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Tourism industry expected to get Bt6.8-billion boost this weekend


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5 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

In Thailand?  How many locals have one?   And what kind of limits do they have?


haha loads, unless you only hang out with people who dont meet the criteria for one... all my thai friends have them.


i can't help thinking some people have a very blinkered view of thailand

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It's the same as all the uneducated thai think that all farang are rich just because they spend a lot of money when on holiday , those here that reply that all thai are poor and don't have creditcards or money to spend must also be uneducated.

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Sorry  sir   No  not all Thai  are  poor  only about  80% plus 

As for my eductaion  

well I am a retired  Science  Teacher  form  Monash University  in Meld  VIc  Aust 

Also   Have a Phd  in  Social  Sciences 


Tahnk you  for your  educated  opinion  of the  wealthy Thai  

perhaps  you should  look out of your  box at the real  Thailand  

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6 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

In Thailand?  How many locals have one?   And what kind of limits do they have?

Every Thai with an income can get a credit card,but I don't have a clue about limits. It's not really poor people affected by the coronavirus that travels during long weekends. And people coming to for example Pattaya/Jomtien by car or a pick-up truck, they bring a lot of stuff with them. They spend much less than TAT think they do. They have to stay somewhere,yes, but not at fancy hotels. They can easily stay 1 family in one room. 

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According to my thai friend in chiangmai,  a majority of thai people are out of work and no money coming in, and a lot of business are going out of business.  Pattaya is totally dead 


a majority of thai people can't afford to go anywhre. As we know the rich and royalty have money to spend. It is just a blip in the chart. and of course it is the first of the month, they got paid. to go on short vacation of get their monthly bath/sex massage away from their naggy wife.


SO this article is trying to tell all of us farangs that things in Thialand  will be  fine without farang money to boost tourism.


FIrst of most, tourist farangs will not venture outside their own country to go sightseeing in far away places, they will not go for the 2  week quarantine( $2000) and ridiculous health insurance and being insulted on top. Tourists are usually aware of health and additional money for emergency and always bring extra money..not like thai people when they cannt afford the gas they go home


However the government is making very hard for the expatriat.





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6 hours ago, marin said:

Excuse me the Thai's are not all poor. There are 15 to 20 million credit cards issued to Thai's at this time. Then another 30 million debit cards.  You really should wake up to the real world here in the LOS.

besides, it is the first of the month,,most Thai people got paid. I would like to see the number the last week of the month how many people goes on vacation or get their ,month sex at the massage parlor


secondly. if you have money, you need to have a job, so how many 5 day holiday can you take.


third..july 4-7 that is the susbtitute holiday for Sonkran..


either these people are really stupid or they think the farangs are stupid.


it is good for the thai people to drive around the country --- that surely spread the virus.



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Never applied for a credit card here or back in Oz.  Never wanted one, never needed one.  Had a debit card in Oz so I could get cash out at the ATM.  I used to think credit cards weren't popular here but that was dead wrong!   6.8 billion ay!   Maybe even 6.9 if lucky.....



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2 hours ago, samsensam said:


haha loads, unless you only hang out with people who dont meet the criteria for one... all my thai friends have them.


i can't help thinking some people have a very blinkered view of thailand

Correct me if I am wrong- i did my math-- 6billion baht is equivalent to 200million dollar. 

for 20 million Thai on hoilday that is equivalent to $10 per person. Bht310

however , my thai friend told me that the travel allownace is  Bht 600 per person. if you travel outside your area. It does not seemed to be a lot of money and just a blip in th chart.


July 4-7 is a makeshift Sonkran..Previous years Thai holiday, most of the people travel on that holiday and many places are fully booked. It is very common that this july period the numbr looks decent.


It is just an excuse not to bail out the Travel industry. the governmet peopledo not seem to understand that they need farang tourism or at leat loosen up some of the entry restriction. or just wait for another year. The chinese tourism brought with them the virus. they need the quarantine. 


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2 hours ago, jackdd said:

Many, at least in the cities.

The threshold is a 15k salary, if you earn at least so much you can get one. Getting 6 months of salary as credit seems to be no problem, getting two or three credit cards at different banks also not. So a Thai who earns 15k can quite easily get 200k+ THB credit line and simultaneously buy a car and a condo on finance. If this Thai now loses his job...

And what's the interest rates on these cards.?

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3 minutes ago, baansgr said:

And what's the interest rates on these cards.?

Oh, you are being silly.


Every one knows the interest rate is not important.  All that is relevant is the minimum monthly payment....

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16 minutes ago, baansgr said:

And what's the interest rates on these cards.?

I forgot the exact numbers, but they are limited to about 14% interest rate per year by law.

Of course the banks are clever, and just add various "fees" to it. If you factor in the fees it's close to 30% per year. (That's about the same rate which somebody who buys a small bike on finance pays)

Obviously still a way better deal than the alternative for many, borrowing money from a loan shark at 5-10% per month.

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7 hours ago, marin said:

Excuse me the Thai's are not all poor. There are 15 to 20 million credit cards issued to Thai's at this time. Then another 30 million debit cards.  You really should wake up to the real world here in the LOS.

excuse me since 2014 it is called the LOL( land of lies)

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Long weekends normally do not help economy but to the contrary. Hotel subsides help those in least need. The economy needs to be boosted to help unemployed as whist all land borders remain closed in neighbouring contries these can only be opened by bi lateral agreement between countries concerned none of whom have shown any interest in so doing only opening their airports to encourage direct tourism which of no help to Thai Tourism Industry which is unlikely to recover any time soon. Serious thoughts need to be given how Kingdom can be reopened as safely as possible but calculated risks have to be taken

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3 hours ago, AussieinThaiJim said:

Totally agree. Just winging farangs with insufficient funds and probably illegally acquired visas!

if your not happy in Thailand go home!

Sigh! There's always one!

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7 hours ago, marin said:

Excuse me the Thai's are not all poor. There are 15 to 20 million credit cards issued to Thai's at this time. Then another 30 million debit cards.  You really should wake up to the real world here in the LOS.

Sure they are not all poor. The economy was growing just before COVID.

Well, depend where you are located, but in deep country, i see many have first and second hand pickup (big one) and asked myself how is that possible from people who get no money from work (at least a little money back from land work, but really not too much).

I see many get credit (not only in bank) and next step for the half, loose lot of waranty (land most of the time). Some other invest in land price who is growing fast.

Well... there is also some other situation i've seen around... but we can not talk about that here or any other place. But you can be sure that if tomorrow a real action is made to detect money origin, you will be very surprise (not me now). As long as this cash money arrange the business, i think everybody close the eyes...


Next, what about salary from administration workers (teachers, policemen, or other administrative work)  ? we are talking about 20 000 to 30 000 THB for the big majority. This is considerate everywhere around the world to be the medium class population criteria, because they get money from direct economy linked with politics governemental choice (so not only the real economy, but a mix of politics choice and real economy).


What about the price of the life there ?

The price of oil and gas is around the same than other countries (except some arabian countries) around the world, steel or gold price the same, car price is a bit upper on first hand and much more upper on second hand prices.

Only: food and rent house are very low price comparatively to any other countries (and if you look at Europe, it is on this point everything is so different).


Actually, people rent house doesn't win money too much because the profitability is very low there (better when it is for rent studio to student in fact, then house for families, but this would quickly change with the new regulation to come with normalized Thai standard... on next step as soon as possible because it is there plan, like all other countries did). We can see also that construction are definitely not close to what ever European or US quality standard normalization are (except for administrative buildings and water tower or anything from government that come from normal engineering plans with real normalized building... for close expensive price than in Europe, a bit down due to some administrative facilities and low fees, but material price is the same if not bigger at same quality). It means in facts that all the other individual houses there are not for long time building (depend of the ground under basement, for sure) and you can see everywhere cracks happen after two years of house's life (critical cracks down to basement).


Now we can look at facts that medium class population can eat easy, and get a house rental easy. But cars, oil and gas, construction material (with same quality compared) is expensive. And what is not fees for client become fees from importation or goods for companies.


Let's talk about salary of other workers there...

Construction workers win cheap money (around 300 to 600 THB a day work), and agriculture worker can win lower (most of the time it is around 250 THB a day or divide the last win subtracted by other things around, who can sometime be down to 200 THB a day).


Bank make credit when there is a garranty (a land, a house, and sometime when it is for buy the car, because they can recover and resale the car and win money on credit price the same). Not only bank make credit there...


In fact, cash money from official legal work is absolutely not enough to assume the new life of Thailand for a lot of people (not all of them, for sure, maybe not the majority, but a lot as i can see). And only a minority of legal workers (boss of big companies and invest on land owners) win good money there (but should assume a big family in the same time).


Also, do not compare Bangkok with Pattaya or Phuket and with also all the other country side of Thailand (who is the biggest side).

What i can see there is from country side.


Feel free to add your observation and your feeling with your experience. I do not pretend to know the true, but it is my observation with my builder knowledge.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

Sigh! There's always one!

Yes, it is a fact that some people (there is always one, sometimes two) can not understand that it is because we love Thailand that we hope the best for Thailand. By this fact, my way is to stay far, not from Thailand that i love, but for them precisely because i know we can only talk about the sky or the sun or there swimming pool. Most of the time, these kind of people doesn't want Thailand population to win better, because of there own interest to get cheap everything.


The best for everybody is to have a good study level, good money back from work (not only from qualified job, but also from first level job), have a real justice (not double standard has we should see), not too much people die on the road due to very low level of knowledge at first step to obtain drive card, etc...


It is like if they said: "if you don't like your child, leave them" when a parent criticize his child to help him to grow up with education.

The way to love is not to look at people without thinking anything when something sad is happening... that is a fact.


The only way they can not understand this fact is there own intellectual limit (not sure, but what else ? i would be very curious to practice IQ tests on them to show that).

I usually want to stay very far from them because i don't want any problem with them (stupid people make problem post of the time and will never assume).

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1 hour ago, Dialemco said:

Long weekends normally do not help economy but to the contrary. Hotel subsides help those in least need. The economy needs to be boosted to help unemployed

Normally they do. The hotel subsidies are paid by taxing wealthier Thais, and the increased private spending then goes to help an army of low paid service workers keep their jobs and hire more of the unemployed. Yes, that's a boost to the economy as it generates real work, not government waste. Nobody said this represents a return to normality. That isn't possible right now. Thais know quite well what that means. 

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2 hours ago, the green light said:

SO this article is trying to tell all of us farangs that things in Thialand  will be  fine without farang money to boost tourism.

The article neither said nor implied anything of the kind. Money from international tourism is missed and will be welcomed back when the time's right.

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18 hours ago, andy72 said:

so they have just used the same creative imagination in dreaming up a number that Thai citizens will spend this weekend.

No, you've used your creative imagination to rewrite what the article said.


18 hours ago, andy72 said:

If Thais have got 6.8 billion baht to spend this weekend Thailand does not need foreign tourism ever again 

Said nothing about how much Thais will spend. The figure is about revenue generation caused by the tourist spending throughout the tourist industry. TAT: TVF inevitably confuses spending with revenue generation, as it seems you have, and don't understand the latter. But spending is by far the lesser part of generated.


Maynard Keynes verified the concept of the “multiplier effect” in his economic studies in the 1930s. The concept has perhaps the greatest applicability in the tourism industry.


Tourists spend money on travel, lodging, food and beverage and in retail stores thus creating direct income, government revenue (taxes) and employment.




Edited by metisdead
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8 hours ago, samsensam said:


haha loads, unless you only hang out with people who dont meet the criteria for one... all my thai friends have them.


i can't help thinking some people have a very blinkered view of thailand

Having a creditcard is not the same as being able to use it.....................

My Tee Rak told me people in her village have started trying to sell their used clothes on the market to raise some money for food !

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Don't know how they get the figure of 6.8 billion but a lot of folks are traveling north from Bangkok on Mittaprap Highway probably visiting family and not catching a flight to a resort or staying in a hotel. Mittaprap Highway was bumper to bumper today near Pak Chong, Nakhon Ratchasima. Lots of traffic near our mostly quiet village.  My guess is money is spent buying fuel, roadside restaurants,  7-11, fruit stands etc. Local Mom & Pop shops will see more sales from all the folks visiting home.  

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18 hours ago, marin said:

Excuse me the Thai's are not all poor. There are 15 to 20 million credit cards issued to Thai's at this time. Then another 30 million debit cards.  You really should wake up to the real world here in the LOS.

What is the "real world" here in the LOS as far as personal, credit card debt and discretionary bank balances that are tied to debit cards? I'm very much awake and haven't detailed, real-time access to that information.

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