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Michelle Obama launches scathing attack on Trump's leadership, says Biden will end the chaos


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4 minutes ago, Sujo said:

Implying is not the same as making it very clear. Stop digging.


He was condidering, after receiving advice, thats what intelligent people do.


He never made anything clear about the vp had to be a black female.



Oh like it was a big surprise?  LOL. Come on, the entire world knew.

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17 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

If by some miracle, Biden wins he will be the only US President with Velcro on his shoes instead of shoelaces.


What most the Democrats and Liberals don't seem to get, is most Republicans don't love Trump either.  We would prefer someone better than Trump.


However, there currently is no one better (unless Trey Gowdy decided to run).  So we support President Trump.  


When Obama won most Republicans despised him.  Be we sat back and supported him because he was the President.


Ever since Trump won the election in 2016 it is like watching 2 year-olds throwing tantrum after tantrum until they get their way.  It is pathetic.


Also the Democrats continue to send out what they consider their best, but they are really only Junior Varsity Players vs Trump is on the Varsity team for sure.  He will destroy any of them in debate.


The democrats still get confused with hard words, like "Illegal immigration" and "legal immigration."


I saw some post either here or some other thread about seperating kids from parents.  All criminals in any jail in world are seperated from kids.  You have to to ensure there is no sexual abuse. 


Also there is no proof these kids are actually with their real parents.  They could be human traffic suspects and/or victims. Nobody knows until DNA test are conducted.  


All of these border security issues started with Obama, but know one wanted to talk about it then.


I have to pay for my kids (born in USA) healthcare and college, but the Democrats want to give it away free to "Illegal Immigrants."


I can go on and on.




Yes please go with your disingenuous rant. No one better than a Trump who is not fit for office, lack the competence to be President who persistently lie and disregard the rule of law? You got be joking. Biden is miles ahead of Trump in all that aspects. He may not be the best that the Dems can offer but he is better prepared and has the temperament and competency to a better President than Trump. Trump's bar is exceptionally low. 


Trump cosy up to Putin and denounced his own intelligence agencies in full public display. His transcript with Ukraine President were evidence of his quid pro quo and he was impeached by credible witnesses to his abuse of power and obstruction of justice. If the Rep hate him so, they would not have acquitted him on those charges.


I am looking forward to the debates to see his incoherent and alternative facts being crashed. 


Dems too want strong borders but against Trump's strict immigration policies like child separation and deportation. Dems don't think a wall will solve all the immigration problems since most illegals come by legit air and land ports. You generalised on Dems will give away free to illegals. Please give specifics. 

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1 hour ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

When Obama won most Republicans despised him.  Be we sat back and supported him because he was the President.

Does the word "birtherism" ring any bells with you? And who was its most prominent proponent? Does the name Donald Trump ring any of those bells?

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8 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

I read this somewhere:-

"It's funny how most people who support Trump are exactly the people that Trump wouldn't be seen dead with socially".

But, then again, he also said that he loves "the poorly educated"

Well, he is a narcissist.

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12 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

I read this somewhere:-

"It's funny how most people who support Trump are exactly the people that Trump wouldn't be seen dead with socially".

But, then again, he also said that he loves "the poorly educated"

And only the poorly educated love him.

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2 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

Yes, I heard this argument before. 


Because there are no other university in the work except in New York and California.


Now who sounds uneducated?

45's largest group of supporters are non college educated white men.



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3 minutes ago, PoodThaiMaiDai said:

Yes, I heard this argument before. 


Because there are no other university in the work except in New York and California.


Now who sounds uneducated?

Obviously the people that support trump are uneducated. They use alternative facts. 


You may want to check the educated v the uneducated support for trump before you make another onnerous statement.

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1 minute ago, Sujo said:

Obviously the people that support trump are uneducated. They use alternative facts. 


You may want to check the educated v the uneducated support for trump before you make another onerous statement.

The post right above yours.

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8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Group was divided into education, race and gender. Trump wins big in white men non-college educated, loses all other white groups.

Trump loses in all other categories when you look at race/gender. He only carries uneducated white men. Hmm  . . .

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sooooooo, that's great, saying thank you to those that have done good works. Elect Biden she says. Lacking in the quotes you gave was a reason to elect Biden. I saw nothing about the future, about hope, about inspiration.

She should have said why Biden would be better than Trump, and I didn't see anything to convince me he would be. Don't forget I'm not a committed Trump supporter, as I supported Bernie over him in 2016 and would have done so again if he were the candidate. At least he had a vision of sticking it to the bankers.


You recently commented that you objected to the Democratic program because it was spending "other people's money". Sanders proposed far higher taxes and far more spending than do the Democrats. And yet you claim you would support him? Not believable.

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1 minute ago, rcummings said:

You recently commented that you objected to the Democratic program because it was spending "other people's money". Sanders proposed far higher taxes and far more spending than do the Democrats. And yet you claim you would support him? Not believable.

LOL. To the best of my recollection I said it was "bribing us with other people's money". IMO it was only done to gain votes, and not because it was the right thing to do. Some of the give aways are probably of benefit to some.

ALL politicians spend other people's money, and they live off other people's money. That's what governments do.

I can overlook Sanders wanting to spend more of other people's money if he stuck it to Wall Street, so I supported him over Trump who was never going to put bankers in jail. When they stopped Bernie, I could not support Biden instead. If Biden came out and said he'd put every banker responsible for 2007 in jail he'd have my support, regardless of anything else.

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5 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:



Perhaps the thing I support him on most, is that he hasn't started any wars and doesn't look like starting any. I also like that he is withdrawing American military from Europe and making the Europeans spend more to protect themselves.

You ignoring he would try to be an dictator? 


There is many ways to start a war, and trade embargos is one of those that leads wars, and if you know the history, you know very well how WW2 started. Thats why I say he is a dangerous leader, since he obvious do not know anything about foreign relationships, and what leads up to a conflict. Any coward can treatening and be big mouted, until someone starts fighting him back, and brings him to silence because it is consequenses by behaving so. He havent learned those limits yet, and thats why he is dangerous. 


Anyway, it is a brilliant way to get attacked (even I believe a war against China will be on a nutaral ground) and then call in Nato for help. There is limited how long you can be the worlds bully. 


You also forget the last war was started by a republican government, and somehow Obama got all the blaim for something they did not finish, and as well was started on a lie in first place. Pretty deleted huh. 

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