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Work Permit / B Visa renewal

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One for Urbon Joe, possibly ....


I have a friend that last year obtained a B visa and subsequently a work permit for a limited company he set up with his g/f, to run a coffee shop / restaurant ..... They have 2 emplyees ..


Business isn't good, and he can't afford to use the lawyer who set up everything up last year and was hoping to do everything himself this year....


So - does he have to leave the country and obtain a new B visa and renew his work permit (assuming the w/p lasts for a year) ?


or, does he extend the visa on the strength of renewing his w/p  ?


in either case, is it something he could do himself (with his Thai lady's assistance), and if so, any idea of the costs involved ?


tia ...

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8 hours ago, piston broke said:

he had 2 when he got his b visa and work permit .......

Does he still have a 90 day non-b visa entry from a multiple entry visa that allows unlimited 90 day entries for a year from the date of issue.

Or does he have a one year extension of stay based upon working. To apply for that extension requires 4 Thai employees.

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12 minutes ago, piston broke said:

the former ....


He can only apply for an extension of stay based upon working since he cannot apply for a new visa at nearby embassy or consulate or do a border hop for a new 90 day entry.

General requirements for the extension is on this page by clicking on number 1. https://www.immigration.go.th/en/?p=14714

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12 hours ago, piston broke said:
13 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

He needs 4 employees.

he had 2 when he got his b visa and work permit .......

I would say try it as-is - see if Immigration demands to see proof of the 1:4 ratio - assuming he still has a valid work-permit and all other criteria being met.

If they block the application, then remaining options are Volunteer or Ed via an agent - unless he gets married quickly to his g/f.

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   If he's under a non-b visa, assuming it is still valid (not extended through amnesty) and work permit valid as well, he would need to do an extension of stay based on work permit, I wouldn't advise getting another non-b visa as getting out of the country and back in at this time will be difficult and incredibly expensive.

   I would not advise him to try to do it himself, I can understand it is expensive, but the other way may end up more expensive and likely to fail. Now there are some points to consider here, as rules for work permit extension have become more and more strict (based on my own experience, I have my own company with work permit extensions for 8 years)


  1) He needs 4 thai employees 

  2) Company audit of the previous year need to be in order, and personal income tax filing in order. Finances will be examined thoroughly, they are likely to accept a work permit extension only if the company is profitable (in my case they want to see profit above the non-taxable amount and that the company pays some corporate taxes). 

  3) They may give less than 1 year (upon my first work permit extension, they gave me only 6 months, because they wanted to see the company audit which had to be filed end of may in order to give more, so now my visa & work permit renewals are out of sync of 6 months)


  If business is not doing well, and paying a lawyer to do the paperwork is too expensive, another option should maybe be considered (ED visa, or other, but that will not give any right to work)

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