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Video shows how coronavirus has left parts of Koh Samui deserted


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On 7/25/2020 at 5:59 PM, samsensam said:


another pointless post about a tourist resort in thailand being deserted and the subsequent hardship being experienced by the locals. what do you expect if foreign tourists are not allowed to enter the country?!

They didn't want Westerners anymore, Chinese were their new friends. Now all are gone, so they remember farangs again ?

Edited by 0815
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29 minutes ago, 0815 said:

They didn't want Westerners anymore, Chinese were their new friends. Now all are gone, so they remember farangs again ?

The Chinese won't be going anywhere for ages and if the three gorges dam breaks then they will be back to the days of Mao.

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What a load of bullsh#t by the OP. This video was taken at a time of day when the roads were deserted.  Less than 20 people over a more than 6 minute video. I see that most businesses are closed including gold shops, supermarkets, salons etc. This is a beat up. If the OP was fair dinkum he would tell what time this happened.  As usual total bs from the TV staff. 

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10 hours ago, ajarnmarc said:

Samui, like Phuket is seriously over rated. A lot of hype about nothing, especially Samui. Such a boring island really, with very little to do, and the local are anything but friendly. You can just imagine what they are like now...I went to visit my children, and it was like the locals are blaming the foreigners for Covid, and their lack of business. Police are shaking everyone that passes by the check points, with every public place you go to visit you must sign in at the door, with you details. Good dining was scarce and very hard to find. I found it easier in Surat town to enjoy a good meal. Prices are twice what they are on the mainland, sometimes even triple as the locals want to make up for lost revenue. Again, giving off the impression that the situation is somehow our fault and not a problem we all must share going forward. Sad to see the backwards thinking process to all of this which has occurred in 2020. Domestic tourism will not assist with Samui, for the locals know the island isn't worth much consideration, especially since the local people think they are entitled to special privileges for putting the land up for sale. None of the locals work, they simply sale land or manage rental spaces, with labor coming from Maramar or Issan at best.

I couldn't agree more about Samui. It's that bad it's made me realise the attitude in Pattaya isn't so bad.

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9 hours ago, Tropicalevo said:

I suppose that it is different strokes for different folks.

I guess that the differences are down to local knowledge.

When you say foreigners are to blame i can only think you mean Chinese foreigners? No disgusting Chinese then no problem in the first place, or maybe you're working for the Chinese government who deny any wrong doing including the treatment of the Uighur people? Having travelled most of Thailand over the last ten years I have to say the attitude in Samui is far worse than most other places. Everywhere has good and bad but a lot more bad in Samui. 

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Intentionally misleading title. It wasn't the virus that left the island deserted. It was the Thai government's Draconian lockdown that did it. It's done the same to much of the country, despite virtually no new outbreaks in weeks. That is, if you believe the propaganda: No tests = No outbreaks. They've completely nuked the economy over a handful of deaths. Grossly incompetent, or willfully negligent. You decide.

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5 hours ago, wazzupnow said:

much to late for any tourist business in thailand, if they do not accept foreign tourist in december 60 % will be gone already 30 to 35 % has closed business

But understand that tourists WANT to come here. We have provisional bookings from Europeans that want to come somewhere safe and warm. Unfortunately they cannot come here so eventually they will go somewhere else (and less safe).

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2 hours ago, Sydneyboy1 said:

What a load of bullsh#t by the OP. This video was taken at a time of day when the roads were deserted.  Less than 20 people over a more than 6 minute video. I see that most businesses are closed including gold shops, supermarkets, salons etc. This is a beat up. If the OP was fair dinkum he would tell what time this happened.  As usual total bs from the TV staff. 

Unfortunately that's how the beach road looks all day long at the moment, as everything there is based on tourism, which is not there.

But on second road there are plenty of activity – apart from the tourist targeted bar scene on the peninsula is closed – things seems almost normal, with market in the evening, and lots of folks, both foreigners and Thais, doing work out in the afternoon...



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12 hours ago, wmlc said:

What about all the deaths in the US? Relatively harmless? Everybody, please see the harmless virus that killed more than 143000 Americans in less than 3 months. Harmless though. No reason to worry.


March to July is more than 3 months 

Also, if a person has an accident and gets brought to the hospital they will get tested.  If the test is positive for Covid (but the person has no symptoms) and they die from injuries sustained in the accident, they count as a covid death..


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7 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

The future of tourism is like what is happening to Spain now, it has opened back up and now it's 14 day quarantine again when coming back there. This stop start strategy of having local lockdowns or restrictions imposed will kill of small businesses in these resorts. Spain's high season is now probably finished and that's 12% of their GDP. Samui has no tourists coming in at all and quite likely nothing for another 6 months at least, these Thai resorts will revert to something like 20 years ago, a few bars, hotels and restaurants left, everything else will have gone bust.

20 years ago, the world also had fewer people.  Killing off about 15 to 20% of the economy in a country won't allow these countries to provide the same standard of living as today. 

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OMG. When I was in Koh Samui last (1984) there was nothing in Chaweng. It was a dirt road with a few bungalows along the beach (one; The Cove) had A/C, a noodle shop, perhaps a clinic, a pharmacy, a little grocery shop and what they called VDO shops where you could rent a video tape. You could walk down the beach for two hours and maybe see 1 or 2 locals collecting coconuts. That was it. Great memory of spending 2 weeks there. I'll never return!

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On 7/25/2020 at 6:59 AM, samsensam said:


another pointless post about a tourist resort in thailand being deserted and the subsequent hardship being experienced by the locals. what do you expect if foreign tourists are not allowed to enter the country?!

Not pointless. It gives people an opportunity to understand the impact.

And for others, a chance to smirk and gloat over the hardship of others.

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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Not pointless. It gives people an opportunity to understand the impact.

And for others, a chance to smirk and gloat over the hardship of others.

I really don't understand why people find it happy to gloat other people's misfortune in this crisis. Sure there were taxi rip offs, but it's a beautiful island, I'll never forget coming in to land at the island first time whilst being hungover and seeing the view from the plane, it made wake up and think how lucky I was!

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18 hours ago, DGS1244 said:

OK what time of day was this video made? looks like around 6 am, Burger King etc. are all closed by the looks of it. This area is quite anyway at that time of day. Would really help if people were a little more forthcoming on their information.

I have seen Koh samui deserted in parts like this in low season, my friend has a bar there that is empty every low season his wife still keeps it open at present don’t know why but she doesn’t have to pay the bills. So even dirty Falange stuck overseas are still putting money into Los.

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On 7/25/2020 at 12:41 PM, OneeyedJohn said:

Just looks like a slum to me, East end of London is far better.

i drove up commercial road 3 days ago and back through limehouse. samuii is far better. even bethnall green is full of characters that look ready to rob you. samuii is far better. samuii is far better. one more time? samuii is far better.....

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1 hour ago, tribalfusion001 said:

I really don't understand why people find it happy to gloat other people's misfortune in this crisis. Sure there were taxi rip offs, but it's a beautiful island, I'll never forget coming in to land at the island first time whilst being hungover and seeing the view from the plane, it made wake up and think how lucky I was!

when was that? 16 years ago samui was the pearl in the oyster IMO. a year ago, still a pleasure to visit compared to other tourist infested resort destinations. still beautiful but the vista is changing. feel sorry for tourists who will never see what was there 2 decades ago though.

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23 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

ideal time to make zombie apocalypse movies, no need to close streets for filming

Bingo! got it, that's why they allow film crews in now....I thought that was odd but now it makes sense!

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Even in 2020!!!  We think we have "information," and that the internet makes us smarter!!! BUT BUT BUT.....  that video could have been during a holiday at 6 a.m. and they might have driven the road 100 times and edited the film and paid some people to hide and anything so we think something that isn't reality.


remember, there were over ONE BILLION facebook ads concerning the last US presidential election.  one billion posts.   


we are too weak to think for ourselves.   our species is doomed....lol

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So very sad to watch the video down Chaweng's main street,  I do hope that the 60+% who don't want foreign tourists back have a plan to fix this.?  Time and again people who block progress and loose are never to be found in matters like this one. You are the problem not the answer. 

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