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U.S. election will be Nov. 3 as planned - Trump advisers

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17 minutes ago, Tug said:

Don’t think Nancy would have created 40 million unemployed 155,000 dead 32%drop in GDP I know trump dident creat covid 19 nature did that beeing said trump created the response to the crisis Nancy would have responded much better imo

Stock market is humming along nicely. 

  • Sad 1
8 hours ago, heybruce said:

You will have chaos if you try to hold a traditional election with insufficient polling stations and poll workers.


You edited out my explanation, with references, as to why traditional in-person voting will not work, and why everyone is at risk or has the potential to infect someone at risk.


Mail in ballots provide a paper record of the vote.  Millions of mail in ballots may mean the count may not be done on election day, but it doesn't have to be.  Better to take a few extra days counting than to insist everyone put themselves at risk, or not vote, in order to get quick results.


BTW, even before the pandemic people were standing in line for many hours at some polling stations. With significantly fewer polling stations and poll workers it is certain that many, perhaps most, voters will be forced to wait in long lines for hours.  Many will simply give up and not vote.  I'm sure that is the outcome some people want.

Sorry if you think I edited your post with the intent of changing it's content.  Look, we just disagree that the system is prepared for mass mail in ballots.  And we disagree on the danger posed by in person voting.  If I edited it was to limit conversation to these two points.


I do agree SOME areas do a poor job of providing polling places and staffing is poorly done.  Long lines are unacceptable.  The answer IMO is to speak out to your local politicians to resolve the issue.  Perhaps moving towards more mail in ballots in future is OK but there isn't enough time now to get the structure in place.  Below are examples of failed primaries due to mail in voting issues.  





I just want to KNOW who won the election by November 5.  I do not want this dragging out causing even more division in our country.  While I have a preference as to who wins (who doesn't?) I prefer my side losing to a chaotic indecisive election.  The hanging chads debacle was a national embarrassment.  I'd like to show the world we can both hold peaceful elections amidst internal division and a peaceful transfer of power if that is the result. 







1 hour ago, jimmybcool said:

Sorry if you think I edited your post with the intent of changing it's content.  Look, we just disagree that the system is prepared for mass mail in ballots.  And we disagree on the danger posed by in person voting.  If I edited it was to limit conversation to these two points.


I do agree SOME areas do a poor job of providing polling places and staffing is poorly done.  Long lines are unacceptable.  The answer IMO is to speak out to your local politicians to resolve the issue.  Perhaps moving towards more mail in ballots in future is OK but there isn't enough time now to get the structure in place.  Below are examples of failed primaries due to mail in voting issues.  





I just want to KNOW who won the election by November 5.  I do not want this dragging out causing even more division in our country.  While I have a preference as to who wins (who doesn't?) I prefer my side losing to a chaotic indecisive election.  The hanging chads debacle was a national embarrassment.  I'd like to show the world we can both hold peaceful elections amidst internal division and a peaceful transfer of power if that is the result.

Hanging chads came from votes at polling stations, not absentee ballots.


Ramping up to handle a huge increase of mail in ballots is easier than trying to find and train enough poll workers (training in both election assistance and sanitizing areas after each vote) and arrange enough new locations for voting.  Remember that every new location means voters must be made aware of the new location.  Time is running out for that stuff.


I'd rather endure the wait of a few days to get accurate election results reflecting every vote than have people denied the right to vote.

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Trump is once again practicing the ideology of self-interest.  After learning that Democrats are registering more voters for absentee voting than Republicans, he decided that mail in voting in Florida is a good thing.  https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-encourages-voting-by-mail-in-florida-after-criticizing-it-for-months-183603540.html


It makes sense, he needs to votes of millions of senior citizens in Florida to win the state, and many are justifiably afraid to go to polling stations.  However there are also many seniors in Nevada, and he's threatening to sue that state to prevent mail in votes.  Clearly he wants as many mail in votes as possible, while also laying the groundwork for a claim of election fraud if he loses.



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"Voting by mail has become a controversial issue for President Trump's re-election campaign. He talked to chief political correspondent Jonathan Swan about his lack of confidence in the system in his "Axios on HBO" interview. Swan, though, countered Trump on some of his oft-repeated lines at some key moments. Example: Trump’s frequent attacks on mail-in voting as fraudulent. "



The whole interview  


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4 minutes ago, Tug said:

The market is wheezing along the fact remains under trump 40 million unemployed 32%drop in GDP now he’s trying to undermine the election as the old saying goes everything trump touches dies

It's just amazing despite all the things going wrong the market is doing better than wheezing.

  • Confused 1
  • Haha 1

I think its funny how you read about the candidates spend million of dollars in campaigning - Mindless TV advertisements.. Traveling to big rallies etc ..  


But the 'state / federal government can not have a well thought out and slick voting system in place .....  Its not as if 'voting' is a new thing is it .... 


When I come to think of it ... Is America not suppose to be one of the most democratic and 'free' countries in the world ? Why is not a 'world class' voting system  thought of as being a pr-requisite for a 'world class free democracy' ?

  • Like 1
Just now, rvaviator said:

I think its funny how you read about the candidates spend million of dollars in campaigning - Mindless TV advertisements.. Traveling to big rallies etc ..  


But the 'state / federal government can not have a well thought out and slick voting system in place .....  Its not as if 'voting' is a new thing is it .... 


When I come to think of it ... Is America not suppose to be one of the most democratic and 'free' countries in the world ? Why is not a 'world class' voting system  thought of as being a pr-requisite for a 'world class free democracy' ?

Oh the well thought out slick plan is all ready to go unfortunately the powers that be think it will work to there disadvantage they care more about power than American lives

5 minutes ago, rvaviator said:


When I come to think of it ... Is America not suppose to be one of the most democratic and 'free' countries in the world ? Why is not a 'world class' voting system  thought of as being a pr-requisite for a 'world class free democracy' ?

A question best answered by a Republican.  Anticipate the answer to bear a resemblance to the pool in the last scene of The Magic Christian.




"Trump claimed during the coronavirus briefing that mail-in voting is only safe if the governor is a Republican, like in Florida. "In the case of Florida, they’ve done a great job. They’ve been doing it over many years and made it really terrific. So for Florida, you can mail in your ballots. "



"President Donald Trump plans to sue to stop Nevada from issuing mailed ballots to all active voters, he announced at a White House briefing on Monday.

Trump had already threatened legal action earlier in the day, suggesting mailed ballots would make it impossible for Republicans to win there in the November general election."



"“The RNC now lists a total of 17 states where they and the Trump campaign are engaged in legal battles related to mail-in voting,” the MSNBC host reported. “This is a full, concerted effort by the entire Trump administration and, crucially, the Republican party … to undermine the legitimacy of the election.”"



Not a good idea to mail in votes. Trump will have the minion brought in to destroy the USPS slow delivery to a crawl, or they’ll simply disappear. 

15 minutes ago, RobFord said:

Not a good idea to mail in votes. Trump will have the minion brought in to destroy the USPS slow delivery to a crawl, or they’ll simply disappear. 

Love the fake news...

15 minutes ago, RobFord said:

Not a good idea to mail in votes. Trump will have the minion brought in to destroy the USPS slow delivery to a crawl, or they’ll simply disappear. 

if states set their own rules, may not be required to use usps, and the "mail-in" ballot won't necessarily be mail-in, simply not "in-person" voting.


could easily set up collection centers (personed with monitors from each party) where ballots could be dropped off over a period of a week ending on 7pm election evening.  daily pick up by armoured car of sealed containers on a regular schedule.  in that case, no ballots to lose in the mail, no smudged postmarks.


Could this be the real reason Trump is so against mail voting?  He wants more time to try and recover lost ground, but the sooner people vote, the worse it's looking for him:


  • Thanks 2
24 minutes ago, ballpoint said:

Could this be the real reason Trump is so against mail voting?  He wants more time to try and recover lost ground, but the sooner people vote, the worse it's looking for him:


If there are frauds, likely to be from these make or break battleground states that have Rep governors and Reps secretary of states who are responsible for the election administration. They may not count the early vote till after the election date and purposefully jammed up the counting and delay the results citing irregularities. This will be an election in which Trump and his lackeys will use their bags of dirty tricks to cheat to stay in power. Don is desperate.  

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"Two thirds of registered American voters oppose delaying the Nov. 3 presidential election due to the coronavirus pandemic, and more than half think President Donald Trump floated the idea of postponing it last week to help himself politically, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling released on Wednesday."


40 minutes ago, Opl said:

"Two thirds of registered American voters oppose delaying the Nov. 3 presidential election due to the coronavirus pandemic, and more than half think President Donald Trump floated the idea of postponing it last week to help himself politically, according to Reuters/Ipsos polling released on Wednesday."


Obviously, very few people still trust what Trump says.

Quotes from your link

"Asked why they thought Trump wanted to postpone the election, 54% of registered voters suggested they thought Trump was trying to help himself get re-elected. Some 42% said Trump “thinks he will have a better chance of winning if the election is postponed” and 12% said the president “wants to distract the country from the pandemic and the economy.”


Another remark, is that some are even more stupid than the other stupid people.

"Another 21% said they thought Trump was concerned about voter fraud, and 10% said Trump “wants to protect Americans from the spread of coronavirus at polling locations.”

40 minutes ago, candide said:

"Another 21% said they thought Trump was concerned about voter fraud, and 10% said Trump “wants to protect Americans from the spread of coronavirus at polling locations.”

" Donald Trump’s campaign says it knocked on over 1 million doors in the past week alone. Joe Biden’s campaign says it knocked on zero. Trump and the Republican National Committee, in contrast, started deploying mask-wearing field staffers and volunteers to the streets in June. The GOP quickly ramped up and now claims more than a million doors a week despite Covid-19 surges across the country, including in swing states like Arizona."



On 8/3/2020 at 5:15 AM, Kelsall said:

"Trump on Thursday suggested delaying the U.S. elections"


And once again, people took the bait.


On 8/3/2020 at 10:38 AM, EVENKEEL said:

Whatever the reason it's priceless to watch (hear, read} the dems falling over themselves to come up with the most far fetched claims of "what might happen"


Thank you Mr President.


And again - seems that for some of Trump's supporters the President's main role is to troll the opposition and the American people. Nothing better to do at the moment, apparently. On the other hand, maybe it's  actually a pragmatic take - after all, what could realistically be expected of Trump? Let's not raise that bar too high, now.

  • Thanks 1
On 8/4/2020 at 8:59 PM, EVENKEEL said:

Stock market is humming along nicely. 

What did trump do to make it humm along?

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