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SURVEY: Do you agree with Thailand’s approach to the pandemic?


SURVEY: Do you agree with Thailand’s approach to the pandemic?  

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I can not get pass the fear that once Thailand opens back up for international trade and tourism...the virus will hit with a vengeance...


The virus is not going away anytime soon...can not keep Thai economy in lockdown forever. 

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3 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:
3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Why then is Thailand continuing to lock down when the objectives of lockdown; ’smoothing’ the curve, limiting the peak, healthcare services not overwhelmed have all been successfully achieved?


Why has the aim changed from protection for the health services from being overwhelmed to attempting to eradicate the virus from Thailand's shores?

Thailand  isnt under lock down though, everything's open and back to normal (apart from heat testing at shopping malls (not sure what the situation is with with sporting events though)) 

I was not clear enough - I mean ‘international lockdown’ i.e. under Emergency Decree preventing incoming flights and tourism which. Tourism contributes nearly 1/5th of Thailands GDP. Additionally, foreign business is slowed down further impacting its GDP. 

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2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

I think that Thailand has done significant harm to its economy.  In terms of effectiveness, yes Thailand has few cases but is that because of its policies or because the virus just does not do well in Hot Humid environments.  Almost all of the countries with very low Covid infections are very hot, humid countries.   Some of the policies also just did not make sense.  No longer true but you could go to the supermarket and buy groceries but not beer.  Could go to Homepro but not to the beach.  So far 12,304 people have died on Thailands roads and that is 58.5 people a day and that does not invoke a response but 58 people die over the same time frame from Covid and the country goes on lock down.  The response seems over the top.  Further, lets assume Thailand goes to Zero Deaths Zero Cases.  Does it then wait until the remainder of the world is the same?  If it does, the country will never reopen. 

Is there any chance we can give the false equivalences a rest?

The subject isn't Thailand road deaths, it's how well it handled Covid and the answer is very well. And while we are on the subject, economic harm was always going to be the downside of a solid Covid response, especially where tourism is concerned. Even if Thailand had not closed it's borders, just who exactly is arriving for a two week beach holiday in the middle of a pandemic? Tourism makes up some 25% of Thailands GDP so of course it's significant but it will come back and I gaurantee that Thailands Triple A rating for it's Covid response will get it back there quicker than most. 

In the meantime though, the Thai government is going to have to come up with a much better safety net for those out of work and unlikely to find work for the forseeable future. This will be the making of this government and show how much it really cares for it's citizens.  

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15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I was not clear enough - I mean ‘international lockdown’ i.e. under Emergency Decree preventing incoming flights and tourism which. Tourism contributes nearly 1/5th of Thailands GDP. Additionally, foreign business is slowed down further impacting its GDP. 

Well IF Thailand opened up its borders , then it wouldnt be long before the virus came back and then all the previous months restrictions would have been a complete waste of time .

  We've had seven months of taking precautions here in Thailand , do you expect us to just let the virus in now ?

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5 hours ago, Sumarianson said:

It just means that Thailand have not been lying their hats off like other countries. In fact there has not been a single patient that died in Thailand whose death can be solely attributed to the Coronavirus Covid 19! They all had underlying problems. In other countries, every patient that appeared in the hospital or even died at home of known causes was logged as having COVID 19, whether tested or not. Oc course this attributed to the exaggerated figures. While I admire the Thai authorities for collating truthful information I do believe that the danger was and still is overstated. I do not believe we should be wearing masks and creating fear in the population

(which is the main theme here)! I further believe that the lockdown with the restrictions it imposed has done unnecessary long lasting damage to the Thai economy, its businesses and people a majority of which will never recover. 

There is a fine line between what is necessary to control such a virus and creating unwarranted fear and damage to an economy. I honestly believe (with a great deal of research I might add) that the world overreacted, politicians, doctors and officials of hospitals and government were complicit in exaggerating the danger, the figures, the lockdown they said was required and much more. To add to that they have now introduced draconian unrealistic measures on travel which will destroy tourism. The previous measures that were in place in airports, lining up, invasive searches, bottles of liquid no more than 100ml, no water? These measures had already convinced me not to travel unless absolutely necessary. Your holiday from your stressful year at work became even more stressful, so much so, that you were glad to be back home. I just don't go and stay home now or travel locally by car. These newest measures will not encourage travellers. Thai people may say now that they don't want foreigners, but when their pockets are squeesed and the prices of items go up they may have a change of heart. I fear it will be all too late then as foreigners just like most, don't want to go where they are told they are not wanted ( thanks to leaders like Anutin the mouth with his racist dirty Farang rant) unless of course you are a millionaire for whom there is always a false smile and a Sawatdee Ka.

Thanks for coming out.  555

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On behalf of all the single farang men continually travelling around Thailand enjoying the company of beautiful (non flesh industry working) women of many provinces: 


Thank you Thailand for allowing us to keep living the dream! ????


Keep those borders closed ????

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2 minutes ago, Nemises said:

On behalf of all the single farang men continually travelling around Thailand enjoying the company of beautiful (non flesh industry working) women of many provinces: 


Thank you Thailand for allowing us to keep living the dream! ????


Keep those borders closed ????

No need to gloat and show off , some people are stuck outside Thailand and cannot be with their wifes and kids 

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24 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

No need to gloat and show off , some people are stuck outside Thailand and cannot be with their wifes and kids 

Not “gloating” and not “showing off”. Just stating the facts for those traveling singles living in a Covid-free environment.  Obviously you’re jealous of those lucky single men who live the dream in Thailand. 

Let’s hope people who live in Thailand and those who have families in Thailand will all be allowed back in soon. 





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8 minutes ago, Nemises said:

Not “gloating” and not “showing off”. Just stating the facts for single men.  Obviously you’re jealous of men who live the dream in Thailand. 

Let’s hope people who live in Thailand and those who have families in Thailand will be all be allowed back in soon. 

Moving around and having many female companions isnt my dream , I prefer to stay in one place and have long lasting relationships , everyones different though , but its your dream , it isnt mine .

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The amount of covid tests done in Thailand is very small simply because people cant afford them and the government will never pay. And as we all know about saving face in thailand they will never admit anything or ho back on anything that makes them lose face So the death rates and the amount of people infected or not infected cannot be relayed upon and all the government has done is make people lose jobs and businesses as well as making them afraid of any foreigners which in turn turns to racism. The statistics around the world show countries with lots more deaths but these countries have had much more covid tests done. Look at the facts Thailand didnt close the boarders to china until 6 weeks after the outbreak

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1 minute ago, malthebluff said:

The amount of covid tests done in Thailand is very small simply because people cant afford them and the government will never pay. And as we all know about saving face in thailand they will never admit anything or ho back on anything that makes them lose face So the death rates and the amount of people infected or not infected cannot be relayed upon and all the government has done is make people lose jobs and businesses as well as making them afraid of any foreigners which in turn turns to racism. The statistics around the world show countries with lots more deaths but these countries have had much more covid tests done. Look at the facts Thailand didnt close the boarders to china until 6 weeks after the outbreak

Although everyone arriving from China was heat tested from late January .

I cannot figure the logic of Corvid tests and death rates , or are you saying that tests cause deaths ?

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24 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Moving around and having many female companions isnt my dream , I prefer to stay in one place and have long lasting relationships , everyones different though , but its your dream , it isnt mine .

When I’m very old and tired of having multiple girlfriends I might do the same as you.... yawn. 

Until then I’ll keep living an exciting, traveling life with numerous beautiful Thai ladies from many provinces.

Life is great in Thailand at present (compared to what it must be like in other, Covid-affected countries). 

Back to the topic..thanks again to those responsible for keeping Thailand Covid-free. Great job guys!!





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3 minutes ago, Nemises said:

When I’m very old and tired of having multiple girlfriends I might do the same as you.... yawn. 

Until then I’ll keep living an exciting, traveling life with numerous beautiful Thai ladies from many provinces.

Life is great in Thailand at present. Thanks again to those responsible for keeping it Covid-free!

You may never get tired of it , but you must be a handsome charming young guy who speaks Thai, to be able to travel around and find numerous females who dont work in the sex industry and have many short term "friendships" 

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6 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

You may never get tired of it , but you must be a handsome charming young guy who speaks Thai, to be able to travel around and find numerous females who dont work in the sex industry and have many short term "friendships" 

As an old man that you are, (involved in a boring, long standing relationship) be advised that these days there are numerous dating apps that allows singles from any province, to meet up. Plus translation apps are useful. Hope this helps educate you.

Noted that you only had the “sex industry” back in your days to meet new girls. That’s sad. 

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Just now, Nemises said:

As an old man that you are, (involved in a boring, long standing relationship) be advised that these days there are numerous dating apps that allows singles from any province, to meet up. Plus translation apps are useful. Hope this helps educate you.

Noted that you only had the “sex industry” back in your days to meet new girls. That’s sad. 

How old am I ?

You don't know, do you ?

Many of those girls on dating sites do require paying , I would even go as far as saying that most girls expect something in return .

  BTW , I have been in a relationship for six months and am happy and content with that .

How old are you BTW ?

You may be older than I am 

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7 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

Also, had the whole World acted like Thailand did, the pandemic would be over by now and the World would be Corvid free and we would all be back to normal .

Very frustrating. Idiots.




7 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

  Seven months into this pandemic and Western Countries still cannot decide whether wearing masks and social distancing is necessary or not .

  I see in Germany today  there is a demonstration about the right NOT to have to wear a mask!!!!!!!

Stupid and selfish.

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2 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

How old am I ?

You don't know, do you ?

Many of those girls on dating sites do require paying , I would even go as far as saying that most girls expect something in return .

  BTW , I have been in a relationship for six months and am happy and content with that .

How old are you BTW ?

You may be older than I am 

You posted that the only way to meet girls was via the “sex industry” therefore admitting that you had no knowledge of dating apps that have been around for how long? 15? 20? years. You must be old not to be aware of dating apps to find girls who do NOT work in the sex industry. 

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I said No which was the fourth choice.  The virus is dangerous to those who are old folk with pre-existing conditions but for the rest of us not so much.  Of course that may change...and that's the problem as we don't know the future.  Will it be like the flu.  Will it get really nasty like Mers.  We just don't know.   When we get to the end, if there is an end, we can praise or pillory the governments response then. 

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  •  Thailand has handled it extremely well.
  •  I generally agree, but there have been some overreactions.
  •  the hysteria has resulted in irreparable damage to the economy.
    the virus is not nearly as dangerous as generally believed.
    Take away the Yes/no's and I agree with all four points 
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25 minutes ago, Yinn said:

Very frustrating. Idiots.




Stupid and selfish.

Over by now! ???? Gee Prof Yinn, do show the scientific thesis to prove your point.


Yes the debate on masks is a good one.  I wear one when I am shopping indoors but don't bother outdoors.  A lot of Thai people do the same.

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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

What about all the deaths Thailand is responsible on their roads, 


Since January 

US road death 17,000+ (Covid 158,000+) ,

Germany road death 1500+ (Covid 9,000+)  

UK road 700+. (Covid 46,000+)



ZERO covid in Ranong! 

ZERO die. Good news.


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