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California surpasses New York as worst-hit state in coronavirus cases


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18 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

You tube clips uploaded by random people are not "data"


Actual data, based on random surveys of antibody levels,  clearly shows that neither Sweden, new York nor anywhere else is remotely near herd immunity. 20% is about the highest I have seen vs 60-80% needed.

the graphs displaying new cases is data


sweden covid-19.jpg

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6 hours ago, Sheryl said:


No where in the world has. Far from it.

COVID-19 Antibodies Can Disappear After 2-3 Months, Study Shows



And judging by preliminary findings, a vaccine may not be that much good anyway.


The promising results from tests in the UK with regards to a type of protein delivered by a nebuliser appears to be a number one leading contender at the moment – – now here's a surprise, because I watched the movie "Contagion" again the other night and what surprised the hell out of me was how true to form the events in that movie are.


For example, although a vaccination was shown not to kill the human host, eventually the delivery method was through the nasal passages and a type of mini spray.


In addition it was mentioned in the film that there were many conspiracy theories out there about various people in league with big Pharma, ensuring that they were making money because of the pandemic and so on, just about everything we've seen in this current real pandemic (rubbish about Bill Gates, corrupt governments etc).


If I hadn't have known better, I would have sworn that the moviemaker was existing in these times and went back a few years in order to make the movie, that's how spot-on it was/is.

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3 hours ago, scammed said:

data suggest regions that took a hit early on are now close to herd immunity


Which herd immunity?

It's not even clear yet how long the immunity lasts after you recovered from an infection. New studies show a fast decline of antibodies which suggests it could be just a short period of immunity

As long as there are no reliable data, "herd immunity" ist just BS.

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1 minute ago, JustAnotherHun said:

Which herd immunity?

It's not even clear yet how long the immunity lasts after you recovered from an infection. New studies show a fast decline of antibodies which suggests it could be just a short period of immunity

As long as there are no reliable data, "herd immunity" ist just BS.

this is as reliable data as you will ever get, and this is how herd immunity is expected to evolve,

data match theory

sweden covid-19.jpg

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11 minutes ago, scammed said:

this is as reliable data as you will ever get, and this is how herd immunity is expected to evolve,

data match theory

sweden covid-19.jpg

The research on the virus is still at the beginning. There WILL be reliable data available in future. And as long as we do not know how long an immunity lasts, speculating about herd immunity is baseless nonsense.

Your death by day-chart says absolutely nothing about immunity and less than nothing about herd immunity.

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6 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

The research on the virus is still at the beginning. There WILL be reliable data available in future. And as long as we do not know how long an immunity lasts, speculating about herd immunity is baseless nonsense.

Your death by day-chart says absolutely nothing about immunity and less than nothing about herd immunity.

there IS reliable data, you just responded to it,

the data show the weak individuals died off and the herd that stood the test carry on.

in other data i saw nearly all individuals died off was either over 85 years or immigrants from africa, again confirming herd immunity theory


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50 minutes ago, scammed said:

this is as reliable data as you will ever get, and this is how herd immunity is expected to evolve,

data match theory

sweden covid-19.jpg


29 minutes ago, scammed said:

there IS reliable data, you just responded to it,

the data show the weak individuals died off and the herd that stood the test carry on.

in other data i saw nearly all individuals died off was either over 85 years or immigrants from africa, again confirming herd immunity theory


It shows nothing of the sort. This graph shows reports of deaths ordered by the day those deaths occurred. It can take 6 weeks from the day of death for a report on that death to be recorded. Naturally the most recent days will show fewer deaths. 

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38 minutes ago, scammed said:

there IS reliable data, you just responded to it,

I don't doubt the reliability of your data. But the death count sys nothing to and about (herd)immunity.




in other data i saw nearly all individuals died off was either over 85 years or immigrants from africa, again confirming herd immunity theory

Agree. According to german data about 95% of the severe or deadly cases were over 80 or had pre-existing illnesses. But again: These facts have nothing to do with herd-immunity.


You cannot talk about herd-immunity seriously without knowing how long this immunity lasts. It's not even sure if there is ANY immunity. A couple of weeks ago there were a few cases reported of people who cought the virus after revouverage again. But these reports are questionable.


We do not know enough yet. Counting on herd immunity is pure speculation.

More important would be to focus efforts on the high risk groups. Locking down again whole economies and the social life in case of a "second wave" is financial suicide an a severe threat to our freedom and civil rights.



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19 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:


you messed up your quotation, but anyway, asians and europeans has immunity

ever since the day of the mighty horde trading chinese goods, plagues and pandemics on the silk rode,

a few herd members didnt have adequate immunity but the herd as a whole did,

we are the proud legacy of the survivors of every last virus the chinese ever exported,

its literally inprinted in our dna

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2 minutes ago, scammed said:

you messed up your quotation, but anyway, asians and europeans has immunity

ever since the day of the mighty horde trading chinese goods, plagues and pandemics on the silk rode,

a few herd members didnt have adequate immunity but the herd as a whole did

Herd immunity to a virus that didn't exist in human populations until very recently? How does that work?

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5 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

Herd immunity to a virus that didn't exist in human populations until very recently? How does that work?

the corona share similarities with sars and other chinese cuisine we have tasted throughout eons, our immune system are conditioned to deal with it

like a thai boxer condition his shins,

he doesnt need to kick a skull to prepare for the impact,

he used sandbags that covered skulls impact too, like a cow pox conditioning

covers small pox impact too

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4 minutes ago, scammed said:

the corona share similarities with sars and other chinese cuisine 

Even if your unproved assertion was true about sars immunity conferring immunito to covid, are you claiming that it's an ancient disease among humans? And you still haven't answered for the invalid use of that graph on the previous page.

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4 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

Even if your unproved assertion was true about sars immunity conferring immunito to covid, are you claiming that it's an ancient disease among humans? And you still haven't answered for the invalid use of that graph on the previous page.

i claim its a myriad of mutations, like cow pox and small pox, immunity to one variant can cover the others as the immune system recognize and adapt to protect,

some dont evolve but those are sorted out in sweden for the most part,

the cleansing is all but completed

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31 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

It shows nothing of the sort. This graph shows reports of deaths ordered by the day those deaths occurred. It can take 6 weeks from the day of death for a report on that death to be recorded. Naturally the most recent days will show fewer deaths. 


Go back 6 weeks, and the trend is still pretty clear on this CDC graph.  With no "2nd wave" after Memorial Day weekend holiday, when a lot of the USA opened up (perhaps prematurely, but not according to the data in hindsight...) or the BLM protests, both at the end of May...   Read the details on the links, and you'll see that the majority of the deaths make it into the data within a week or so, explaining the tail-off in the most recent data.


Here's the data:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm


Here's the graph:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm


The issues with reporting "new cases" are that 1) New cases depend on how many you're testing, and testing numbers have shot through the roof.  2) It's an election year, and maintaining the panic serves one side's agenda.


Covid 200718.jpg

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6 minutes ago, impulse said:


Go back 6 weeks, and the trend is still pretty clear on this CDC graph.  With no "2nd wave" after Memorial Day weekend holiday, when a lot of the USA opened up (perhaps prematurely, but not according to the data in hindsight...) or the BLM protests, both at the end of May...   Read the details on the links, and you'll see that the majority of the deaths make it into the data within a week or so, explaining the tail-off in the most recent data.


Here's the data:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm


Here's the graph:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm


The issues with reporting "new cases" are that 1) New cases depend on how many you're testing, and testing numbers have shot through the roof.  2) It's an election year, and maintaining the panic serves one side's agenda.


Covid 200718.jpg

Obviously your interpretation of the graph is wrong.

U.S. reports more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a day for first time since early June


The following day also had more than 1000 deaths.

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2 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

Obviously your interpretation of the graph is wrong.

U.S. reports more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a day for first time since early June


The following day also had more than 1000 deaths.

some states havnt gone through the steel bath yet, but NY & sweden has,

worth researching is if there is any difference between white & black in USA,

to see if 300 years worth of exposure equals that of 1000 years to build up immunity

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6 minutes ago, galenflagler said:

Obviously your interpretation of the graph is wrong.

U.S. reports more than 1,000 coronavirus deaths in a day for first time since early June


The following day also had more than 1000 deaths.


Whose side of the election do your figure WaPo is on?  


I'll stick with official CDC data...


There's a huge difference between dying WITH Covid (as you'd expect about 15% to do, since that seems to be the positive test rates), and dying OF Covid19.



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2 hours ago, scammed said:

this is as reliable data as you will ever get, and this is how herd immunity is expected to evolve,

data match theory

sweden covid-19.jpg

That data does not show herd immunity in any way, shape or form. Herd immunity occurs when a certain percentage of the population is no longer susceptible to infection. This is usually achieved by vaccination incidentally, not by natural means. The conjecture with CoVid-19 (which has not been proven) is that when a high enough percentage of the population has antibodies, herd immunity will have been reached. If that were true (and we don't know that it is) only data showing the percentage of the population with antibodies could demonstrate that.


A graph of deaths does not show anything about antibody prevalence so cannot show whether herd immunity has been reached.

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1 minute ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

That data does not show herd immunity in any way, shape or form. Herd immunity occurs when a certain percentage of the population is no longer susceptible to infection. This is usually achieved by vaccination incidentally, not by natural means. The conjecture with CoVid-19 (which has not been proven) is that when a high enough percentage of the population has antibodies, herd immunity will have been reached. If that were true (and we don't know that it is) only data showing the percentage of the population with antibodies could demonstrate that.


A graph of deaths does not show anything about antibody prevalence so cannot show whether herd immunity has been reached.

we always had herd immunity, asians and europeans at least,

but some individuals didnt make it

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8 minutes ago, impulse said:


Whose side of the election do your figure WaPo is on?  


I'll stick with official CDC data...


There's a huge difference between dying WITH Covid (as you'd expect about 15% to do, since that seems to be the positive test rates), and dying OF Covid19.



And I suppose Florida, Texas and Arizona, 3 states dominated by Republicans are also lying about their deaths? Really?


Texas and Florida report record average daily coronavirus deaths as hospitalizations also rise

Chart of daily new coronavirus deaths in Texas with data through July 20, 2020.

Chart of daily new coronavirus deaths in Florida with data through July 20, 2020.



You can go to this page which is from the govt of texas, and download a coronavirus spreadsheet.


The last days have 157 deaths and 158 deaths respectively. Or are they lying too?

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41 minutes ago, impulse said:


Go back 6 weeks, and the trend is still pretty clear on this CDC graph.  With no "2nd wave" after Memorial Day weekend holiday, when a lot of the USA opened up (perhaps prematurely, but not according to the data in hindsight...) or the BLM protests, both at the end of May...   Read the details on the links, and you'll see that the majority of the deaths make it into the data within a week or so, explaining the tail-off in the most recent data.


Here's the data:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm


Here's the graph:  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm


The issues with reporting "new cases" are that 1) New cases depend on how many you're testing, and testing numbers have shot through the roof.  2) It's an election year, and maintaining the panic serves one side's agenda.


Covid 200718.jpg

And your claim about the timeliness of the deaths reported is false too. Dont take it from me. Take it from the CDC

"It is important to note that it can take several weeks for death records to be submitted to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), processed, coded, and tabulated. Therefore, the data shown on this page may be incomplete, and will likely not include all deaths that occurred during a given time period, especially for the more recent time periods."


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