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TAT deputy governor dashes hopes of 2020 reopening for Thailand’s international borders


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You have to wonder if the Gangsters running this country are far more afraid of a desease than they are of their own people ?  They can use terrible weapons of war against their own masses who may well revolt as time passes but they have no defence against this Virus and it could be that their own families and other 'Elite' types are telling them not to let Foreigners over the Borders as they are terrified of catching this Virus and it spreading through the 'Important' people !

Edited by trainman34014
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TAT have been running the new 'Amazing Thailand' ads on UK TV for about 3 weeks now. Obviously getting ready for the return of long haul flights to pre Covid-19 levels. 2023 according to most analysts and airline CEOs. You just have to look at the demise of the B747-400s and A340-600s that are being retired, A380s going into long term storage plus deferments of new B787s and A350s. 

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1 hour ago, GAZZPA said:

Why is it just because I don't agree with the "good ole USA" I must be a "Commi lover"? 


I will answer in brief, I wonder if you can see any value in the responses...? So for China and the virus,, the reason why this virus has spread so quickly all over the world is due to it's asymptomatic nature, if it was as easy as tracking sick people it may not have even left China.. I think there is truth about them hiding the true nature, however I don't know for sure, I guess it will take some serious unravelling after all this is over to know, but when did the USA ever need truth to act? (weapons of mass destruction anyone)


The Chinese are certainly guilty of many things, in our eyes no doubt about that, but how about the USA? (self appointed police of the world). Can you honestly say that the USA has never used it's military might to protect it's self interest masquerading as moral justice. Thousands of people are dead due to USA military,, thousands...


My view is this. China is not perfect but they are the new superpower, nobody can change that. The USA had it's shot like many Nations before it but it's Asias turn now which was rather ironically fuelled by Americas greed crushing their own manufacturing to exploit China's cheap labour starting decades ago. This "boycott China" nonsense is nothing more then the USA trying to take away Chinas power after giving it to them. The USA has a twitchy pooper because they know they will not be top dog soon so they do the good old trick of trying to scare the world on how terrifying it will be to have China as top dog. The USA are masquerading their actions (against China) under the guise of moral justice (enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong kong rights blah blah blah),,, Funny how the worlds number 1 economy is very selective about when it comes to using its toolbox for moral justice,, "the fight for freedom and liberty,, blah.blah,blah" (boll**ks). How about Zimbabwe? A few pointless sanctions whilst millions die. However muck about with our oil and by God we will crush your with the biggest military might on Earth (in the name of moral justice of course).. Time for a change in the world, bring it on I say.



"I don't agree with the "good ole USA" I must be a "Commi lover"? "



Nobody said that.


"I think there is truth about them hiding the true nature, however I don't know for sure, I guess it will take some serious unravelling after all this is over to know, but when did the USA ever need truth to act? (weapons of mass destruction anyone)"



Thank you for admitted that they hid the truth. That was exactly my point. They knew the virus could perhaps (not defiantly would) spread, but they are so afraid of their own people, they hid things from them and the world.

Regarding your non sequiter to WMDs, that was what was believed by many intelligence agencies (It is an entire thread if we wish to argue that point). It was not something that the US had internally and hid from the rest of the world.


USA (self appointed police of the world).  Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Sometime the world wants the US, sometimes they don't. My guess is that South Korea...oh wait, I don't need to guess as I have lived in South Korea for 20 years...is happy that the US stopped North Korea and China from their invasion. (And yes, I know the history). Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and others appreciated the "world place" after the 2004 tsunami, as did Myanmar after Typhoon Nagas.


Your last paragraph is not worth quoting. I stand with Hong Kong, I stand with Taiwan, I support the right of Uyghers to have their own culture, I stand for the right for the nutty Falun Gong religion to be nutty, and I support the Chinese people to throw Xi Jing-peng into the ash heap of history.


No, in my edit, I must address this stupidity.  "The USA are masquerading their actions (against China) under the guise of moral justice (enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong kong rights blah blah blah),,, Funny how the worlds number 1 economy is very selective about when it comes to using its toolbox for moral justice,, "the fight for freedom and liberty,, blah.blah,blah" (boll**ks). How about Zimbabwe? A few pointless sanctions whilst millions die. However muck about with our oil and by God we will crush your with the biggest military might on Earth (in the name of moral justice of course).. Time for a change in the world, bring it on I say."


"Enslavers, forcing abortion, Hong Kong rights"... You are for the first two and against the third...that says it all.  You speak of Zimbabwe, it was China that supported Robert Mugabe. Are you that ignorant?


Edited by JohnFlory
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57 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

Also, they are already gearing to allow working migrants back in, which I have no doubt, will have restrictions not as strict as tourists regards quarantine, for the simple reason they don't have the funds, Thailand needs the labour and they will make sure it comes in.


why, with the tens of thousands laid off from their tourism-related jobs?

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29 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Your personal beliefs are irrelevant.. This is about USA losing it's power, nothing more then that. My last paragraph is not worth quoting because you know it is true..USA throw their weight around in their own self interest, it has jaff all to do with fighting the moral high ground. I am not surprised you believe it, you are American, lots of Americans are blind to what the truth is. Anyway, it doesnt matter, USA does not have the weight to bully China anymore, and no other country is going to join a campaign to "crush" China economically...

Wait...are your writings not your personal beliefs? Why are they relevant, but mine are not? I've not asked if you are Chinese, and I do not care. 


China is a middling power to be sure. She shall spread viruses and misery to her own people and to others. The US, The EU, the UK, South Korea and Japan will stand together with some ASEAN nations to repel the government of China. We will support freedom in Hong Kong and Taiwan and hpoe that the good people of China will dispose one their vile, genocidal government and live in freedom.

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18 hours ago, Mung said:

If his prediction is correct, I wouldn't be surprised at all. It's a gross overreaction at this point, and Thailand needs to learn how to live with this virus just like most of the other countries have. Either they don't understand this or they don't have the capacity, resources and facilities to handle domestic infections 

They don't have the capacity to test every single foreigner coming into thailand.

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I keep getting this feeling that  those in power are relishing the chance to keep out all those nasty foreign tourists they have been made to welcome.

Most of the suffers in Thailand will be the general public, not the Elite, who have never cared how much others suffer so long as the are OK.

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11 minutes ago, JohnFlory said:

Who said Boycot China???


Asia is more than China.


Free Hong Kong! China is a repressive force. Xi Jing Peng looks like Winnie the Pooh. Trump is an idiot.




What are you talking about "Asia is more then China?" Are you getting confused, do you not understand what SE Asian countries mean? How about the Asean region?

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2 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:


why, with the tens of thousands laid off from their tourism-related jobs?

The Cambodians and Myanmar do the jobs the Thais won't do, eapecially fishing trawlers, offshore work, and canneries.

You and others who make that same statement don't seem to grasp that there are many types of jobs Thais will not do. You don't  need to bother with the  " Beggars can't be choosers " line,because they would sooner beg.

The Thai government knows this, why do you think they are  now fast tracking the return of migrant workers.

Also, many Thais chase work in the Middle East, Korea, Israel etc which they prefer and get much higher pay than Thailand.

Edited by Scouse123
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As many expats have expressed in other threads,  now is a great time to travel and enjoy Thailand.   I see all the IG babies posting travels to resorts with no one around.  It looks like the Thailand of 30 years ago.  I think the hiso are enjoying this time very much. Low traffic in BKK and more privacy at nice restaurants,  etc.    Any one o know in Thailand is getting back ti normal, school is open WITH N OUTBREAKS!! , school directors are back  to golfing and training trips with co workers.   Dentists offices are open and the docs don't have to take ti much risk even with foreigners because they have not been able to  travele recently.  Everyone but those in the tourist industry are happy.  Rice is growing  baring the flood die offs and needs for replanting.   Maybe taxis will not deny fares from thai people now.  Because its a fact they did in the past.  The proof is how you see even Thai people  ask through the front window when a taxi stops when it should be you open the rear door and get in and the driver is expected to use the meter and take you  anywhere you want to go, within reason.  Maybe not a 5 hour trip.    As it is the young people,  especially the educated ones and not going to stop protesting until they get some rotten wood out of leadership and a new constitution.    The leaders know an outbreak  now by opening travel would cause massive civil unrest and destruction.   

Sorry married expats but its not looking good for you.  Perhaps a faster reunion can be had by getting a visa for your family.   Im glad I started the K1 visa in Feb but I fear the usual 10 months has grown to 14-16 .  Perhaps our reunion will be on the west coast?  Or maybe in a nearby country.  I still say this was one of Tina's  best written statements.    Just look at how stupid the western leaders and populations look.  


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5 hours ago, jacob29 said:

It's more a question of what are they waiting for? A vaccine that might never come? The whole idea was to flatten the curve, and give time to prepare. Are the hospitals prepared now? They should be. It's unclear what the objective is.


The borders are porous, that's speculated to be what happened in Vietnam, Thailand suffers the same risk. I don't believe there's a massive under-reporting of active cases, but people are crossing the borders illegally, the virus will find its way in. Maintaining zero cases is a pipe dream, and a costly one at that.

I guess they are waiting/hoping for vaccines. A few vaccines from China/UK/US are in stage 3 trials, and some results will be announced in a month or two.  Finishing phase 3 trials successfully means that the vaccine is likely to be approved and mass production can start.


And is not only them waiting.

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21 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Tourists stranded in Thailand, well no they are not, as they can go home on a flight that may be costly, or goes in a circuitous route, and they may end up in quarantine in there own home country, but none the less they can return whence they came.  It may be hard for them to understand that.  However, should they want to stay longer-term then they need to get an extension of stay unless they don't have the money, well then at that point it is time to go. Extensions can not go on forever.  

For those tourist stranded in THailand..There are no international flights to take them home because there are nobody entering thailand. 

So it will cost them a lot of money to just go home.


I think Thailand needs to live with the virus and take precautions: MAsk, social distancing, covid testing. The quarantine is just a trick to collect more money from people coming in.

To be quarantine in Bangkok, it will cost you roughly BHt 100,000 at specified hotels  by the government.


Nobody in the right state of mind will go on vacation to Thailand and be jailed in a hotel room for  14 days at this high price.


The government is doing a good job blaming the infection on the dirty farangs. It is

the farangs that they need back into thailand .The chinese are mass production travellers..cheap and pushy.. The only thing the chinese tourists are doing is keep china town alive.


The quarantine must go away if they want to bring the tourists back and the 100,000 COVID-19 health insurnace totally useless.


Last the government must do a PR job to tell their people that the farang is what thailand need now. 


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22 hours ago, Xonax said:

The tourist accomodations have for many years been very expensive, as they are based on nothing else than what foreign tourists have been willing to pay. Now when there are no foreign tourists in Thailand, I expected that the prices would be lowered significantly, but unfortunately that doesn´t seem to be the case. 

I am in the market for at 5-7 day luxury beach holiday in the south in December, but most resorts are still priced close to what they were, before Covid-19 shocked the tourism industry in Thailand. I understand, that many resort owners have acquired their resort properties at inflated prices, which would only be profitable, if the foreign tourists continued to arrive like before. But now it´s time to lower the prices significantly to what the domestic travellers (including the many Expats) are willing pay, as some business is way better than no business. But will the Thais understand the market mechanisms, before it´s too late? I doubt it. I have a nice home and can just select to stay at home, until the prices finally will be regulated, which will also spare me the trouble, with informing Immigration about my whereabouts. 

Look on Agoda at See Seascape in Ao Nang , Krabi. Very nice new hotel , spectacular location , great options for island tours . Usually , its claimed , 4,600 bt , now 800 bt. Ive staid in similiar  before and expect to pay about 3k.

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