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TAT deputy governor dashes hopes of 2020 reopening for Thailand’s international borders


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1 hour ago, joecoolfrog said:

I dont disagree with anything you say but its not only about keeping Covid out , its also about supporting the economy.

The countries that will be least affected by this pandemic will be those who manage to strike the correct balance.

Doing nothing until the virus goes away or the entire world is vacinated is unworkable , the economic damage might cripple Thailand for a decade.

Caution I can understand but there needs to be a realistic plan to re-engage with the rest of the world.

And what is YOUR realistic plan to engage with the rest of the world?? That the scientists and politicians have missed that is ??

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47 minutes ago, ifeelitall said:

Every country in the world will eventually end up taking the Swedish approach. Those who do it willfully will emerge the quickest, and the least damaged.

A waste of 26 words. My crystal ball isn't tuned in to your response. As for the 'Swedish Model'. That lunatic country have gone entirely cashless. So they have relinquished control to governments and banks. Men are also punished for 'renting a girl' as well. And even if you can rent one you need to pay her with a credit card. That would look charming when the missus reads the bank statement hahah

Edited by Bangkocker
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The world has been changed forever, it will not be allowed to return to the previous paradigm even if they had a 100% vaccine out tomorrow. Thailands days as a top tourist destination for the world is done... its not coming back along with many other nations tourism reliance


A vaccine will not eradicate it, that isnt the aim, never been possible with any Corona or Rhino virus and almost certainly isnt with this one... 60% effective and antibodies with an undetermined effective time limit isnt immunity at all... living with another potentially dangerous virus is not a big deal, but its supposed to be because it scares people into doing and putting up with things they would never otherwise tolerate.. 


We were always going to end up having to live with the virus, its been well documented there would be one, the plandemic and global responses are working just as they are supposed to. 


People do not matter, agendas do. Never waste a good crisis 




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3 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

That last sentence says a heck of lot about you, indeed the last 3 sentences..


Sweden have taken their own path, they are not acting out lunatic conspiracy theories, theories that are completely impossible to be true.


Serious people are trying to balance their economies with the risk of the virus, it is absolutely the only way to go. 


You carry on buying David Icke books, someone has too cause even loonies gotta eat.

Oh really !! and your scientific and medical credentials?? which serious people ??  You mean the countries that are not disciplined to play steady as she goes with lives - and not economies. And thank your for your compliment about my last three sentences. Yes, let's face it tourism in Thailand attracts rabble like me and millions of others looking for some 'tenderness' - although I guess you are aged for the likes of tenderness and just settling for temple visits and some beer with your mates. The world will open up sooner or later mate. Just don't get into a pickle about the economies going down the gurgler  - as I'm sure everyone knows what is best for all.

Edited by Bangkocker
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4 hours ago, englishoak said:

The world has been changed forever, it will not be allowed to return to the previous paradigm even if they had a 100% vaccine out tomorrow. Thailands days as a top tourist destination for the world is done... its not coming back along with many other nations tourism reliance


A vaccine will not eradicate it, that isnt the aim, never been possible with any Corona or Rhino virus and almost certainly isnt with this one... 60% effective and antibodies with an undetermined effective time limit isnt immunity at all... living with another potentially dangerous virus is not a big deal, but its supposed to be because it scares people into doing and putting up with things they would never otherwise tolerate.. 


We were always going to end up having to live with the virus, its been well documented there would be one, the plandemic and global responses are working just as they are supposed to. 


People do not matter, agendas do. Never waste a good crisis 




Oh really, and who is responsible for this conspiracy?


How did they get every government, every professional doctor, every professional on virology in on this conspiracy?


What is the aim and who specifically is benefitting from it?


Sorry, but at every global event the nut cases come out of the woodwork saying things like "wake up people, do you not know whats going on?",,, or "it's the rich and powerful tricking us all",,


So we are supossed to believe that all the governments throughout the world have collaborated, or that every member of every government has been duped.. Utterly ridiculous...


Things are returning back to normal where I am, yes we still have some restrictions with masks and social distancing but people are taking cash for payments,, (wow imagine that) and you don't have to wear your mask everywhere. I think another 12 months, just my opinion of course.


A vaccine that is 60% successful absolutely makes an enormous difference,, how effective do you think most vaccines are? I know there are total idiots who subscribe to David Icke, this guy believes that the worlds rich and powerful are actually Lizard people and I recall very well he was interviewed on TV and told the world he was the "God head", not God but effectively the new Jesus...


He has made a really good living since selling books and holding seminars to idiots who are stupid enough to believe him... Well he had to because (believe it or not) he was a very successful TV sports presenter before he destroyed his career with his God head and Lizard people stories, so he went full conspiracy theory looney, he comes out with one every now and then. He does so, specifically at big global events. Soon after he will of course launch his book and there are plenty of his "enlightened" who buy it.. We will look back on this in a year or 2 and have a giggle at all the conspiracy theory nut cases..

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2 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Oh really, and who is responsible for this conspiracy?


How did they get every government, every professional doctor, every professional on virology in on this conspiracy?


What is the aim and who specifically is benefitting from it?


Sorry, but at every global event the nut cases come out of the woodwork saying things like "wake up people, do you not know whats going on?",,, or "it's the rich and powerful tricking us all",,


So we are supossed to believe that all the governments throughout the world have collaborated, or that every member of every government has been duped.. Utterly ridiculous...


Things are returning back to normal where I am, yes we still have some restrictions with masks and social distancing but people are taking cash for payments,, (wow imagine that) and you don't have to wear your mask everywhere. I think another 12 months, just my opinion of course.


A vaccine that is 60% successful absolutely makes an enormous difference,, how effective do you think most vaccines are? I know there are total idiots who subscribe to David Icke, this guy believes that the worlds rich and powerful are actually Lizard people and I recall very well he was interviewed on TV and told the world he was the "God head", not God but effectively the new Jesus...


He has made a really good living since selling books and holding seminars to idiots who are stupid enough to believe him... Well he had to because (believe it or not) he was a very successful TV sports presenter before he destroyed his career with his God head and Lizard people stories, so he went full conspiracy theory looney, he comes out with one every now and then. He does so, specifically at big global events. Soon after he will of course launch his book and there are plenty of his "enlightened" who buy it.. We will look back on this in a year or 2 and have a giggle at all the conspiracy theory nut cases..

vaccine is 60% successful¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Approximately 80% need zero treatment

With a 99%+ recovery rate without one


ill take my chances thanks


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3 minutes ago, Sharp said:

vaccine is 60% successful¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Approximately 80% need zero treatment

With a 99%+ recovery rate without one


ill take my chances thanks


look up the facts. 70% to 80% is ideal for the effectiveness of a vaccine, 60% still makes a huge difference. I think I will listen to the Professors of virology and vaccinations if that's alright with you. We are not talking about sports statistics when discussing vaccinations. 


I notice you made no effort to defend the "God head" or address any of those points ????


Did you buy any of his books?..

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25 minutes ago, Sharp said:

vaccine is 60% successful¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Approximately 80% need zero treatment

With a 99%+ recovery rate without one


ill take my chances thanks


If the vaccin is 60% succelfull , it does go in your stats also . This means 60% of those people cannot get infected or transmit it to others . The 80% is now on 40% of those where the vaccin didn't work , so for 1 million of people we talking about : 320.000 possible cases vs 800.000 cases . In the recovery rate is means 1% of 320k or 3200 cases vs 8000 cases .

But the bigger picture is not only the basic cases since theres more to it . The 600.000 of the 1 million on which it works do not transmit it to others , which means they can come in contact with a infected person and could go to another person , but now instead of just passing it on , nothing is happening . Any vaccine works like that , it is very rare that a vaccine works 100% ( only a few do ) , but it creates the so loved herd immunity , since infected people just cant come in contact with a person with they can infect and the disease goes away . 

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2 minutes ago, sezze said:

If the vaccin is 60% succelfull , it does go in your stats also . This means 60% of those people cannot get infected or transmit it to others . The 80% is now on 40% of those where the vaccin didn't work , so for 1 million of people we talking about : 320.000 possible cases vs 800.000 cases . In the recovery rate is means 1% of 320k or 3200 cases vs 8000 cases .

But the bigger picture is not only the basic cases since theres more to it . The 600.000 of the 1 million on which it works do not transmit it to others , which means they can come in contact with a infected person and could go to another person , but now instead of just passing it on , nothing is happening . Any vaccine works like that , it is very rare that a vaccine works 100% ( only a few do ) , but it creates the so loved herd immunity , since infected people just cant come in contact with a person with they can infect and the disease goes away . 

I may as well delete your post and file it straight in the special filing cabinet marked trash... You have absolutely no idea about virus statistics,, I am not an expert but it took me 20 second to see your summary is nonsense. 60% effectiveness does not mean 100% of everyone will be exposed to the virus and therefore 40% will get it...


It is far more complicated then that... For example, how widespread is the virus? How likely is it you will come across it, what %age of people who have had the vaccine will come in contact with it that would have caught it were it not for the vaccine.. bearing that in mind would a 60% of people shielded be enough to stop the virus spreading? 


Go and do some reading.. try again...

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On 8/10/2020 at 4:54 PM, Saint Nick said:

GOFUND for MILLIONS of people working in or related to tourism?

Yeah...I see, how serious you are!

WHY not, come on...don't give up...let's do this.  You will feel better.  A new found sense of purpose. If we all combine our retirement pensions we can help Manny, maybe not all but many.  You would be surprised. 

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3 minutes ago, mike787 said:

WHY not, come on...don't give up...let's do this.  You will feel better.  A new found sense of purpose. If we all combine our retirement pensions we can help Manny, maybe not all but many.  You would be surprised. 

And how long do you expect a one off payment of your retirement pension will stretch. Seriously?? Are you trying to enlist accomplices on this bottomless pit venture ?? How many selfless people do you expect to enlist??

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11 minutes ago, newnative said:

      I think we need to put posters like the one you have been sparring with firmly in the Lost Cause column.  Nothing you, or I, or others say will ever convince them that, yes, tourists do come to Thailand for something other than sex.  And, yes, tourists do come to Pattaya for something other than sex, too.  Just today, on another thread, yet another clueless poster stated that Pattaya only had sex to offer a visitor.  With covid keeping international travelers away, we are seeing Bangkok weekend visitors coming to Pattaya in fairly good numbers that are helping to sustain some of the businesses.  

     As a corollary, most of these posters also seem to be of the opinion that there are only western tourists--or, perhaps, only western tourists count.  How else to explain the many posters who insist that 2019 was a disaster for tourism in Thailand, despite the record numbers?  They weren't, apparently, seeing record numbers at their favorite western bar so, automatically, that translated to a disaster of a year for tourism.  Haul out the 'Pattaya is Dead' thread.  

    Just as an aside, my four sisters visited Thailand a couple years ago and they had a wonderful time.  They are still talking about their trip and they even made a little book of photographs and memories of the places they visited.   For a first-time visitor, Thailand has much to see and discover--I would have liked a longer visit so I could have shown them even more of Thailand.

I was going to respond with a rebuttal. But you and the other gentleman have bored me to such an extent, with your quest to deny reality and attempt to shame, that instead I'm going on-line to see as many red light districts in SE Asia - to awaken and invigorate me; from all the would be saints lurking in the undergrowth and stalking me. May I suggest you join me ??

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31 minutes ago, Bangkocker said:

And how long do you expect a one off payment of your retirement pension will stretch. Seriously?? Are you trying to enlist accomplices on this bottomless pit venture ?? How many selfless people do you expect to enlist??

If many can afford an airline ticket, beer, and cigs then you would be surprised.

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12 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

I may as well delete your post and file it straight in the special filing cabinet marked trash... You have absolutely no idea about virus statistics,, I am not an expert but it took me 20 second to see your summary is nonsense. 60% effectiveness does not mean 100% of everyone will be exposed to the virus and therefore 40% will get it...


It is far more complicated then that... For example, how widespread is the virus? How likely is it you will come across it, what %age of people who have had the vaccine will come in contact with it that would have caught it were it not for the vaccine.. bearing that in mind would a 60% of people shielded be enough to stop the virus spreading? 


Go and do some reading.. try again...

Sure it is more complicated then that , like you said , but saying a vaccine isn't working when its 60% effective and then rather take a chance not taking a vaccine is a much better answer ?

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On 8/11/2020 at 10:26 PM, paulikens said:


@from the home of CC but they don't have empathy for those around them on their roads. so swings and roundabouts. so call it a draw????

after travelling to over 40 countries I've never found anyplace that drivers had empathy for other drivers lol. You tube is just full of road ragers and idiots from every country in the world..

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On 8/10/2020 at 6:45 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Tourists stranded in Thailand, well no they are not, as they can go home on a flight that may be costly, or goes in a circuitous route, and they may end up in quarantine in there own home country, but none the less they can return whence they came.  It may be hard for them to understand that.  However, should they want to stay longer-term then they need to get an extension of stay unless they don't have the money, well then at that point it is time to go. Extensions can not go on forever.  

The PM decides that not you

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On 8/10/2020 at 6:45 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Tourists stranded in Thailand, well no they are not, as they can go home on a flight that may be costly, or goes in a circuitous route, and they may end up in quarantine in there own home country, but none the less they can return whence they came.  It may be hard for them to understand that.  However, should they want to stay longer-term then they need to get an extension of stay unless they don't have the money, well then at that point it is time to go. Extensions can not go on forever.  

Disagree. The potential for a sudden change in policy during these uncertain times is also a real possibility. In light of economic losses in the tourist sector, my personal opinion is the gov't will extend the amnesty to at least glean financial benefits from stranded foreigners. Thailand has absolutely nothing substantial to gain by encouraging tourists to leave by Sept. 26. 

Edited by Rockbottom
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On 8/14/2020 at 10:16 AM, Saint Nick said:


Are you a dairy- farmer?

Because that is some A-class BS!

Thailand didn't need their arm twisted for mask wearing, but it has nothing to do with "empathy"!

They were already wearing it, because the air in BKK or CNX was too toxic for breathing!

I am riding the BTS daily for 10 years: masks were NEVER a part of daily life and were not worn in abundance!



lol the air is fine in HH and when the virus hit in Jan. the whole town masked up. I guess there's a general embarrassment among first world nations who dropped the ball so badly that they to want to put down those who did it right. I read yesterday this cop boss in Florida mandating that his police force remove all covid protection inside (lol) a station. Or the UK government allowing travel without quarantine to vacationers only to rescind and require quarantine when they return. The US is still counting 1000 dead a day and the UK's infection rates are climbing again. You can't fix stupid...   

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7 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

lol the air is fine in HH and when the virus hit in Jan. the whole town masked up. I guess there's a general embarrassment among first world nations who dropped the ball so badly that they to want to put down those who did it right. I read yesterday this cop boss in Florida mandating that his police force remove all covid protection inside (lol) a station. Or the UK government allowing travel without quarantine to vacationers only to rescind and require quarantine when they return. The US is still counting 1000 dead a day and the UK's infection rates are climbing again. You can't fix stupid...   

@from the home of CC uk testing is going up 

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