incidents perpetrated by Antifa, and that's just in one city:


“The city of Portland has been under siege for 47 straight days by a violent mob while local political leaders refuse to restore order to protect their city. Each night, lawless anarchists destroy and desecrate property, including the federal courthouse, and attack the brave law enforcement officers protecting it."





Your link shows lots of broken windows, graffiti and fences torn down.  Definitely criminal vandalism, but not the end of civilization.


I didn't see the word antifa anywhere in your link, but from your post it appears they are there even if no one sees them.  With that in mind, how can you be sure it's antifa and not space aliens?

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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

More golden comedy.  For one, crime is crime.  For another you know damn well it's much more than low level hooliganism.  If the mayors and governors are fine with riots and unlawful acts then normal people, including Trump, aren't.  And normal people can take this bullsh!t so only so long.


It's obvious which side of the fence you're on. You've got a lot to learn, Eric, in my opinion.

Right, crime is crime, unless it's committed by one of Trump's pals.

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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Eric, why in the world are you against putting an end to rioting and criminal behaviour?  Are you good with it all?  If the mayors and governors don't do squat, in fact support it, then that's O.K. by you, too?  Do you understand at all that you're arguing for this sh!t?  There are a lot of normal people in this world, Eric, and I and they will never go along with it.  Supporting riots and mayhem and equating it to the right to protest is fringe lunacy.

The mayors and governors know their cities and states better than Trump knows....anything.  If they think it is better to tolerate a certain amount of vandalism and civil disobedience and wait out the protestors to avoid a violent confrontation, I trust their judgment on the matter.

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9 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Can't discount these riots across America will define who wins the Presidency. This is one issue that's pretty much black and white, I don't hear much from Democrats on condemning the violence but they condemn stopping the violence. You leftists better get busy stopping the violence before you drive voters into the Trump Camp.

This is very true like in 1968.

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17 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Can't discount these riots across America will define who wins the Presidency. This is one issue that's pretty much black and white, I don't hear much from Democrats on condemning the violence but they condemn stopping the violence. You leftists better get busy stopping the violence before you drive voters into the Trump Camp.

Nothing as black and white as a botched covid-19 response. That will do Trump in.

But keep on hoping, you're fun to watch.

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8 minutes ago, heybruce said:

I'll agree with you when the riots kill as many people as Trump's mishandling of Covid 19. 

Can you explain how trump, or anyone else mishandled covid. I like to see exactly how u know this was mishandled. Go on, give the details, proof positve, all salient points, all backed up by your insider knowledge and science. I want to hear this. Can u lay all this out for us to see?

Do u even have a clue?

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2 minutes ago, heybruce said:

Right, you know antifa is there even if you can't see them or offer any evidence.

Who really cares who these rioter thugs are at this point. Arrest any & all lawbreakers, restore law & order and peace for americans and sort out later who is responsible. That's how rational and effective law makers would approach this.

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5 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Can you explain how trump, or anyone else mishandled covid. I like to see exactly how u know this was mishandled. Go on, give the details, proof positve, all salient points, all backed up by your insider knowledge and science. I want to hear this. Can u lay all this out for us to see?

Do u even have a clue?

Neglect is mishandling.  Muddled messaging is mishandling.  Making masks a left vs right statement instead of a common sense approach to stemming the spread of the virus is mishandling.  https://www.kiro7.com/news/local/uw-model-projects-33000-fewer-deaths-us-if-95-people-wear-masks-public/JNV56KZNPRBBNMV4GGBP7LUEBM/

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2 hours ago, Tippaporn said:

Eric, why in the world are you against putting an end to rioting and criminal behaviour?  Are you good with it all?  If the mayors and governors don't do squat, in fact support it, then that's O.K. by you, too?  Do you understand at all that you're arguing for this sh!t?  There are a lot of normal people in this world, Eric, and I and they will never go along with it.  Supporting riots and mayhem and equating it to the right to protest is fringe lunacy.

I hope you are right about the situation that warrant the sending of uninvited federal forces. The mayor of Portland Ted Wheeler who is also the police commissioner said the situation was de-escalating until the un-announced arrival of those masked armed federal forces. Now situation got worse again. 

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4 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Who really cares who these rioter thugs are at this point. Arrest any & all lawbreakers, restore law & order and peace for americans and sort out later who is responsible. That's how rational and effective law makers would approach this.

Would you include the police who have been caught on camera attacking peaceful protesters among the lawbreakers who should be arrested?

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