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E-vehicles to power Bt14.4bn transport network in EEC


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E-vehicles to power Bt14.4bn transport network in EEC





Electric vehicles (EVs) will serve the three provinces of the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) in a project that will cost around Bt14.4 billion.


Public hearings conducted by the Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning (OTP) unveiled a three-tier plan for transport in Chachoengsao, Chonburi and Rayong.


The first tier covers transportation between regions, the second transport within cities, and the third transport to link people’s homes with other transport networks.


To serve all three transport systems, the OTP plans to develop a total of 18 routes served by EV buses, EV minibuses and EV trams.


The EV systems aim to double public transport use among locals from 7 per cent to 14 per cent.


They will also help reduce accidents by 30 per cent and save around Bt.2.5 billion in fuel costs per year (125 million litres), said the OTP.


The Bt14.4-billion budget will be used to construct the system and purchase the electric vehicles by 2023.


The transport routes in each province will be ready for passengers by 2024.


The project will be developed under public-private partnerships (PPPs) between local government agencies and private companies.


Source: https://www.nationthailand.com/news/30391711



-- © Copyright The Nation Thailand 2020-07-22


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

They will also help reduce accidents by 30 per cent and save around Bt.2.5 billion in fuel costs per year (125 million litres), said the OT

They make one Laugh. 

Don't they know that Electric vehicles Use electricity?  That Electricity cost Money .

Do they think that they can get that for Naught? 

Do they really think that they are going to save Money? good luck with that .

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If the point of converting to EV's in Thailand is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they are fooling themselves, and doing so to give the false impression they are doing something. 


'Ninety percent of Thai electrical generating capacity is conventional thermal. Oil-fired plants have been replaced by natural gas, which in 2018 generated 65% of Thailand's electricity. Coal-fired plants produce an additional 20%, with the remainder from biomass, hydro, and biogas.'  (Wikipedia)


In addition, the sorry state of the electrical infrastructure here cannot support the adoption. Just look up at the mass of wiring on any power pole, or behind any electrical switch or outlet in your house to see how wires are kept from shorting out by a fraction of a mm thickness of black tape.


I cringe at the thought of how the Thais will run wires across the sidewalks to charge their cars in front of their dwellings.

Edited by Gold Star
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Billions going into pockets.

Swathes of Thailand don’t have reliable electricity, water or internet-more projects to make people rich-as the poor get poorer-also spending more on armaments, when China controls all surrounding countries, including Thailand.  I wonder what is going on ????

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4 hours ago, Lancelot01 said:

Still no news on how the batteries will eventually be destroyed.

I think I know the answer.  The acid will be drained out and dumped in the nearest klong.  The casing will be cut to have an open top, painted black and sold in garden centers as planters.   The top bit that is cut off just leave in a heap and the lead melted down for fishing sinkers.  

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4 hours ago, Lancelot01 said:

Still no news on how the batteries will eventually be destroyed.


First port of call when they are no longer viable as vehicle batteries is to use them in power-wall type energy storage.


When they're too degraded for that then re-cycle the valuable/rare materials https://electrek.co/2019/04/16/tesla-battery-recycling-system/


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