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Covid-19: Thailand named best in the world in coronavirus pandemic recovery stats


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4 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

Save the  blatant attempt to disseminate false information. The jig is up. People know.


Declassified intel says Russia is spreading coronavirus disinformation: reports

Newly declassified intelligence reportedly shows that Russian operatives are using a variety of English-language websites to spread disinformation about the novel coronavirus. Senior officials with the Russian military intelligence unit known as the GRU are responsible for the disinformation campaign, according to reports from The New York Times and The Associated Press on Tuesday.



Your promotion of an opinion by Mr. Denis Rancourt is classic sabotage. The man is trained in physics, not  medical engineering and infectious disease. Of greater interest is that he had once been a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa. He was TERMINATED.  In Canada it is almost impossible to terminate a tenured professor.  He is known for his conflicts with the university  arising from his grade inflation and "academic squatting," (the act of arbitrarily changing the topic of a course without departmental permission.)  He is described as an emotionally unstable extremist. I find the description credible considering his wild allegations and his recent  legal case involving the allegation of character stalking. He is also described as an opinion for hire. Russia does not support action in respect to global warming, in large part because of its oil industry interests.  Mr. Rancourt has spoken out against changes to stem global warming.   How very convenient that  he always seems to be in synch with Russia.  





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19 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

Well done Thailand indeed, however...


This is the main reason why there will be no wholesale opening of the borders or lifting of quarantine restrictions for the foreseeable future. 


The xenophobia this government has created will now work against them as will their own success in handling the crisis so far. Thais will be petrified that those nasty furriners will enter and spread the virus... thus any second wave or outbreak will be catastrophic to this authoritarian administration and must not be allowed under any circumstances.


The only solution for them now being a complete isolation of the entire country with mandatory quarantine for all entrants. This means only a dribble of essential people in and out, and that is for the foreseeable future.


Meanwhile the Thai government will need to find another solution for the 20%+ of GDP that has just gone missing through lack of overseas tourism, dwindling exports and a tightening of belts domestically. Given that the situation globally will certainly worsen, it does not look like there is a solution, and with so many mega-projects just being signed off, I fear that an economic collapse is even more likely in tandem with growing political unrest.


The cracks are already beginning to show.



Agree almost 100% - many times I've said they have a choice, either open up and accept some new (manageable) infections or destroy the economy.  Prayuth has clearly chosen the latter.


His government have not only created Xenophobia, they have deliberately (in my opinion) created fear and paranoia amongst the Thai population in order to gain support for their current stance. If there was to be any easing of quarantine restrictions or even limited non-quarantine tourism, I think there would be mass protests and no doubt hostility towards entrants.


Keep the borders closed by all means but it won't be Chan-o-Cha or his fat cat cronies that suffer. It will be the voiceless working class Thais.  I can't comment on Bangkok but head out to the provinces - my wife's business is 50% down, the rest of her family are not working and she tells me that is widespread. The Mall and Terminal 21 in Korat are dead and the food markets are almost deserted. One adult family member out of seven got the government handout and even that has now finished.


Mr Chan-o-Cha has decided that he wants to go the route he's chosen and as foreigners, we have to respect that but surely he must then, provide some form of financial assistance? Before long people will literally be starving.


I agree, the cracks are starting to show and it won't be long before they are chasms.



Edited by KhaoYai
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21 hours ago, petermik said:

If only it were true.....:whistling:

While I don't totally believe that Thailand is as free from Covid as it likes to portray, I don't think there is a huge problem because it would be all over social media with the public stating the opposite with stories to back it up... with those absent there must be an element of truth... having said that Thailand has a reputation for manipulating statistics to suit it's own purposes. 

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20 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Looking at the worldwide news everyday I am happy to be in Thailand with no or little Covid-19.

Many people complain about the government but I think especially in this case we have to say: Good job. Thanks.

And then there are all the Thai people who take this serious. Most were wearing masks right from the beginning. Nobody had to order the people to wear masks, they were smart enough to do it by themselves. Great.


And the economy? Obviously that is bad and it will continue to be bad for some time. Nobody likes that. But what's the alternative? Opening up the borders and inviting tourist in? How long will it take before they infect others? And then? Let it spread or shut down again? I think no international tourists is the best from all the bad options.

Good thing you didn't make a trip outside Thailand in March, you'd have something else to say regarding international flights. Im sure your on a better than 'tourist visa' as many of us are stuck abroad.....

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“ other data” from Johns Hopkins university .


Sad. I wish they would stop with this juvenile BS.


Are the people really that gullible?

The problem is not a virus, this is clear, the problem is the response.


One ray of optimism is the way the kingdom has a lovely way of rounding off those pesky sharp edges that are the rule of law, The ends justifying the means .

There is so much beauty here. The people, the geography.


It must be noted, the authorities are under orders. So there is that.The 4:00 AM directive arrives daily, becoming “News”.


The answer may be simply block the feed. Time will tell.

Quoting from “ other data “

Sources Say.

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2 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Save the  blatant attempt to disseminate false information. The jig is up. People know.


Declassified intel says Russia is spreading coronavirus disinformation: reports

Newly declassified intelligence



can you weigh in on the moon landings, gravity, & spherical earth too ?

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22 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

Good work Thailand and congratulations to the people of Thailand who came together to fight the virus.


Keep the borders closed. 

You would say that if you are in Thailand and not trying to get back to the family...

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6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Stop spreading lies.  It's offensive when you write garbage such as "the only real difference with Covid-19 and the other Coronaviruses is that it spreads easier".   

Lies, garbage says you.


6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

Your statement is an idiotic insult to the intelligence of people. 

Oh contraire, I am sure intelligent people see through what you cannot because once the tree grows a certain way, it cannot straighten up, and I would say you being (that tree) are too far gone.


6 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

There is no clinical evidence that the drug  you promote helps infected patients. NOT ONE CURRENT CLINICAL TRIAL.

Is there anything out there that has proven to work, remove the word "CLINICAL TRIALS" in the interim, or should the world just quarantine and wait for the oh mighty, holy grale, a "VACCINE"


This drug has been around for a long time and has been used for many similar diseases, it appears to work if the dose is used correctly, too much would end up killing patients because of toxicity, but there are those out there who will go against the grain and use it and save lives, you know, real doctors that won't sit down, won't be threatened by bullies threatening to suspend there licenses.


I don't try to educate people to far gone, I like to listen to both sides, and while the world is in lockdown, and people quarantined for a flu type virus which spreads easier why have they locked the world down, because they didn't know what it was, there is far more evidence now and data now to say, yep, it's a bad flu, oh better not put people on ventilators because that didn't work, it actually made it worse for most, i.e. they killed a lot of people because they thought the ventilator was the way to go, got that wrong, I could go on, but like I said, not here to educate people, if you think it's all lies and garbage, good for you , but don't try to insult my intelligence with your vial rhetoric. 


Instead of wasting time responding on TVF, why not try to educate yourself and listen to doctors, you know the frontline doctors who came out and told their stories of success with these drugs, only to be plastered on the news the next day as not being doctors, alleging they were people wearing white gowns, with a response later from another website showing a list of all the doctors, their qualifications etc etc etc, now why did they try to say they were not real doctors, why were they trying to discredit them ?


Believe what you want, I know if I got it tomorrow, I would be up for some of the smarties they have been prescribing their patients with, as for a vaccine, I wouldn't be waiting or going onto a ventilator. 

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Being No.1 on the backs of the people is easy.

Open the borders and lets see if No.1 stands !

I see the burden of being No.1

I also see 100s maybe 1000s unmasked and zero S.D.

This virus is airborne.

2m is not enuff the thai doctor says.

Malls,bars and resturants opened.

Migrants are crosssing the borders. 4 day holidays seem to be endless.

I stopped in to my lical insurance office, staff of about 50 in the office.I counted 18 unmasked and sitting within 1m of each other. 

No.1 wont last.


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15 minutes ago, GraveRobber said:

Being No.1 on the backs of the people is easy.

Open the borders and lets see if No.1 stands !

I see the burden of being No.1

I also see 100s maybe 1000s unmasked and zero S.D.

This virus is airborne.

2m is not enuff the thai doctor says.

Malls,bars and resturants opened.

Migrants are crosssing the borders. 4 day holidays seem to be endless.

I stopped in to my lical insurance office, staff of about 50 in the office.I counted 18 unmasked and sitting within 1m of each other. 

No.1 wont last.


It'll last if the stats are fudged.  Easy to keep fudging if that's the desire.

good for us if they are not though.  It would be nice.  But doesn't make sense to have all the "covid" laws locally if no one has it, nor the "emergency decree" by the gov to bypass whatever other laws in place and subvert them for new laws they want.

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Wheres all the , "the Thai statistics are lies  and soon there will be a major outbreak" Thaivisa cynics now ?

Off eating their humble pie somewhere back in their own countries , and stuck there ,  I hope.

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12 hours ago, Yinn said:

Best in the world still complaining.



i remember in March you say Germany best in the world.



complain the mask, the trace app.


Hey Yinn!!!! Sawadee Krap. So sorry, but Thailand is not "best in the world". Not even top ten, I'm afraid. See, the "Global Covid 19 Index" is not a global initiative at all, not of the World Health Organization, UEFA, FIFA, or any other global organization. Turns out the Global Covid 19 Index is produced by Malaysian consulting firm Pemandu Associates together with some Malaysian government offices.


Whilst that alone robs the top ranking of its street credibility, the real problem actually becomes apparent when you look at the methodology Pemandu Associates have used with the index. See that index is basically fed "confirmed cases per population" and the death rate due to Covid 19 published by each country. 


As you probably know the confirmed cases figures and deaths due to Covid 19 figures published by the Thai authorities are incredibly low. The operative word here being incredibly. See, as you are no doubt aware, Thailand has not tested 99.6% of its population. And if you do not test you have very low case numbers, and you can not know if a person died or did not die of Covid 19.


Hence, since the figures provided by the Thai government are rather meaningless, it is even more meaningless to feed them into an index as Pemandu Associates have done.


I don't want to be too hard on Khairy Jamaluddin, Jemilah Mahmood, Rifat Atun, Senait Fisseha, Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud, and all the others involved in producing the GCI, however, it is rather poorly done. They should really have looked at excess death figures. Hard work I guess.


Anyway, keep wearing the mask, 0 to 2.3% of asymptomatic transmissions, you never know, one of those two people may walk next to you and sneeze. As for the tracing app though, I can tell you nobody logs into the app when they go to Central and nobody bothers to sign the register anymore either. And the numbers aren't any worse now than they were before, are they? Not that they were ever anything but inaccurate anyway, but just saying.





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On 7/29/2020 at 10:41 PM, Krataiboy said:

 Ya, this is who I want to be getting my medical guidance from:



Denis G. Rancourt is a researcher at the Ontario Civil Liberties Association (OCLA.ca) and is formerly a tenured professor at the University of Ottawa, Canada. This paper was originally published at Rancourt’s account on ResearchGate.net. As of June 5, 2020, this paper was removed from his profile by its administrators at Researchgate.net/profile/D_Rancourt.



I'll listen to the CDC and Journal of the American Medical Assn:




In an editorial published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), CDC reviewed the latest science and affirms that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 that could reduce the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities. There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19,” said CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield.




Edited by metisdead
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4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Agree almost 100% - many times I've said they have a choice, either open up and accept some new (manageable) infections or destroy the economy.  Prayuth has clearly chosen the latter.


His government have not only created Xenophobia, they have deliberately (in my opinion) created fear and paranoia amongst the Thai population in order to gain support for their current stance. If there was to be any easing of quarantine restrictions or even limited non-quarantine tourism, I think there would be mass protests and no doubt hostility towards entrants.


Keep the borders closed by all means but it won't be Chan-o-Cha or his fat cat cronies that suffer. It will be the voiceless working class Thais.  I can't comment on Bangkok but head out to the provinces - my wife's business is 50% down, the rest of her family are not working and she tells me that is widespread. The Mall and Terminal 21 in Korat are dead and the food markets are almost deserted. One adult family member out of seven got the government handout and even that has now finished.


Mr Chan-o-Cha has decided that he wants to go the route he's chosen and as foreigners, we have to respect that but surely he must then, provide some form of financial assistance? Before long people will literally be starving.


I agree, the cracks are starting to show and it won't be long before they are chasms.

"...many times I've said they have a choice, either open up and accept some new (manageable) infections or destroy the economy."


If this is the premise of what you always said , then you will always be WRONG!

Because you just cant manage Covid like you assume ... you cant  say , "Oh lets just have 20 cases this week shall we .." with Covid  , and the proof is every day all across the world !

In Melbourne the virus 'escaped' fool proof Quarantine ( carried out  by one or two fools) and the news broke that 18 had been infected. Now , 3 weeks later Victoria is recording over 500 new cases a day !

All this in a country that was espousing the belief that they had "beaten" Covid 19.


Accepting 'new (manageable ) cases assumes Covid IS manageable , and thats hardly the case.

4 hours ago, KhaoYai said:



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On 7/29/2020 at 8:43 AM, GeorgeCross said:

"Covid-19: Thailand named best in the world in coronavirus pandemic recovery stats"


its a shame the UK doesn't recognise this ????

Is it because the UK Foreign Office employ robots at their Embassies who fail to communicate facts to the Home Office. Or is there some other ulterior motive in the UK Government failing to recognise the situation in Thailand. Perhaps 'Bodge' has not fully recovered from his infection!

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15 hours ago, Yorkshire Tea said:

Don't forget to factor in the lack of roadkill deaths during the lockdown ????

There is no dispute that there was probably a dip in road deaths during the period in question.

With an annual road death tally of around 23,000, about 7,500 for the period and a reduction say of about 25%. 

Total excess deaths may well be greater than the 2%, at around 3% as opposed to 43% in the UK.

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

Anyway, keep wearing the mask, 0 to 2.3% of asymptomatic transmissions, you never know, one of those two people may walk next to you and sneeze.

Great balls of fire!


As previously pointed out to you, your own posted data showed that for every 100 symptomatic transmissions there were  79 asymptomatic transmissions (a lot). And again you state the misleading 0-2.8%, even though it has nothing to do with relative numbers of asymptomatic transmissions.


Then you criticize others' statistics. Thai use better logic.


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3 hours ago, zaZa9 said:

Wheres all the , "the Thai statistics are lies  and soon there will be a major outbreak" Thaivisa cynics now ?

Off eating their humble pie somewhere back in their own countries , and stuck there ,  I hope.

You are aware, that the numbers Johns Hoskins were working with, were coming from the Thai government?!

The absolutely trustworthy Thai government, I might ad!?

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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

So what you're suggesting is for the government to open up its borders, paying no attention whatsoever to those "extremely selfish people on this forum"


Do you not read or listen to the Thai news, well, let me tell you this, there are more Thais than TVF members who want their borders remained closed.


I suppose they put lives before profit first, however if you can't understand that, I am sure they would gladly show you how to exit Thailand, "nanny state" and all of that. 

You are aware, that there are measures between "keep the borders closed" and "open up the borders completely", right?!

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37 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

Isn't one of these honorable doctors, the demon seed- lady!


How many hundreds of thousands of people did President George Bush have killed when he invaded Iraq in 2003 because he alleged they had weapons of mass destruction, none found and he hasn't been held accountable on war crimes, isn't that odd to you ?



As for the Dr, how many people did she kill when prescribing Hydroxychloride, zero, what a demon seed - lady oi !

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25 minutes ago, The Barmbeker said:

You are aware, that there are measures between "keep the borders closed" and "open up the borders completely", right?!

Um....you mean like "open up the borders and allow Covid-19 back in", or keep them "closed and not allow Covid-19 back in", right?!

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On 7/29/2020 at 4:40 AM, DavisH said:

You are the joke here lol The positivity rate is ZERO and have been ZERO for 2 months. Whether there is 2000 tests a day or 5000. 

You're a joke.


In Vietnam, for instance, there hasn't been no single new local infection for 100 days straight. Until recently when someone, who's stayed the last month in Vietnam only in Da Nang, suddenly has been discovered as sick by the virus. Where did it come from, out of a thin air? No, it means the virus never left the country.


How can Thailand be different? Let alone the fact that Thailand does less tests.


"ZERO"  means a) zero discovered or b) zero officially reported.





Edited by dastakantattaka
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