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New French Europe minister - Brexit deal possible but not 'at any price'


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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Fisheries Protection Squadron, to be exact. Their role will be very similar to their present one; making sure that whoever fishes in UK waters is legally able to do so.


I don't know; but I do know who sold them; the previous British owners. They were allowed to do this by the British government.



yes, this chajt has for years and years been going in other European countries aswell, its not only a UK screwup

quotas are concentrated on fewer hands - larger boats,

making life difficult for traditional smallish quota fishers


and making it more difficult than double chajt for new entries to the sector



regardless of BJ caving in to French/EU demands or not,

EU boats will fish in UK waters for the foreseeable future me thinks


Edited by melvinmelvin
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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:

Nothing tangible, then!


That is the trouble with TVF Brexiteers; long on rhetoric, short on actual, real life benefits.


there you go,

long on mumble short on benefits


meaning you get all the brexiteer's guidance almost free of charge!



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31 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:


yes, this chajt has for years and years been going in other European countries aswell, its not only a UK screwup

quotas are concentrated on fewer hands - larger boats,

making life difficult for traditional smallish quota fishers


and making it more difficult than double chajt for new entries to the sector



regardless of BJ caving in to French/EU demands or not,

EU boats will fish in UK waters for the foreseeable future me thinks



and you can add in the negative side effects on the local economies caused by the concentration;

boat builders - less work

maintainers - less work

suppliers of this and that - reduced sales

fish landing places -fewer

crew positions - fewer

electronic branch (fishing boats are extremely heavy on electronics) - less activity

etc etc

2nd maritim market - smallish

jobs for dole and stale bread handouts - GREATLY improved


good for UK  economy over all? your guess


Edited by melvinmelvin
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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

No, 581,000 tonnes of fish are caught by UK fishermen, but only 14,000 tonnes in French waters. So it doesn't help your argument. 

As I was talking about fish caught in French waters and you failed to say where that 581,000 tonnes was caught, I made the assumption that you were also talking about the tonnage caught in French waters.


Next time you produce a figure it would help understanding if you said what that figure actually represented!


My original point about the absurdity of @herfiehandbag's post is valid.

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45 minutes ago, melvinmelvin said:

there you go,

long on mumble short on benefits


meaning you get all the brexiteer's guidance almost free of charge!

 It is not up to me to list the benefits of Brexit; I am, after all, against it.


But maybe you hadn't noticed that!


Brexiteer guidance? Precious little of that to be found on TVF. 


Or from HMG come to that!

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30 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

 Indeed; and whose fault?


The British owners who sold their licences and the British government which allowed them to do so.


I don't know of any other EU fishing nation who did the same; do you?


Obviously not.


But after 31/12/20 could the UK government legally stop the holders of valid licences issued by the UK government from fishing in UK waters? 


If they tried, I can see a lot of lawyers rubbing their hands in glee at the massive fees coming their way as the case drags on and on in the Hague!


government's fault to allow this - short sightedness . most common political defect


concentration on fewer and bigger boats and squeezing of the smaller/family ones

has taken place in other European countries as well, (has fine little to do with EU me guess)


legally stop ticket holders? doubt it,

of course UK could go banana republic and nationalise the cod and sod and clam


no point in running a legal fight on such in Netherlands,

French and/or British courts would be more proper


The guys in Holland can study and deliberate and arrive at a conclusion,

BUT there ain't no sanction apparatus available to follow up conclusions


the strongest sanction available in practice;

you stop drinking coffee with the loser during breaks in international UN meetings

(some call it social isolation - popular now with all these virii around)


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11 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Or you could read the links you provide properly. Just a suggestion...


Correct, my link does give that figure. I jumped to the wrong conclusion when reading your post and should have reread that article before commenting; apologies.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Scallop are bivalves, molluscs, not fish.

You are getting really desperate!


Whilst you are technically correct, the majority UK population does not care about such a distinction. I don't know about where you are, but here in the UK we buy scallops from a fishmonger, not a bivalve or mollusc shop!


But scallops are not included in the 14,000 tonnes of fish figure in that article.


Have a look at UK Sea Fisheries Statistics 2017 from page 5 onwards to see how the total catch is subdivided into species.

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3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


No, the 52% of the UK voted for what Vote.Leave and the other leave campaigns promised; a UK with all the benefits of EU membership but none of the obligations.


Four years later more and more of those voters have come to realise they were lied to.


I'm not a great lover of opinion polls, I prefer the real one through the ballot box; but many are and they can give an indication when looked at over a lengthy period.


These YouGov polls show that since February 2019 the number of those saying that if the referendum was held today they would vote Remain has always been higher than those saying they would vote Leave.


But the opinion of British voters is always ignored by ex pat TVF Brexiteers; unless they agree with them.

So why did Boris win a landslide victory a few months back, even with folk from your lot..?

Polls, bwaaaaaaaaaaah, read my above sentence again.......????

"Ex pat TVF Brexiteers", go on, bash members here because you don't/can't live here....????


Get over your loss, you are now British again, even if you don't like it....







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2 hours ago, 7by7 said:


We all have opinions; I merely asked you to justify yours because your opinion had no basis in fact whatsoever. 


You were wrong; why can't you simply accept that and move on?

Because it is an opinion, and not a statement of factor. And I have better things to do with my time than to leap to my computer and start searching furiously whenever you start your hectoring demands, especially as, a quick perusal of this thread shows, you will simply refuse to even consider any opinion which does not chime with the world according to 7by7". I am , as you put it, now moving on. Cheerio

Edited by herfiehandbag
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1 hour ago, 7by7 said:


No, the 52% of the UK voted for what Vote.Leave and the other leave campaigns promised; a UK with all the benefits of EU membership but none of the obligations.


Four years later more and more of those voters have come to realise they were lied to.


I'm not a great lover of opinion polls, I prefer the real one through the ballot box; but many are and they can give an indication when looked at over a lengthy period.


These YouGov polls show that since February 2019 the number of those saying that if the referendum was held today they would vote Remain has always been higher than those saying they would vote Leave.


But the opinion of British voters is always ignored by ex pat TVF Brexiteers; unless they agree with them.


this (above) entry is far far below a reasonable quality expectation

can't handle 49ers with this

at any rate as we say in Yorkshire;


what is your point/wish? that D10 should agree with you and prolong the transition period

with a view to discuss entering back into EU?


(and on  a Sunday - - - , nip and Belhaven day)


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