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Migrant workers pose biggest danger: Public Health Ministry


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On 7/27/2020 at 7:50 AM, chang1 said:

It is a start which could grow into something that can cause change. Change does not happen overnight and I doubt they will stop at soft toys. If enough people get involved, instead of just saying they are wasting their time and carry on ignoring what is happening to their country, change will come. 


On 7/27/2020 at 7:54 AM, bluesofa said:

Ha ha ha!

Started off with a micro-sleep that became something more permanent.


He should have pulled over for a drink of water, or an energy drink.

Perhaps a can of Red Bull - or maybe not - he could have then driven his wheel into someone, thus requiring him to flee the wheel PDQ.


On 7/27/2020 at 7:16 AM, nobodysfriend said:

Corruption and the fact that they became too popular and , with that , too dangerous , lead to their exile .

Still remember the last days of the Thaksin regime ... it was not peaceful ... at that time I thought the coup was good to bring peace to the deeply divided country ... But , now , six years later , it really is time for real and true democratic elections , without eliminating popular political parties just because they get too many votes in the eyes of the ones in power ...


4 hours ago, 5633572526 said:

The first wave is code for the excuse to use the “emergency decree”

the threat of a second wave is the excuse to keep extending it.


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3 hours ago, hotandsticky said:



Migrant Asian workers are a much safer option than opening borders to Western tourists.



Health over economy. Samui needs to do what the rest of Thailand is doing and promote domestic tourism in the short-term. 


For international tourism we have to need to remove the requirement for quarantine; that will only be possible when a vaccine is available - certificate for CV19 free + vaccine for all arrivals.

You are thinking people will trust the vaccine and will expose there own life with that (i imagine, at expensive price) ?

Sure not, no one is so stupid.

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5 hours ago, naryan said:

Thailand's Government have used this virus to control people to believe they have done such a great job and blame other country's for the virus, not a good thing to do as its been a world problem that needs unity. Thailand is shooting itself in the foot and will cause its own problems and of course blame someone else.   

If that approach is good enough for the US & UK, why not Thailand?

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6 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

That explains why the one of the first groups being allowed in are 100,000 from Myanmar.
Thailand needs foreign construction workers right now like a hole in the head. How many more condos do they need to add to the list of 00's of 000's of unsold ones already standing there ?

The brown envelope cash has to go somewhere??

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Step 1: Block all migrant workers from entering the country.

Step 2: Get rid of all foreigners in Thailand?

Several schools are already wondering how to get all their teachers back to Thailand. Especially because of the high airplane ticket prices and because foreigners are required to pay for their own quarantine. I wonder how this will influence other businesses in the next couple of months. Now it's just the low-schooled jobs that are experiencing problems, but if things don't change soon, Thailand will feel the effects over most industries. Maybe be the government should be revising the rules and regulations for foreigners already in Thailand, so it would be easier to employ them. It wouldn't solve all problems, but it would give many businesses a buffer to survive a little bit longer.

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On 7/30/2020 at 7:29 AM, Mak25 said:

So it's not the filthy foreigners at the top of the list anymore?

I'm sure all of us white people are still number 1 to blame. Even though we live in country for several years we just manifest disease and viruses all on our own. Probably my fault for going outside and whistling at night ????

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